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  外贸交际英语情景对话:Signing the Contract 签订合同

  Seller: Morning, Mr. Smith, glad to see you in our office. I'm so happy we have reached final agreement on our Chinese kite products after friendly negotiation.


学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: Morning, Mr. Wang. Wish to cooperate successfully with mutual benefits from now. I'm coming here to visit you for signing the contract today.

学习啦在线学习网   早上好,王先生。希望从现在起,我们能实现合作共赢。我今天来是为了签合同的事宜。

  Seller: Wonderful! I've prepared a draft contract. Please have a look and let us know anything you are not clear about.

学习啦在线学习网   太好了!合同草案我已经准备好了,请你看一下,如果有不清楚的地方请提出来。

学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: Thank you. (After going through it carefully) Well, there is something we should add to this provision: “If one side fails to honor this contract, the other side is entitled to cancel this contract.” Do you think so?


  Seller: Certainly. I shouldn't have ignored it. We should include this provision in it. Anything else you've noticed?

学习啦在线学习网   当然。我怎么把这给忘了呢。我们应该把这条加进去。还有什么问题吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: Quality is the most important item, but it is not so clear in our contract. We prefer a quality guarantee by sample instead of a simple description. And the quality certificate should be issued by SGS. Additional clause should be included in the contract: “Quality must be in conformity with the sample sent by the seller. Weight and Quality certificates must be issued by SGS.”

学习啦在线学习网   质量条款是最重要的一项,但是合同里并没有讲清楚。最好是有样品作为质量保证,而不仅仅只用简单的描述。质量证书应由SGS认证。还应该另外加一条条款:“产品质量必须和卖方所发样品一致。重量和质量证书须由SGS认证。”

  Seller: Just take care. We want to do long-term business with you, not only one time. Quality guarantee is also our most important effort. We agree to amend the quality item: “quality must be in conformity with the sample sent by the seller”, but if the Weight and Quality certificates are issued by SGS, we will spend more inspection cost. If you insist, it should be clear that additional fee of the inspection certificates should be responsible by the buyer. We suggest revising SGS into CIQ. Do you agree?

  等等。我们是想和你们长期合作而不仅仅是眼下这一次。质量保证也是我们最用心的方面。我们同意把质量条款改为:“产品质量必须和卖方所发样品一致”,但如果重量证书和质量证书都要经过SGS认证,我们就要花更多的检验成本。如果你方坚持如此,那么证书认证产生的额外费用应由贵方承担。贵方是否同意将SGS 认证改成CIQ认证?

  Buyer: OK. CIQ is also in good reputation. Just add like this: “Quality must be in conformity with the sample sent by the seller. Weight and Quality certificates must be issued by CIQ or SGS.”


  Seller: OK. Anything else?

学习啦在线学习网   好,还有别的问题吗?

  Buyer: There is one more thing to make clear. I'd like to know in case of claims, which institution in China will handle arbitration.


  Seller: Oh, suppose we have a dispute, we can resolve the case by submitting the dispute to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.

学习啦在线学习网   噢,假设我们产生了纠纷,我们可以提交中国国际经济和贸易仲裁委员会处理。

  Buyer: Arbitration should be settled by a recognized independent third international organization accepted by both the seller and the buyer.

学习啦在线学习网   仲裁应由买卖双方都接受的第三方独立国际权威机构处理。

  Seller: OK. I agree.


  Buyer: OK, I think we've got everything clear now. I hope we can sign it very soon.

学习啦在线学习网   好,现在应该没有任何问题了。希望我们能尽快签订下来。

  Seller: Thank you. We'll contact you as soon as the formal contract is ready.


学习啦在线学习网   Three hours later, Mr. Wang and Mr. Smith go to a hotel. They are ready to sign the contract with a conversation around a dinner table.

学习啦在线学习网   过了三个小时,王先生和史密斯先生约定在餐馆共进晚餐,并商谈签订合同事宜。

  Seller: We have finally come to this moment! I am so excited.


学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: Yes, I've been looking forward to it too.


  Seller: Each of us will sign two formal copies of the contract: the Chinese copy and the English one. Here they are. Please check it again and sign it here and here.


学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: (After some minutes of checking and signing) We've made it at last. Allow me to propose a toast to the success of our business and to our future cooperation. Cheers!


  Seller: Cheers!


  外贸交际英语情景对话:Talking about Claims 谈索赔

  Having found short weight of the linseed oil, Mr. Zhang, the sales manager of Weifang Oil and Fat Co.,Ltd. is asking for compensation to Mr. Green, who is the sales manager of Belgium linseed oil plant.


  Buyer: Mr. Green, we received your delivered 1,000 tons of linseed oil. We are satisfied with the quality but we are surprised to find that 80 tons short weight of linseed oil on its arrival.

学习啦在线学习网   格林先生,贵公司1000吨亚麻籽油已送达。我们对油品质量很满意,然而想不到的是,这次商品短缺了80吨。

  Seller: Really? How can that be? I am more surprised to hear that. Certificate of Quantity was issued by S.G.S, which is the most famous independent public recognized surveyor.

学习啦在线学习网   有这回事?怎么可能呢?我更想不到会发生这种事。产品重量是经SGS认证的,那可是最著名的独立公开认证机构。

  Buyer: But it's a fact that there is a difference of 80 tons between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight. We suffered a great loss for the first business!

学习啦在线学习网   但确确实实就是缺了80吨。我们第一次合作就遭受了这么大的损失!

  Seller: Don't worry. We will make a thorough investigation on this matter. This is the first time we have met this kind of problem during years of business. We surely compensate for your loss if it is caused by our party


  Buyer: Thanks for your cooperation. We wish to solve this problem by friendly negotiation.

学习啦在线学习网   感谢贵方的合作。我们希望通过友好协商解决这件事情。

  Seller: Certainly. According to inspection clauses in our contract, inspection must be conducted before shipment by recognized surveyors, who then issue certificates concerning the quality, quantity, etc. These certificates may be taken as the basis for negotiating payment. Upon arrival of the imported goods, an equivalent public surveyor should reinspect the goods. Should the quality, specifications, quantity or weight be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the order, due to causes other than those for which the insurance company, shipping company, airlines or post office are liable, the buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the seller on the strength of a survey report or inspection certificate issued by the public surveyor at the port of destination. Such a survey report shall be final and shall serve as the basis for filing a claim.

学习啦在线学习网   当然。根据合同里的检验条款,产品装船运输前须由权威的机构对质量和数量等进行认证,并颁发认证书。这些证书是协商的基本材料。对于进口商品,买方接货时同样需要权威机构进行相同的再认证。若发现产品质量,规格,数量和重量和订单所标有异,排除保险公司,货运公司航班或邮局等原因后,买方有权在目的港通过权威机构颁发的认证报告或检查证明对卖方发起索赔。调查报告应该是正式报告并作为索赔的基本材料。

学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: Yes. That means the exported goods should be inspected before shipment, and the imported goods should be reinspected after their arrival.

学习啦在线学习网   没错,也就是说货物装船前应该接受检验,货物到达目的地后应再次进行检验。

学习啦在线学习网   Seller: Exactly. Do you have any evidence for this matter?


  Buyer: Here is the inspection certificate from S.G.S, Qingdao branch, the same surveyor.


学习啦在线学习网   Seller: In fact, I trust S.G.S. very much. If the landed weight certificate is also issued by S.G.S., problems must have happened during the shipment procedure.


  Buyer: The shipment of our ordered linseed oil is in bulk and I'm afraid a leakage during long-distance shipment or a shortage when transshipment.


学习啦在线学习网   Seller: It sounds reasonable. But we have no evidence. There's another possibility of discharging. I will report this matter to our president at once and we will make complete investigations. We are most faithful supplier. Just take care. All will be clear then.

学习啦在线学习网   听起来是这么回事。但我们也没有证据啊。也可能是别的原因。我会立马向总裁报告这件事并立马组织全面调查。我们是最讲信用的卖家。稍安勿躁,真相很快就会浮出水面。

学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: We wish it to be solved by both efforts. In case no settlement reached, we will lodge a claim by arbitration.

学习啦在线学习网   我们希望通过双方努力共同解决这件事。为防无法达成一致,我们我提请仲裁。

学习啦在线学习网   Seller: OK. Let's stop here today. I will inform you if I have the result of investigation.

学习啦在线学习网   好,我们今天就先到这吧。调查结果一出来我就通知你。

学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: Thanks for your effort.

学习啦在线学习网   感谢贵方的努力。

学习啦在线学习网   One day later, Mr. Green comes back after a preliminary'investigation.

学习啦在线学习网   一天后,格林先生经过初步调查后通知了张先生。

  Seller: Morning, Mr. Zhang. The problem was out of the vessel. The shipping company admitted having found a very little hole on the oil tank after discharging. The shipping company expressed his apology for the loss by their carelessness. Our insurance company is consulting with the shipping company for relative compensation accordingly. How much will you claim for compensation?

学习啦在线学习网   早上好,张先生。问题是出在运输船上。船运公司承认在卸货时发现油罐上有一些小孔。他们对因自己的粗心大意造成的损失表示了歉意。我们的保险公司正就此事和船运公司商讨相关理赔事宜。不知贵方索赔多少?

  Buyer: Glad to hear that. By careful calculation, our claimed compensation is USD55,000.00.


  Seller: It would not make you suffer so much loss. Your claim of USD55,000.00 is unacceptable.


学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: In fact, the loss caused by short weight is more than USD55,000.00, but for the sake of friendship, we only lodge a claim of USD55,000.00.

学习啦在线学习网   实际上,我们的损失不止55000美元,我们是看在交情的份上才索赔55000美元。

学习啦在线学习网   Seller: What you said makes me confused. I don't know why you suffer a loss more than USD55,000.00. According to our contract, the price is USD620.00/MT, the short weight is only 80MT, your loss should be no more than USD49,600.00.

学习啦在线学习网   我听不太懂你说的话。我不知道你们的损失怎么会超过55000美元。合同上的价格是620美元每吨,可是缺量才80吨,你们的损失最多也应该是49600美元罢了。

  Buyer: But, Mr. Green, this difference can't represent our loss caused by short weight. As you know, linseed oil is selling extremely well in our market this month and we can't supply the goods our customer ordered. We will have to cancel some orders and make compensations. Added the profit we should get, USD55,000.00 is a lower claim.


学习啦在线学习网   Seller: Do you mean that your compensation to cancelled orders is your loss caused by our short weight?

学习啦在线学习网   你的意思是说你们因为取消订单而赔付的费用是由于这次缺量造成的?

  Buyer: That's the fact. (Taking lists of orders cancelled out of the drawer) We are faithful to compensate the cancelled order. We probably lose this customer because of short weight. Our loss is absolutely more than USD55,000.00.

学习啦在线学习网   这是事实。(从抽屉里拿出取消订单的买家清单)对于赔偿这些被取消订单的买家我们无话可说。我们就是因为货量不足才失去了客户。所以我们的损失绝对不止55000美元。

  Seller: I'm very sorry if that's the case. As a matter of fact, we suffered a great loss this time. We accept your compensation request and wish for your second order.


学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: Thanks for your quick decision, and your cooperation is highly appreciated. The second order will be placed as soon as the compensation is concluded.


学习啦在线学习网   Seller: This matter involves the shipping company and the insurance company. We will deal with this matter as soon as we can. Sorry for inconvenience caused to you.

学习啦在线学习网   这件事牵扯到船运公司和保险公司,我们会尽快处理。由此造成的不便请谅解。

学习啦在线学习网   Buyer: It is out of our control of both parties. But we can get some experience from this matter. A successful business is based on careful consideration. See you.


学习啦在线学习网   Seller: See you.
