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学习啦在线学习网   1. In some countries, it is now possible for people to buy a wide variety of foods transported from all over the world. To what extent do the benefits of this development outweigh the drawbacks?

学习啦在线学习网   审题:在阅读这个题目的时候,千万不要把注意力放到分析进口食品这个事情上去。文章的论点在于人们买到全世界食品的这个现象,是好还是不好,而非进口食品的好坏。

学习啦在线学习网   2. Nowadays, many charities and organizations publicize their activities by giving names to a particular day, such as National Children’s Day and National Non-smoking Day. Why do they do so? What effects will these special days have?

学习啦在线学习网   审题:这个题目是比较典型的分析解决型的文章,但是题目所涉及的关于慈善机构的话题对于大多数考生来说还是非常陌生的,所以题目比较难。有些同学会把这个题目写成分析设立儿童节,无烟节的原因和影响上,这是不正确的。我们在审题时要对题目中“such as”, “like”, “for example”后的名词的上一级名词作重点分析,而非停留在这些例子上。就这个题目而言,考生写作时可以分为2段,每一段回答其中一问,对于题目中提到的这几个节日,在文章里可以提,也可以用其他类似的节日作为论述。

  3. Some people think that the range of technology available to individuals increases the gap between rich people and poor people, but other people believe it has opposite effects. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

  审题:该题目在科技类作文中属于比较新的话题,很多考生不知道如何定义the range of technology, 所以需要先明确文章的写作对象。因为是双边作文,所以在科技“会与不会”增加贫富差距上两个观点都要进行探讨,扩展“会”与“不会”的原因。“会”的方面,可以在富人更容易获得科技的便利资源和接受信息速度上进行深入分析;“不会”的方面,如技术会让穷人受益远远大于富人,这反而缩小了差距。如果还没有明白,我们还可以看:

  4. School teachers used to be the major source of information. However, some people argue that teachers are not as important as before because there are an increasing variety of information resources. What is your opinion?

学习啦在线学习网   审题:题目字面上来看并非很难,根据题目要求,文章宜采用单边支持的布局结构。但是我们在讨论问题时,应注意避免偏颇,因此我们在肯定教师的作用仍旧是不可替代的同时,也应该注意对立观点的提及,即认可现在各种信息的获取途径及其优势。而文章的论述中心还是要放在教师的重要作用上,并且强调教师是不可被取代的。

学习啦在线学习网   5. People think that a hundred years ago, the human race was steadily improving in every area of life. However, there is no certainty of this case. In which areas do you think we have made important progress nowadays? In which area do you think we still need to make progress?


  6. Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism? What changes would you like to see in the new century?

学习啦在线学习网   审题:有了上题的经验,很多同学应该了解了该题目在写的时候主体段宜采用何种布局方式了吧。其实这个题目在常规提问句之后还加了一个“展望”,这就要求考生在审题时不能只是表达赞同或者反对。就题目内容来说,赞同要更好写一些,因为人类在21世纪已经取得了很多的成就,比如生物,医疗,能源等,考生可以从当中选择几个来作为支持的论据去写。而在另外一个主体段中,大家需要对一些方面做出合理的展望,比如说希望人类在环境方面能够做得更好,在疾病预防和控制方面能再有所斩获,在维护世界和平,减少和防止地区或者国家间的冲突等方面有所改进等等。


学习啦在线学习网   题目:The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.


  1. I know that I can write a short introduction by paraphrasing the question.

学习啦在线学习网   2. I look for an overall trend. I can see that the food/drinks/tobacco category has the highest percentages, and leisure/education has the lowest.

学习啦在线学习网   3. Now I want to write two main body paragraphs. I need to select something to say about each country. Remember, there is no rule about what information you select; everyone will do this differently.

学习啦在线学习网   4. I look for the highest figures in each category: I can see that Turkey has the highest figure for food/drinks/tobacco AND for education/leisure. Italy has the highest figure for clothing/footwear.

学习啦在线学习网   5. So, I'll write a paragraph about Turkey and Italy.

学习啦在线学习网   6. My final paragraph needs to talk about Ireland, Spain and Sweden.

  7. Maybe I'll point out that Ireland has a high figure for the first category, Spain has the lowest figure for education/leisure, and Sweden has the lowest figures for the first AND second categories.

  8. I don't need a conclusion because I have already mentioned a general trend in point 2.


学习啦在线学习网   The table shows percentages of consumer expenditure for three categories of products and services in five countries in 2002.

  It is clear that the largest proportion of consumer spending in each country went on food, drinks and tobacco. On the other hand, the leisure/education category has the lowest percentages in the table.

学习啦在线学习网   Out of the five countries, consumer spending on food, drinks and tobacco was noticeably higher in Turkey, at 32.14%, and Ireland, at nearly 29%. The proportion of spending on leisure and education was also highest in Turkey, at 4.35%, while expenditure on clothing and footwear was significantly higher in Italy, at 9%, than in any of the other countries.

  It can be seen that Sweden had the lowest percentages of national consumer expenditure for food/drinks/tobacco and for clothing/footwear, at nearly 16% and just over 5% respectively. Spain had slightly higher figures for these categories, but the lowest figure for leisure/education, at only 1.98%.


学习啦在线学习网   1、内容(content)是否切题,立场(position)是否鲜明并得到有效阐释,结构(structure)是否有逻辑性。

学习啦在线学习网   2、文章的连贯性主要体现在段落与段落之间,句子与句子之间。

学习啦在线学习网   3、雅思写作取得高分的关键在于灵活地运用词汇,多使用非常用词汇,分数一般来说不会低于5.5分。因此,在日常学习中,如何区别低分词汇和高分词汇是关键所在。

学习啦在线学习网   4、句子结构的丰富性也是考官给分的一个亮点,好的段落应该由不同的句式组成,而不应该是千篇一律的句子结构。