学习啦 > 学习英语 > 专业英语 > 外贸英语 > 外贸交际英语情景对话


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学习啦在线学习网   现在英语已经渗透入各行各业,想要一份理想的工作,一定要学好英语。小编在此献上常用的外贸英语,希望对大家有所帮助。

  外贸交际英语情景对话:Getting Customers 开发客户

学习啦在线学习网   Section 1 Speaking Invitation to Canton Fair


  Seller: Good morning, Mr. Smith. This is Mr. Wang from China. We got your name and address online. We noted your kites-buying information today. We are manufacturers of Weifang Kites. I hope you have interests.

  早上好, 史密斯先生。我姓王,来自中国。我们从网上得知您的名字和地址,并了解到您有购买风筝的意向。我们是潍坊风筝生产商,希望你有兴趣。

  Buyer: Nice to know you Mr. Wang. Surely we are looking for suppliers of Chinese Kites recently. So glad to get your phone call for this matter.


  Seller: Great! We can surely meet your demand. We are one of the biggest kite plants in the world-renowned Weifang Kite Capital City.


  Buyer: We are one of the most powerful wholesalers of kites in Europe. We wish to establish long term business relationships with your plant in the future.


  Seller: The same idea. We will offer you top-quality kites in excellent designs with competitive price then.


学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: Wonderful! We should negotiate more details further. I will surely visit your plant ASAP.


  Seller: The 111st Canton Fair will be held on April 15th, 2012. One purpose of my phone call today is to invite you to participate in this fair. New model kites will be exhibited on the fair.


  Buyer: Thank you. I will surely go if there is no unexpected event. It will be my first time to China. Wish to get your help and wish to receive your invitation letter for visa application.

学习啦在线学习网   谢谢你的邀请。不出意外我会到场的。这也将是我第一次去中国,希望贵方多多关照。此外,请给我发一份邀请函,以便在申请签证时使用。

学习啦在线学习网   Seller: I will send you the invitation letter tomorrow and I will arrange for your coming. I'll meet you at LiuTing Airport in Qingdao then. Please give me your flight No. and detailed schedule if you have.


  Buyer: So nice you are! I am sure we will establish the best business relationships. Wish we have a successful cooperation and get mutual benefits. I think we have a happy talking today. And so long time past. It surely wastes too much of your phone cost, I think. Sorry.

学习啦在线学习网   你人真好!我们肯定能成为最好的生意伙伴。预祝我们合作成功,互利共赢。今天的谈话很愉快,但这么长时间的通话肯定会让你损失不少话费吧?真是不好意思。

  Seller: This talk is excellent for value. I talk with you by Skype with almost no cost. Thanks for modem internet technology.


  Buyer: China is developing so fast! Look forward to meeting you soon.

学习啦在线学习网   中国的发展真是迅猛!期待我们的见面。

学习啦在线学习网   Seller: Contact me at anytime. Leave a message online. My Trade Manager Account: rongl23, MSN: abc@hotmail.com, QQ: 65578401.

学习啦在线学习网   你可以随时在网上给我留言联系我。我的Trade Manager 账号是rong123,MSN是abc@hotmail.com,QQ号65578401。

  Buyer: We are golden member of Alibaba too. My Trade Manager No.: goeurokitesll5. Add me as your partner at anytime. See you later.

  我们也是阿里巴巴的黄金会员。我的Trade Manager 账号是goeurokitesll5,你随时可以添加我为好友。下次见。

  Seller: Thanks. Keep in touch. Goodbye.

学习啦在线学习网   谢谢。保持联系,再见。

  外贸交际英语情景对话:Talking about the Price 价格谈判

  Section 1 Speaking talking about the Price of QQ Kites

学习啦在线学习网   谈QQ风筝的价格

  Buyer: Morning, I'm Smith from England. I'm interested in your elegant QQ kites. We need to import a large quantity of this product. Your exhibits and catalogues are attractive. Would you please give your lowest quotation CIF Liverpool, England?


  Seller: Welcome and thanks for your inquiry. Would you please give us your expected quantity? Large order will get a lower price.

学习啦在线学习网   感谢垂询。不知贵方想要订多少?买得多价格会有优惠哦。

学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: OK, could you give me an indication of the price first?

学习啦在线学习网   好吧,你能不能先给我们说个价位?

  Seller: Here are our latest FOB price sheets. All the prices in the sheets are subject to our final confirmation.


学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: I wonder whether you can quote us on CIF basis.

学习啦在线学习网   能否用CIF报价?

学习啦在线学习网   Seller: Yes. We can give you prices both FOB and CIF.

  当然,CIF 和 FOB 都行。

  Buyer: I want to order 10,000pcs of big QQ kites, please give me your best CIF offer.

  我方欲购买一万个QQ风筝,请给出最优的CIF 报价。

学习啦在线学习网   Seller: 10,000pcs of big QQ kites at USD11.00/pc CIF Liverpool, England, for shipment during July/August, 2012. The offer is valid for 10 days.


  Buyer: Why? Your price is too high and it is incredible!

学习啦在线学习网   为什么?你们开价也太离谱了吧!

学习啦在线学习网   Seller: I am surprised to hear you say it. As you well know, there has been a strong demand for new designed QQ kites and such a demand will certainly lead to increased price. Our price is more competitive than quotations you can get elsewhere.


学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: I don't think so. I must point out that some of the quotations we have received from other sources are much lower than yours.


  Seller: But you must take the quality into consideration. You know our big QQ kite is of superior quality and best design. To be frank with you, if we were not friends, we would hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.


  Buyer: You are right. Your QQ kite is in better quality and elegant design and only because we are old friends, we come to buy your products. You should cut your price at least by 10%. If you don't make any move, we might turn to other suppliers.


  Seller: Please don't rush to conclusions so quickly. The price of silk, nylon and other materials has gone up sharply this year. The price offered is competitive. All I am saying is that my price will not change; if I do, you won't accept it either, because the difference between us is so great.


  Buyer: But no matter how great the difference is, you'll have to move. Both of us move, and move together, right? It's impossible for me to move alone.


  Seller: All right. Just now, you said I should cut my price by 10%. Let's meet half way, how about 5%? Only because we are good friends, I give you 5% off the price. It's already a sacrifice on our part.


  Buyer: Thank you. In order to close the deal, I accept.


学习啦在线学习网   Seller: I'm pleased that we have arrived at the agreement. I hope we can do better next year.


学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: Surely, I'm also pleased to declare to place an order now. Could you tell me the minimum order quantity?


学习啦在线学习网   Seller: The minimum order is l,000pcs for 1*20'FCL. I suggest you order 1*40'FCL for a lower freight shipment.


  Buyer: Good. It's not our first business. I agree to order 2,000 pcs for a 40'FCL.


  Seller: Great! Surely we will have successful business and further cooperation. Wish you make a larger order later for more benefits.


  Buyer: OK. Thanks. Let's talk about the contract terms soon.


  Seller: I will send you a draft contract for confirmation tomorrow.

学习啦在线学习网   明天我会把合同草案发给你。

  Buyer: You are always doing a good job. Thanks for your effort.


学习啦在线学习网   Seller: Wish we have happy cooperation all the time. Bye.

学习啦在线学习网   希望我们能保持愉快的合作,回见。

  Buyer: Bye.
