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学习啦在线学习网   这类作文常描写一个地方或者某个人物,有时描述比较客观,有时则比较带有主观想象的成分。此类题目举例:The Most Beautiful Scenic Spot inHangzhou/My Mother/My History Teacher/A Nice Apartment等。2006年上海春考题“描述你的居住现状,并发挥想象力,描绘你理想中的家园”可以归在此类。下面就以“我心目中杭州最美的景点”为例进行此类文章的写作技巧点拨:

  Hangzhou is regardedas the paradise in China. It is famous for its West Lake,green mountains, winding streams andancient temples. However,the most beautiful scenic spot of the city in my eyes is Yunqi, a quiet place in thesouthwestern suburb.

学习啦在线学习网   Yunqi is famous forits bamboo woods. If you go there in the early morning or at dusk, when there are fewtourists, you’ll be amazed atits extreme quietness and fresh air. Taking a walk along the path, you’ll feel as if youwere in another world. And don’t forget to take some pictures, for the path is linedwith hundreds of tall trees,some of which are over 1,000 years old. Just imagine their growing there inSong Dynasty!

学习啦在线学习网   If you visit Hangzhou, you can evengive up West Lake,but don’t miss Yunqi. '

学习啦在线学习网   (140 words)

学习啦在线学习网   此文介绍了杭州西南郊的景点云栖。第一段简单描述了杭州之美,亮出了主题句,还简单介绍了云栖的位置。第二段是全文的主体,描写了云栖竹径和它的宁静,认为沿着竹径散步,仿佛身处另一个世界,这就是主观想象性描述。这一段还特别提到云栖的千年古树。最后以议论性的一句话作为结尾:宁弃西湖,却不可不游云栖,将短文推向高潮(climax)。这是一篇典型的描写文,同时流露了作者自己的偏爱。


学习啦在线学习网   看清题目,避免偏离

学习啦在线学习网   不论中文作文还是英文作文,审题都十分重要,这是不言而喻的。2000年以来高考英语作文要求都比较明确、具体,只要认真看一看,一般不应该有大的偏差,这与高考语文作文题不同。语文作文题有时仅仅几个汉字,例如:“面对大海”、“杂”、“忙”、“我想握住你的手”、“必须跨过这道坎”,甚至“他们”都曾经成为高考作文题目。仅仅一个“杂”字,初看不容易确定从哪个角度下笔。也正因为如此,考生才有发挥余地,答卷才会千差万别。英语作文题迄今还没有出现过类似情况。例如,在“天生我材必有用”之下,还有具体范围,使考生不会离题。但是并非没有出现过考生审题不当的情况。例如对于“礼物”这个题目,本来明明白白作了两点要求,但是仍有考生把“礼物”抽象化了,口头一句话也算一件“礼物”,笔者认为不当。又如“天生我材必有用”这个题目明确要求写“你”生活中一件事,不必从李白到陈景润去找例证。再如2008年全国高考卷I作文题,命题者已经提供了四个要点,其中第一点只需简单介绍自己的身份,并没有要求考生大谈如何开始对熊猫产生了爱好,以及保护珍稀动物的意义。同年全国高考卷II也提供了四点要点,可是有考生照搬背诵后记住的内容,大谈随着我国国际地位的提高,中文的重要性越来越强,学习中文的人数如何猛升等等,其实收信人并不需要知道这些内容。多数情况下,审题不当是由于舍不得花一点点时间看清楚题目,而这一点时间是不能节省的。


  A Good Deed I Did


学习啦在线学习网   记一件你自己做过的小小的好事情。只要是真的做过而且难忘的一件事就行。




  That winter afternoonthe teacher didn’t dismiss the class until 5:30 p.m. After I cleaned theclassroom and left school, the streetlights hadbeen on. Thinking that a pile of homework was waiting for me, I hurried home as quickly as mylegs could carry me.

学习啦在线学习网   Suddenly I came acrossan old lady with a stick in one hand and a book in the other, who asked me for the way to herfriend’s home. It was two blocks away in the opposite direction. However, I led her to her friend’s homewithout hesitation. As it was a new residential quarter and the old lady wasalmost blind, it took us about 30minutes to find it. After several mistakes,we knocked at the right door, and out came thehostess, also an old lady.

学习啦在线学习网   Both the ladiesthanked me repeatedly, saying it was God whosent an angel to help the old lady who lost her way. On that moment it occurredto me that they must be Christians,and the book was obviously Bible.

学习啦在线学习网   I’d have told them Iam a League member, but I hesitated.Instead, I said,“May God bless you both,” and ran home. (198 words)




学习啦在线学习网   写作技巧方面值得一提的是注重了细节的叙述。例如冬夜华灯初上,急于回家做作业的心情,以及老太太要找的地方正好方向相反,这些地方突出了事情虽小,却并不容易做到。另外,结尾比较含蓄,作者为什么犹豫,没有亮出自己的团员身份呢?留有余味,增加了短文的可读性。语言方面,没有难词,亮点有:as quickly as my legscould carry me/it occurred to me that/out came the hostess等。



学习啦在线学习网   If a Friend Has Lost aLot of Money, What Will You Do?


  If a friend has lost alot of money, I’ll be 1 s for thebad news. 2 Po he will have serious 3 fi problems. As a friend of 4 h, I’ll try my best to help him 5o. I’ll 6 q Horace, an ancient Roman poet, and say,“Remember, when the path of your life issteep, 7 k your mind even (平坦,平静).”“Everything will be allright, keep up your 8 co, and face the 9 ch bravely!” If it is necessary, I’ll lend or even give him somemoney. Surely, a friend in need is afriend.

  (93 words)