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学习啦在线学习网   关于如何减肥的英语作文这样的话题,女生最喜欢了吧。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的关于如何减肥的英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!


  1. Eat breakfast.

  Skipping breakfast is a big no-no. Research shows people who don’t eat breakfast are more prone to overeating later in the day and have a higher incidence of coronary heart disease. Another study showed that eating eggs in the morning can help you eat less throughout the day.

  2. Slow down.

  It may sound obvious, but eating slowly and mindfully is one of the best strategies for combating overeating. Eating slower helps you feel full faster.

学习啦在线学习网   3. Use smaller plates.

学习啦在线学习网   The larger the plate, the more likely you are to overeat, says food researcher Brian Wansink. Most standard dinner plates are around 12 inches in diameter. Switch to a 9-inch plate and you’ll eat less.

  4. Pay attention to your emotions.

  You need to become aware of your reasons for wanting to eat junk food to understand why you overeat. For example, maybe you eat compulsively to make yourself feel better or to combat stress. Identify your triggers, and you’ll be more likely to create personalized strategies to deal with them.

学习啦在线学习网   5. Exercise more.

  Research shows that your responsiveness to food cues is significantly reduced after exercise. In other words, you’re less likely to want to indulge when you see a picture of a giant ice cream sundae.

  Not to mention the fact that exercise is a keystone habit that can change your life.

学习啦在线学习网   6. Choose nutrient-dense foods.

学习啦在线学习网   “Nutrient density” means the amount of nutrition packed into a particular volume of food. For example, you can eat a giant plate of broccoli to get the same amount of calories in a tiny cup of ice cream because vegetables are generally more nutrient-dense.

学习啦在线学习网   Steer clear of foods like sweets, cheese, and soda, which don’t offer a lot of nutritional bang for your buck. Choose healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, lean meats, healthy oils, and beans instead.

  7. Pack healthy snacks for when you’re on the go.

  Healthy snacks are an essential tool to help you avoid overeating. Studies show that snacking on healthy foods like almonds can help you avoid food cravings. So pack healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, fruit, and vegetables with hummus and take them with you to work, school, or other places you go throughout the day.

  8. Allow for one cheat meal each week.

学习啦在线学习网   Cheat meals are when you reward yourself for eating healthy by splurging on something you love. This doesn’t mean have a free-for-all at the buffet. But having one or two pieces of pizza is okay. Completely depriving yourself makes it much more likely you’ll give in to food cravings and overeat.

学习啦在线学习网   9. Plan for setbacks.

学习啦在线学习网   Implementation intentions help you plan for bumps in the road. The basic setup for an implementation intention is this:

  If this happens, I’ll do that.

  For example, if you find yourself getting stressed and reaching for a bag of chips even though you’re not hungry, write down the following implementation intention: “If I get stressed and reach for chips, I will grab a piece of fruit instead” or “If I get stressed and reach for chips, I will go for a walk instead.” This is a powerful strategy that uses proven principles of behavioral psychology. A little planning goes a long way.

学习啦在线学习网   Overeating can be a tough thing to overcome, but these methods will help. The more you can work to develop healthier habits, the less likely you’ll be to overeat. Take one step at a time, focus on the small wins, and you’ll crack this bad habit for good.


  In recent years, losing weight has become a hot topic in our life, especially in women’s community. However, losing weight has aroused people’s attention as many problems has appeared.


  There are many ways in losing weight. Some people lose their weight by persisting in doing exercise regularly. Some people take medicine to cut their weight. Furthermore, some turn to operation for help, especially the young. Therefore, all kinds of product have been sold in the market, such as special medicine, tea and equipment.


  It’s understandable for human to pay much attention to their good-look. However, many side effects have come into being when some people are losing weight. For example, some people have lost their weight by taking medicine, but at the same time, their digestion systems have been injured. Thus, we should pay more attention to our physical coordination when we choose the way to cut our weight.


学习啦在线学习网   In my opinion, doing exercise is the best way to lose weight. On the one hand, we can train our bodies by taking exercise and become healthier. On the other hand, our mind will be clearer if we do exercise often.

学习啦在线学习网   在我看来,做运动是减肥的最佳方法。一方面,通过运动我们可以锻炼身体变得更健康。另一方面,如果我们经常锻炼,我们的思维就会更清晰。


  During the Spring Festival, I ate delicious meal almost every day, so that my weight gained a lot and my body looked fatter. When I came back to school in the new term, all myclassmates are so surprised to see my huge body and round face. I finally realized that I must lose weight. And then I made a plan. To begin with, I must eat less for breakfast and supper than before. At breakfast, I drink milk and have a piece of bread and an egg. I have a bowl of soup and some fruits for dinner. I do not eat sugar anymore, because it will make me fatter. Besides, I keep doing exercises everyday. I go to running after school or play basketball with my classmates. At weekend, I often go to swim. After a month of hard work, I lost five kilograms, but it's not enough. I still have to stick to my plan and lose more weight to an appropriate number.

学习啦在线学习网   春节期间,我几乎每天都吃了好吃的饭菜,因此我长胖了很多,而且身材看上去更肥了。当新学期回到学校的时候,我所有的同学看到我肥胖的身材和圆圆的脸蛋都感到很惊讶。我最终意识到我必须减肥了。接着我就制定了一个计划。首先,我早餐和晚餐要比以前少吃了。早餐,我喝一杯牛奶,吃一块面包和一个鸡蛋。晚上喝一碗汤和吃些水果。我不再吃糖了,因为它会使我更胖。此外,我坚持每天做运动。放学后我去跑步或者和同学打篮球。周末,我经常去游泳。经过一个月的努力,我减掉了5公斤,但是这还不够。我仍然需要坚持我的计划,减掉更多以达到一个合适的数字。


  In recent years, the number of people who try their best to lose weight has been increased, especially female. However, some people are so desired to be slim that they get some disease. So there is no doubt that it is important to find scientific and functional ways to lose weight. Here are some tips which can be followed.

  First, have an optimistic attitude towards your weight and you should believe that after some efforts you will lose weight. Do not too long for being slim because it is a process and nobody can succeed during one night.

  Second, it is essential to keep on a diet. Going on a diet in a scientific way will do something good for your final goal. For instance, enrich the breakfast and eat less at lunch and dinner. Besides, eating some fruits and more vegetable is helpful.

学习啦在线学习网   Third, do regular exercise. Regular exercise will not only make you healthy but also provide you a good mood. Remember, doing regular exercise is one of the most important tips for losing weight.

学习啦在线学习网   So these are three tips for losing weight and they will do well in losing weight. If you follow them, you can achieve your final goal sooner or later.

  如何减肥英语作文三:减肥的正确方法 The Right Way to Lose Weight(897字)

学习啦在线学习网   People around me are talking about their weight, they always worry about their body shapes, they show me how hard they have been struggling with their appetites, when they want to eat, they just refuse to the delicious food. In my opinion, people should not depress their appetites, they need to eat when they are hungry. The right way to lose weight is not to refuse the food, on the contrary, people should eat it, but not eat over what they can bear. The person who doesn’t take in food when they are hungry will hurt their stomach, in the long run, when they eat food, they will get fat soon, what’s more, their bodies become weeker. Besides eating the appropriate food, people also need to take exercise, they need to do the regular exercise so that they can keep fit. The right way to lose weight can help people stay healthy.

学习啦在线学习网   在我周围的人总是谈论他们的体重,他们很担忧自己的体型,向我展示了他们是如何艰苦地和他们的胃口做斗争,当他们想要吃东西的时候,拒绝美味的食物。在我看来,人们不应该压抑胃口,他们饿的时候需要吃东西,但是不应该吃到撑。那些在饥饿的时候不吃东西的人会伤害了他们的胃,长此下去,他们一吃东西就会很快变胖,而且,他们的身体也变得更弱。除了适当的吃些东西,他们也要锻炼,人们需要定时做一些运动,这样才能保持健美。正确减肥的方法能帮助人们保持健康。


  There is no doubt that obesity has become a disturbing problem which is considered as harmful to our health. However, when it comes to the ways to fight against obesity, different people have different views. Some people think we could eat less so that we will absorb less, while the rest of them argue that we could do more exercise as well as eating healthily. Personally, I agree with the later one.


  The reasons can be listed as follows. Firstly, obesity comes form our unhealthy eating habit like eat too much high-energy food, which leads to the accumulation of fat in our body. So, the first step to lose weight is to keep a good habit of eating healthily, and learn to control your mouth, keep yourself away from the high-energy food. Secondly, with most of us engaging in stationary work, we are deprived of the chances to exercise, which also contributes a lot of overweight. We could get up half an hour early in the morning, and do some exercise, and also do some simple sport during the break time in the workplace.


  In a word, a good habit is necessary if we want to have a good figure. I believe that after forming a good eating habit and exercising regularly, we can reach our goal of losing weight with our perseverance. Only when we keep on doing healthy diet and exercising, can we keep a good figure and keep fit.










关于如何减肥的英语作文这样的话题,女生最喜欢了吧。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的关于如何减肥的英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅! 关于如何减肥的英语作文1 1. Eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast is a big no-no. Research shows peo