学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语写作 > 英语写作方法 > 如何减少交通事故的发生英语作文


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  in these years, as the development of private cars, the number of traffic accidents has also been increasing, which cause a large amount of property loss and even lots of deaths. as a result, how to avoid traffic accidents has become an important social problem.

  from my own point of view, first of all, more citizens should be educated on traffic rules in tv programs, newspapers and other ways. following these rules can prevent many accidents from happening. second, the government should take more measures to encourage public means of transportation like bus and subway, which can ease the traffic pressure and protect the environment at the same time. third, all the drivers should be concentrated and responsible on the road for the sake of themselves and all the others.

学习啦在线学习网   in a word, only all of us make efforts can we hope to decrease the number of traffic accidents. we should go into action from now on.


学习啦在线学习网   With the rapid growth of the number of cars, traffic accidents grow at the same time. That is not what we want or expect, because it will cause great damage to our personal and property safety. In order to deal with this problem, some effective actions must be taken.

学习啦在线学习网   随着汽车数量的快速增长,交通事故的发生率也随之升高。这不是我们所期望看到的,因为这会引起很严重的人身和财产损失。为了解决这个问题,必须要采取一些行之有效的措施。

  To begin with, we must increase our traffic safe consciousness and abide by traffic rules, preventing hurting others or getting hurt. In addition, as to our governments, they should build the road more reasonably and make sure the quality of roads. Bad construction roads are one of the reasons causing traffic accidents. And the traffic rules breakers must be punished and educated to increase their traffic safety consciousness. Finally, for the car producers, they should try their best to produce cars of higher technology, safer and more intelligent.

学习啦在线学习网   首先,我们首先要提高交通安全意识,遵守交通交规,保护我们自己伤害也不被他人伤害。此外,对于政府部门来说,他们应该更合理地规划和建设道路,并保证道路的质量。糟糕的路况也是交通事故发生的一个主要原因。至于不遵守交通规则的人,则要收到惩罚并接受教育,增强他们的交通安全意识。最后,汽车生产商应该尽其所能地生产更高科技、更安全、更智能的汽车。

  All in all, reducing traffic accidents is our priority that must be solved and all of us own the responsibility to protect ourselves and others from car accidents. Only in this way can we live a delightful life.



  The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to make all young drivers complete a safe driving education course before bEing licensed to drive.

  Traffic accident is one of human beings’ fatal enemies. The major cause for traffic accidents is lack of safety awareness. Therefore to complete a safety driving education course is a very important way to reduce the number of traffic accidents.

  However, the key point for this issue is people’s awareness towards safety. It is a long-term goal rather than a single course for safety driving.

  Actually, the safe driving education course has already been undertaken in China. To get the driving licenses, people should attend a one-month training for traffic rules and pass the examination on regulation before they take further on-road examination. During the traffic rules training, the lecturers re-stress several times the critical role of safety in driving. During the on-road exercises, the coaches emphasize repeatedly the importance of safety in daily driving. Further, during the examination, most of the students get high marks, which indicate that they are really well equipped with all safety knowledge. However, safety related traffic accidents still occur and the peace-breakers are not only young people, but also the middle-aged and experienced.

  Safe driving education is a long-term commitment and should be carried out with a regular basis. Many cities, which have implemented the quarterly safety training for those already obtained driving license, have made remarkable achievements. Their approach should be followed and gradually spread out all over the country. Only by this way can people build up their self-conscience for safety driving; only by this way can people pay enough attention to their daily driving work and only by this way can people reduce safety-related traffic accident fundamentally.

  In short, the best way to reduce the number of traffic accident is to enhance people's awareness towards safety driving. A single safety driving educational course will not help too much.


  a traffic accident

学习啦在线学习网   one night mr lee was driving his wife home from work.she was a nurse in a hospital.it was almost midnight and she was quite tired out.she soon fell asleep.mr lee looked at her and smiled.

学习啦在线学习网   mr lee was a careful and experienced driver.he knew it was safer to drive slowly on a dark night.after some time he noticed a car following him.it was travelling very fast.suddenly it overtook① his car.

  the driver of the car was in a hurry.he did not see the approaching lorry.to avoid hitting it,he suddenly tuned his car.it skidded② off the road and hit a big tree.the driver and his passenger were injured③ .they were badly cut by glass from the broken windscreen④.mr lee quickly stopped his car by the side of the road.his wife got out of the car to help the injured.the lorry driver also stopped to help.mr lee drove off to telephone the police .about twenty-five minutes later,a police car and an ambulance⑤ arrived.the injured were carried into the ambulance and taken to hospital.

学习啦在线学习网   the policemen took down details of the accident.mr lee and the lorry driver told them all they could remember.the policemen thanked them for their help.mr and mrs lee got into their car and continued their journey home.


学习啦在线学习网   ① overtake +uv+'teik] v.追上;赶上;超过

  ②skid[skid] v.(汽车等)打滑;滑向一侧

  ③injure['indn+] v.损害;伤害 the injured(事故中的)受伤者

  ④ windscreen['windskri:n] n.(汽车等的)挡风玻璃

  ⑤ ambulance['$mbjul+ns] n.救护车



  文章除了开头交待的时间外,后面只用了“after some time”和about twenty-five minutes later”两处表达时间顺序的词语,其他地方则是由动作发生的先后来表达时间顺序的,但读后让人感到文章将事件的前因后果表达得清清楚楚,没有一点含糊.

  注意学习其中表达紧张场面的副词,如 suddenly,quickly等.


学习啦在线学习网   traffic accident in our side to happen from time to tome, we should study well some knowledge to avoid traffic accidents.

学习啦在线学习网   first, we can't red light, abide by traffic order. secondly, tell relatives don't drive as drinking, safe driving. then, find road damage, inform relevant departments, early solve the problems. finally, an active part in social activities, protect our order society!

  that's my advice! i wish you a happy...


学习啦在线学习网   首先,我们不能闯红灯,遵守交通秩序.其次,告诉亲人开车时不要喝酒,要安全行驶.然后,发现道路损坏时,及时告诉有关部门,早解决问题!最后,积极参加社会秩序活动,保护我们的社会!




1.减少交通事故英语作文 关于交通事故英语作文



