

时间: 楚欣650 分享

  自我介绍是向别人展示你自己的一个重要手段,自我介绍好不好,甚至直接关系到你给别人的第一印象的好坏及以后交往的顺利与否。同时,也是认识自我的手段。自我介绍是每一个职场中人都必然要经历的一件事情,只不过,有的人一年用不上几次,而有的人则一个星期可能需要做N次。众所周知,自我介绍是日常工作中与陌生人建立关系、打开局面的一种非常重要的手段,因此,让自己通过自我介绍[1] 或得到对方的认识甚至认可,一种非常重要的职场技术。

学习啦在线学习网   Hi everone,my name is ***,I am ** years old this year.I study in class ** of the ** school.I am a optimistic person. I often helping each other to classmate,we study together and improve together. We live in the same class collective, we are like the brothers and sisters each other. There are a lot of my interest,example:reading,watching at the film,play by ancient Zheng and so ons.....I especially like watching at the animation, particularly watching Japanese animation,the animation which I like is .This is about me,what do you thing?

学习啦在线学习网   大家好,我叫***,今年**岁.现就读于**中学,**班.我是个性格开朗的人,经常与同学互帮互助,共同学习,共同进步.我们生活在同一个班集体中,我们彼此就如兄弟姐妹一样.我有许多的兴趣爱好.比如:看书,看动画,看电影,弹古筝,等等...我特别喜欢看动画,尤其是日本动画片,我最喜欢的是<网球王子>.

  Let me introduce myself.(让我介绍一下我自己)

学习啦在线学习网   My name is ***.(我的名字叫***)

  My English name is ***.



  I am very interested in this match.

学习啦在线学习网   (我对这个比赛非常感兴趣)


  iti gives me great pleasure to be here.(来到这里非常高兴)thank you for giving me the oppertunity to introduce myself to you.(感谢给我做自我介绍的机会)

  i am ,and graduated from university.(我叫~,毕业于~)I am from ,as we all know it is a very famous summer resort,so welcome to my hometown!(我来自于~,众所周知那是一座美丽的避暑胜地,欢迎大家到我家乡来玩)Thank you for your listenning!(谢谢大家)

  I am sanguine. But I am very shy.


  So. I hope the adjusters to hold your hands for me.(所以希望评审们能高台贵手)

  If I can get into this match. (如果我能进入比赛)

学习啦在线学习网   Even though I can't do the best. But I will do everyting as well as I can..(就算我不能把每一件事做好,但我会尽力去做它)

  And if I am failure. I should to suck for mistake. (如果我落选了,我会吸取较训)

学习啦在线学习网   My introduce is to be over. Thank you.


学习啦在线学习网   Hello everybody, my name is xxx, very happy to know you and are proud and we spent a good junior high school life, I am a person who loves to make friends, hope you can be my friend. Thank you!

学习啦在线学习网   Hello everyone, I'm XXX, 12 years old, this year from hunan endowment xing, attended endowment encouraging city a loud, I like reading, painting and writing. Then, for our love, hope to become a member of our school. Because I believe to learn if he who does not advance loses ground. So I want to use my grades to repay the teachers and parents. Thank you! ~


学习啦在线学习网   Hello,everyone,my name is XX.And we are pleased to learn together.My interest is very broad,such as singing,reading,and so on.I like to make friends is a girl.I think the friendship is very important to us.Therefore,we are willing to pay my friend?

学习啦在线学习网   大家好,我叫XX.很高兴能和大家在一起学习.我的兴趣很广泛,比如唱歌、看书等等.我是一个很喜欢交朋友的女生.因为我觉得友谊对我们来说很重要.所以,大家愿意和我交朋友吗?