学习啦在线学习网 M: Hi, Xiaohong. There is news about bankruptcies of some U.S. banks. It
seems the banks are subject to some risks in their operation.
W: Yes. Excessive interest rate risk can pose a significant threat to a bank’s earnings and capital base. M: Do you know the exact meaning of the interest rate risk? W: It is difficult to explain it in a few words. Let me see, eh… Generally speaking, interest rate risk is the risk arising from the change in value of
学习啦在线学习网 an interest-bearing asset, such as a loan or a bond, due to fluctuation in
interest rates. As rates rise, the price of a fixed rate bond will fall. As rates
fall, the price of the bond will rise.
M: So the task of control over the interest rate risk would be critical to banks, because the change in interest rates will affect the value of a bank’s
interest-bearing assets.
W: Right, but sometimes it is beyond the control of one bank.
Question: What is usually considered the cause of interest rate risk according to the woman? (D)
学习啦在线学习网 男: 嗨,晓红。有些关于美国银行破产的新闻。银行的经营似乎容易受到某些风 险的影响。
女: 是。过度的利率风险会威胁到银行的收益和资本基础。
男: 你知道利率风险的准确含义吗?
学习啦在线学习网 女: 几句话很难说清楚。让我想想,嗯⋯⋯。一般来说,利率风险产生于附息资 产,如贷款或债券的价格变化,其价格因利率的上下浮动而变化。当利率上 升时,固定利率债券的价格就下跌。当利率下跌时,这些债券的价格就上涨。 男: 所以对于银行来说,控制利率风险的仸务是至关重要的,因为利率的变化会 影响到银行的附息资产的价值。
学习啦在线学习网 女: 对。但有时不是一家银行可以控制局面的。
学习啦在线学习网 M: Professor Wang, would you tell me what would happen if a bank had
inadequate liquidity? W: There will be dire consequences, I think. You know that liquidity is a
学习啦在线学习网 prime concern in banking operation and a shortage of liquidity has often
been a trigger for bank failures. However, holding assets in a highly liquid
form tends to reduce the income from that asset.
学习啦在线学习网 M: It is known that cash is the most liquid asset.
W: Exactly. Cash is liquid but pays no interest. So banks usually try to reduce
学习啦在线学习网 liquid assets as far as possible. Without sufficient liquidity to meet the demands of their depositors, nevertheless, a bank would experience the
学习啦在线学习网 risk of a bank run.
Question: Which of the following is the key reason that liquidity is a prime concern in banking operation according to the conversation? (B)
男: 王教授,请问假如银行流动资产不足,会怎么样呢?
学习啦在线学习网 女: 我认为后果会很严重。你知道资产变现能力是银行经营重点关注的问题,流 动资产匮乏往往是银行倒闭的导火索。但是,持有流动性过高的资产可能减 少资产的收入。
男: 众所周知,现金是流动性最高的资产。
学习啦在线学习网 女: 确实如此。现金的流动性高但不获利。所以银行会尽可能地减少流动资产的 持有量。但是,如果银行没有足够的流动资产去满足储户的要求,就会遭受 储户挤兑的风险。
M: Diana, what do you think of the subprime mess in the United States?
学习啦在线学习网 W: I’ve heard of the word hundreds of times these days. As far as I know, it is
one of the huge risks caused by hedge funds, and the conflicts of interest
学习啦在线学习网 have led a lot of banks and companies, especially investment banks into
trouble. They are all the consequences of financial deregulation. Some people
学习啦在线学习网 commented that they would reverse field in time to prevent another 1929.
M: Some economic strategy has attracted a lot of criticism recently. They have
come into force in the name of free-market efficiency. People criticized
that some policies have replaced real productive innovation with financial
engineering and shifted wealth from families to corporations, and put the
entire American economy at ever greater risk. Question: What are they talking about? (B)
学习啦在线学习网 男: 黛安娜,对于美国的次贷危机你怎么看?
学习啦在线学习网 女: 这些天我已经数百次听到这个词了。据我所知,这是对冲基金惹的一场大祸。 各种利益的冲突导致许多银行和企业,尤其是投资银行陷入困境。这是撤销 金融管制产生的后果。有人评论说他们将及时调整方向,以免重复1929 年 的悲剧。 男: 最近有些经济战略受到许多批评。这些政策是以提高自由市场效率的名义实 施的。有人批评说某些政策用金融操控手段取代了真正富有成效的革新,把 财富仍家庭转移到公司,从而使整个美国经济处于高度风险之中。
M: Lin, our teacher told us today that all the loans made by a commercial
bank will be classified into five catalogs: normal, observational, inferior,
questionable, and losing. Now, I want to know how to determine which
学习啦在线学习网 catalog one loan goes to. Would you tell me about it?
W: Well, it is not an easy job. But it is necessary for the credit risk analysis. As far as I know, the credit risk classification is made according to the repayment
学习啦在线学习网 capacity of the borrower. If a loan is classified as inferior, questionable or
学习啦在线学习网 losing, it is said to be a bad loan. The bank will be required to prepare bad loan reserve and the banking regulators will do something for the loan.
M: I see that it is a measure to prevent credit risk.
学习啦在线学习网 Question: What is implied if a loan is classified as an observational one? (D)
男: 林,老师今天告诉我们说商业银行的贷款都会分为五类:正常、关注、次级、 可疑和损失。现在我想知道如何确定一笔贷款的类别。你能给我讲讲吗?
学习啦在线学习网 女: 哦,这不是个简单的事情。但对于信用风险分析是必要的。据我所知,信用 风险分类是按照借款人的还款能力确定的。假如一笔贷款被确定为次级、可 疑或损失,那么就属于不良贷款。银行就要预备一笔不良贷款准备金,银行 管理人员就有事可做了。
男: 我知道,这是防范信用风险的措施。
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