学习啦 > 学习英语 > 专业英语 > 商务英语 > 如何写寄汇票和承兑汇票信函


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学习啦在线学习网   小编为大家整理了如何写寄汇票和承兑汇票信函的方法,希望对你有帮助哦!


  兹向贵公司开陈这批货见票后60日付款、面额500,000元汇票一张, 请予承兑为荷。

学习啦在线学习网   We have taken the liberty of drawing on you today against this consignment for 0,000 at sixty days’ sight, which please protect on presentation.

学习啦在线学习网   我同函寄上由Axbridge的布莱克先生付款、见票后30日付款的面额为50美元汇票一张,请向付款人提出后请其承兑, 并予保管, 到期请将金额给我汇来。不胜感激。

  I take liberty to trouble you with the enclosed draft for , at thirty days’ sight, on Mr. Black of Axbridge, which I shall be obliged by your getting accepted, and retaining in your possession until due, at which time you can remit me the amount.

  我公司伦敦分公司开出面额300,000元的汇票一张, 兹同函奉上, 请承兑后寄还为荷。

  Enclosed we hand you a draft, 0,000, drawn on you by our London house. Kindly accept same and return.

  同函奉上神户Brown兄弟公司向贵公司开出的汇票一张, 恳请惠予承兑后并及时寄还为荷。

  Herewith we hand you a draft from Messrs. Brown & Bros., of Kobe, on your goodselves, which please accept and return to us in due course.


学习啦在线学习网   同函奉上由贵城三木银行付款、面额为500,000元的即期汇票一张, 收到后敬请告知为荷。

  We hand you enclosed a draft, value 0,000 at sight, on the Mitsuki Bank of your city, receipt of which please acknewledge.

  兹同函奉上以Robert父子公司为付款人、面额26.15美元的即期汇票一张, 用以清偿所欠贵方债务。

  Enclosed is a sight draft for .15 on Messrs. Robert & Sons, which clears off our indebtedness to you.

  谨同函奉上以George Bury公司为付款人、面额500美元见票后60日付款的第一联汇票一张, 请办理手续取款后, 记我的贷方帐户为荷。

  Enclosed you will receive first of exchange for 0 at sixty days’ sight, on George Bury &Co., with which you will please to do the needful, and credit my account accordingly.

  同函寄上五张汇票, 金额总计为5,620,000元, 详见注脚。

  Enclosed please find five bills of exchange, as noted at foot, amounting to ,620,000.