学习啦在线学习网 大多数学生在经过相关的培训之后对作文审题、内容和结构的安排、如何使用连接词来使文章连贯都能有比较明确的了解。但是这两项并不能保证学生能够拿到六分或以上。除此之外还要求学生用词准确,语法无误或少错误。而丰富的词汇和漂亮的句式则是帮助学生跨过到6分,6.5到7分的关键。
学习啦在线学习网 在和许多学生接触的过程中,我们发现很多同学去背诵一些所谓的雅思词汇却不知道如何正确使用,就会出现表达生硬,用词不当的情况。其实的所谓的难词、难词并不是帮助学生在词汇方面获得高分的决定因素,而是准确恰当,符合英语表达习惯的词汇和词组才是关键。
缓解冲突:不恰当solve the conflict修改resolve the conflict.
学习啦在线学习网 分析观点:不恰当pinpoint the argument修改analyse the argument.
分析事件:过分复杂anatomise(剖析)the issue修改analyse the issue.
致命疾病:不准确deathful disease修改deadly/fatal disease.
严重的问题:不正式terrible problem修改pressing/urgent problem.
光临店铺:不准确patronage the shop修改patronise/frequent the shop.
上升趋势:不准确an increase trend修改a growing trend.
学习啦在线学习网 要学会如何准确用词,首先要了解这个词汇、词组使用的语境,而不是望文生义的记背单词,然后按照中式思维,生搬硬套,胡乱搭配,往往出错。如何去恰当的用词呢?首先,阅读。在阅读一篇文章的时候,学生可以看到一些词汇是如何搭配,在什麽样的上下文中准确使用,在什麽语境下意思不同等等。唯有如此,才能完全掌握一个词汇或者词组的使用方法。
学习啦在线学习网 其次,阅读之后记下符合英语表达习惯的词组,也就是collocation。这是体现作者英文功底的关键。
学习啦在线学习网 比如说:存钱去做什麽事情?
学生常用save the money for sth。
但是通过阅读,我们会发现,英语母语使用者会说put moneyaside for sth。
而准确的表达应该是:academic performance/school performance。
学生第一反映总是:learn knowledg。
而这并不符合英语的表达习惯,正确的应该是:acquire knowledge。
学习啦在线学习网 所以学生要提高自己的雅思作文成绩,就不能按照死记硬背的方式来学习,而是通过阅读和熟悉使用一些地道的英语词组。这是任重道远的事情。
Nowadays there is a growing tendency that some traditional arts are disappearing far away from modern society. some people claimed that the traditional arts are outdated and not worth of funding them. In fact, they are the symbol of a country’s civilization. I strongly believed that government should support them in different ways.
学习啦在线学习网 It is a well-known fact that the traditional arts are the most basic part of a national culture. Learning the traditional arts is one of the best manner to study our own brilliant culture and splendid history. It is due to that arts reflects on the one hand the political values of people and their religious beliefs, emotions and daily activities on the other. Thus, government plays a vital part in supporting musicians, artists, and drama companies to stimulate their enthusiasm of creating and inherting arts elements. Then the different forms of arts civilized our nation.
Furthermore, in consequence of subsiding people engaged in the art field, government provide a reasonable wise for people to enrich their lives and spirit. It leads to their bodies and minds relaxed from hard working. Thereby, they fully concentrate on working and laboring efficiently. Obviously, the direct outcome is they bring lots of benefits and interesting to the nation Taking one with another, the reward is far more than the payout.
However, it is not the only way to backup the arts development via spending money. There are still so many different ways except that. For instance, the government should make policy that selective courses like drawing and music must be included in school curricular; the government should make propoganda in media in order to arouse the public interests in enjoying traditional arts; the government should sponsor the concerts, exhibitions and musium about traditional arts for free and as frequently as possible. In breif, the purpose is to give people more opportunities to get touch with traditional arts. The more people appreciate it, the faster the traditional arts promoted.
To sum up, it is necessary for a nation to develop his own traditional art. The government should strive to protect them in various ways. In the end, the country will definitely become more vivid and stronger than in previous time.