1. Minimize temptation, which operates the same way the house does in a casino. It will always defeat you if you expose yourself to it for too long. Think about cake or cookies at an office party. If they sit there in front of you, you're eventually going to succumb.
学习啦在线学习网 2. Push yourself to discomfort only for relatively short and specific periods of time. Interval training is built on short bursts of high intensity exercise offset by rest and recovery. It's harder than aerobic training, but it's also a more efficient, less time-consuming way to increase fitness.
学习啦在线学习网 减少诱惑。这个道理就像是把家安在了赌场里,如果长期身处其中,迟早会泥足深陷。再来想一想办公室聚会上摆着的蛋糕和饼干,如果你坐在这些美食面前,你早晚会缴械投降的。
3. Build energy rituals — specific behaviors done at precise times — for your most difficult challenges. Try beginning the day by focusing without interruption on the most important challenge in front of you, for no more than 90 minutes, and then take a real renewal break. It's much easier to tolerate discomfort in short doses.
Choose one area of your life and push yourself just a little harder than you think is possible every day. You'll feel better about yourself, and over time, you'll get better at whatever it is you're doing.
What do all people who achieve true excellence and consistently high performance have in common?
学习啦在线学习网 那些真正优秀,永远保持高水准的人都有哪些共同点呢?
学习啦在线学习网 The answer isn't great genes, although they're nice to have. It's the willingness to push themselves beyond thEir current limits day in and day out, despite the discomfort that creates, the sacrifice of more immediate gratification, and the uncertainty they'll be rewarded for their efforts.
Human beings have two powerful primal instincts. One is to avoid pain, an instinct that helped us to survive when we were vulnerable to predators in the savanna. The other is to move towards pleasure, an instinct that once kept us foraging for food, which was scarce, and still helps to ensure that we pass on our genes.
学习啦在线学习网 人类有两个强大的本能。一个是躲避痛苦,这种本能让人类在洪荒时期面对强大的猎食者,成功求生。另一个是趋向快乐,这种本能坚定了祖先对于稀缺食物的渴求,让人类得以绵延。
The unavoidable truth is that the willingness to endure discomfort and sacrifice instant gratification is the only way to get better at anything, and to achieve true excellence.