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  一批身为90后(post-90s generation)的大学毕业生将于今年步入职场,一些专家预测这信息一代将为企业带来不小的变化,同时为这些职场新人们提出了一些中肯的建议。

学习啦在线学习网   Wang Fengfeng was a graphic design major at the Communication University of China, Nanjing. She quit her job at a state-owned company after a two-month internship.


学习啦在线学习网   Despite an attractive salary Wang couldn’t stand being bossed around. Even the color of her stockings and the way she spoke over the phone was prescribed by her manager.

学习啦在线学习网   尽管工作待遇很吸引人,但王凤凤受不了整天被呼来唤去。就连袜子的颜色和讲电话的方式都要听从经理的指示。

学习啦在线学习网   “I like a more equal or friendly working environment. I would like to contribute my own ideas rather than only being given orders without the right to question them,” said the 22-year-old.

学习啦在线学习网   “我喜欢一个更为平等、友善的工作环境。我希望能够出谋划策,而不仅仅是接受指令,连质疑的权利都没有。”22岁的王凤凤说。

学习啦在线学习网   This year the post-90s generation enter the workforce. The Ministry of Education estimates that 6.8 million college graduates will leave campus in July. People are curious to see how smoothly this new generation will adapt to the world of work.

学习啦在线学习网   今年,90后们将走进职场。教育部预计,今年7月将有680万高校毕业生离开校园。人们正拭目以待,想看看90后新一代是否能顺利适应职场。

  Post-90s workers place more emphasis on “doing a job that they enjoy” than other factors, such as pay and conditions, according to a report by Zhaopin.com conducted last year. The report surveyed 7,261 post-80 and post-90 respondents.


  Post-90s hope to establish a relaxed working relationship on a more equal basis than their predecessors. They also rank personal well-being before seeking any achievement. More than half of the post-90 respondents prefer easygoing, mild-tempered and savvy employers. A surprising 10 percent wish to be “casual buddies” with their supervisors.


  Experts say that the well-fed, post-90s generation are children of the Internet era. They are well informed and unconcerned about the basic necessities of life. They have a stronger awareness of “self” and how they relate to the outside world.

学习啦在线学习网   专家称90后一代是丰衣足食的一代,是生长在网络时代的一代。他们见多识广,不再为生活的温饱问题而烦恼。他们有更强的自我意识,更加注重与外界的联系。

学习啦在线学习网   “They tend to care a great deal about team coordination or management culture in the work scenario,” said Tian Rumi, a senior human resources expert from Career International, a consulting company.


学习啦在线学习网   “They’re also more outspoken about their needs or wants, and like to openly negotiate with their employers.”

学习啦在线学习网   “他们可以更加直言不讳地表达出需求和想法,喜欢开诚布公地与老板沟通。”

学习啦在线学习网   Guo Youmeng, 22, is a digital media major from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. She says that she would not mind working long hours, but would prefer her supervisor to explain why she has to, such as the urgency of the task. “I feel greatly motivated in this way,” she explained.


  Most companies embrace the post-90s by tailoring their management styles. Shao Haisheng, an HR director from Ctrip, a leading online travel company, finds post-90s interns full of creative and daring ideas. They are willing to take the initiative, and are highly articulate, which makes for creative exchanges. “Instead of being rigid, we become more tolerant and try to adapt to the needs of each individual employee,” said Shao.

学习啦在线学习网   大多数公司选择“量体裁衣”,通过调整管理方法来迎接90后新人的到来。国内领先在线旅行服务公司携程网的人力主管邵海生(音译)认为,90后实习生有很多创新大胆的想法。他们积极主动,又十分善于表达,所以总能带来创新交流。“我们摒弃了古板教条,变得更加包容,尝试着去满足所有雇员的需求。”邵海生说。

  In fact, regardless of when you are born there’s an eternal struggle between personality and responsibility, says Wang Boqing, PhD, president of MyCOS Data.

学习啦在线学习网   实际上,不管你出生在什么时代,个性与责任之间的斗争是永恒的。麦可思数据有限公司总裁王伯庆博士如是说。

  He warns that students need to observe and respect rules, whether in the workplace or the world as a whole. Human society organizes itself around rules. “Before putting forward your own ideas, it’s important that you respect a company’s culture, rules and wisdom,” he advised.

学习啦在线学习网   他提醒学生们需要去尊重并遵守相关规则,不论是在职场还是整个世界。这些规则构成了人类社会。“先遵从一个企业的文化、规则和信条,再发表你自己的观点,这是非常重要的,”这是他对学生们的建议。

  Hong Chengwen, a professor from Beijing Normal University suggests newbies should not overreach, and should instead absorb skills like a sponge.

学习啦在线学习网   北京师范大学教授洪成文建议,职场新人不应好高骛远,要像海绵吸水一样学习技能。

学习啦在线学习网   Zhang Zhenhua, from the Asia-Pacific branch of US Morpace market research company in Shanghai, doesn’t appreciate their prevailing idea of “staying within their comfort zone”. This could mean that they have to sacrifice their personal growth.

学习啦在线学习网   来自美国摩尔佩斯市场调查公司,上海亚太办公室的张振华(音译)并不赞成90后中盛行的这种“温室里生活”的思想。这可能意味着他们会牺牲掉个人成长的机会。










