学习啦在线学习网 晚点了:behind the schedule 准时:on schedule 取消掉了:flight is canceled 推迟:delay 订光了:be booked 坠机:air crash 失物招领处:lost-and-found 行李寄存处:left-luggage
学习啦在线学习网 租约:lease 漏水:leak 建筑公司:roofing company 寒流:cold spell
学习啦在线学习网 电暖气:heater 电工:electracian 停电:black out 盗窃:theft 闯入:break into 搬家公司:moving company
学习啦在线学习网 十、POSTOFFICE邮局。
发电报:send a cable 超重:over weight ——extra postage
一、分类:A. spot(不常考):250-300字短文听写填空,10*1=10.
B. compound (常考):7个单词空+3个长句,0.5*7+2*2+2.5*1=10.
学习啦在线学习网 二、看,猜,听,记。看:scan,浏览短文;猜:联系空前后单词词组猜测所填词的词性;听:精听,认真;记:速记,通常记单词的前四个字母。最后检查,尤为重要的是语法错误。
学习啦在线学习网 三、听音时注意:
1.介词。连读对象 in:come in / get in;on:work on / get on;at:good at/ end at;of:kind of.
学习啦在线学习网 3.代词。连读对象,失去爆破:it:get it back-get i(t) back;them:beat them,like him.
学习啦在线学习网 5.同音。用语法检查:two-to-too,know-no,cell-sell.
学习啦在线学习网 6.特殊。连读中加音现象:just do it,see it
同化:could you ,get you ,略读:Good day!-G'day!
学习啦在线学习网 6.P2,98.1.P1,98.6.P2,99.1.P1,00.1.P1,00.6.P3,01.6.P3,02.1.P3,02.6.P2,02.12.P3.
1.主旨题。一般占30% A.在短文开头:例如在第一句出现topic idea/ theme等;
学习啦在线学习网 B.在短文末尾:例如末句有learn/convey/As a result…/On the whole…/In conclusion…/All in all…/Last but not least…等短语。此时应注意,而且答案一般不为陈述句,而带有must,should等说教意味。
学习啦在线学习网 一般围绕人物,事件,时间等有如下关系:
学习啦在线学习网 人事 时间 职业 地点
学习啦在线学习网 A偏于主旨细节题:例如出现according to…X/due to…X/result in…X/…X…result from/等一般问原因细节题,则答案关键在于文章中的X部分。
B目的细节题:有如:to X/in order to X/the perpose is X…等
C 异义解释题:有些词组出现时,并不代表其表面意义,短文中一般会接着给出解释。若无,则须背记带有异义的词组。
1.negative thinking
学习啦在线学习网 2.含有change的一般为正确答案:(一般只有一个选项含有该词义):/ alter/ postpone/ put off/ turn…into / convert/ transform/ modifye
学习啦在线学习网 7.找主线。短文都会有一个文章主旨,注意找寻其主题语言。
学习啦在线学习网 A.accompany(隐含乐器 piano)appeal to(与a pill的读音类似,而意为“吸引”)afar cry from (与…相差甚远)a must (必需的事物)all ears (形容听的很仔细)as…as…:as fit as a fiddle(像小提琴一样健康)and how!(表示同意)at a loss(不知所措)around the corner(某事情要来了)a phone call away(随叫随到,表示非常愿意帮忙)
B.beside oneself(几乎疯狂,表狂喜或大悲)break out in a rash(出麻疹)by and large=in general(总体来说)be done/through with=finish(完成)be in the dark(在黑暗中,蒙在鼓里,完全不知情)behind the schedule()bent on sth.=be supposed to do sth.(下决心做某事)believe it or not(信不信由你,一般否定)book up(订光了)
C.call it a day()cut down on sth.(削减,例如面包/开支)come down with(病倒了)come over(过来,到某人家里)cost sb. an arm and a leg(形容某事物特别的昂贵)cut it out(闭嘴)
D.die out(灭绝)drop sb. off(踩一脚)drop in on sb.(顺路拜访某人)drop at some place(顺路去某地)do with(用…凑合)do without(没有…也能凑合)dont look at me!(别指望我!)dont tell me!(你还说呢!形容情况更糟)drop sb up the wall(使某人发疯)
E.every so often(偶尔,偶然)=every once in a while
F.fall back on sb.(转而求助某人)fall flat(泡汤,告吹)be fed up with(对某事极度厌倦)finish up(吃光,完成,以…结束)for nothing(免费的)
G.get away with sth.(做某事(坏事)不受惩罚)get back to sb.(在和某人联系)get nowhere with(一筹莫展,毫无进展)get out of the wrong side of one's bed(形容心情糟糕,不顺利)go about sth.(开始做某事)go ahead with(继续)
H.have a way with(擅长某事)have the finally say(有最终决定权)have had it with sth.(处境好/糟)have one's hands full(某人总是很忙)head and shoulders(比别人高一筹)hold out for sth.(坚持要某物)hold up(耽搁了某事物)
I.I have seen worse.(表示同情)in shape(有型)out of shape(没型)in good/black/blue/no mood(有好/不好/忧郁/没心情)…in commen(共同的)in the middle of sth.(正在做某事)in vain(徒劳,白白)
K.keep an eye on sb.(监视,留意某人)see eye to eye with sb. on sth(在某问题上完全同意某人)keep to oneself(闷在心里)kill time=fool around=trainspotting(消磨时间)
L.lay off(裁员,解雇)light schedule(日程安排宽松)look sharp!(赶快!)look up to sb.(尊敬。尊重某人)
M.make ends meet(收支相抵)make it to(完成某事)make difference(有影响,有关系)make up one's mind(下决心)meet each other half way(妥协,互让一步)might as well do sth(倒不如做某事好了)move on to(进一步讨论某事)
N.now that=since
O.on earth(究竟)on edge(紧张)on short notice(一经通知就…)on top of(一清二楚,完全掌握)
学习啦在线学习网 P.place the call(打电话)play it by ear(见机行事,随机应变)put up with sb.(忍受某人)
学习啦在线学习网 R.reguardless of(不管,不顾)raise the roof(吵翻天)hit the ceiling(非常生气,暴跳如雷)rule out(排除)resign one's post(辞职)run out of(用完了,用光了)
学习啦在线学习网 S.see to(关照某事)slip one's mind(忘的一干二净)should know better than to do sth.(应该知道不去做某事)stick to(忠于…;坚持…)
学习啦在线学习网 T.take a rain check(改期进行)take one's time(慢慢来)take one's place(替代某人)the reverse is also true=vice versa(反之亦然)take sth. up(从事某事)
U.under the weather(身体不舒服,生病了)up in the air(悬而未决)up to sb.(由某人决定)
W.without fail(无一例外)
Y.You're telling me?(还用你说吗?)