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学习啦在线学习网   第一步:审题、确定立场、列出理由(最少3分钟最多5分钟)

学习啦在线学习网   要避免两个极端:(只需要在草稿纸上用英文单词或汉语列出各个理由,防止遗忘))用时太少,理由没有想清楚就开始写作,不仅造成文章逻辑结构不清,还会引起行文中频繁的修正,欲速则不达;用时太多,不要追求一次思考就能把每一条理由及相关例证都想出来。其实想出两条之后就可以动笔,各个理由的例证可以写到该段时边思考边写。这一点你不必怀疑,只要你的思维还是正常的,一定能做到。


学习啦在线学习网   a.各段写作时注意对段落的不同部分给予不同的重视。主题句给予最大重视,注意炼句,别说你不想写主题句,主题句可以使读者和笔者本人更清晰该段落写什么。各段中支持性细节写作不必遵循相同的模式。

学习啦在线学习网   有n种选择可供参考:


学习啦在线学习网   2.说对方相对缺点


学习啦在线学习网   4.使用假想例子



学习啦在线学习网   c.当被告知还有5分钟结束时,一般你已经该写到最后一条理由,或者已经在做结尾,要确保文章有结尾段。(不排除将他和最后一条理由的末段结合在一起的可能性。)

学习啦在线学习网   第三步:检查(需要1-3分钟,有侧重点地检查)


学习啦在线学习网   2.句法:确保每句话是完整的,有谓语,且简单句只有一个谓语。



  有的时候一个孩子带给父母的东西会超过父母带给孩子的,今天我们要看的一个作文题目就是关于这个的,原题目为:Parentslearn more from children than children learn fromparents,针对于这样的托福写作考题,我们该如何作答呢?下面请看小编带来的托福写作范文,希望对同学们的托福写作有帮助!

  范文 1:

  While children open the eyes of their parents tomany things, it is a specious claim to say that theyare the greater teachers. Children learn more fromparents than their parents could ever learn fromthem.

  First of all, children’s brains are undeveloped sponges and more receptive to learning thantheir adult parents’. Physiologically, the adult brain is less able to learn new things and more setin its ways; you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. On the other hand, children can learn newlanguages, do better at chess and the Game of Go, because their brains are open to learningnew concepts. They can think outside the box, because “the box” has not even been built yet.

学习啦在线学习网   Second of all, children who have educated parents speaking with wide vocabularies are morelikely to be successful and to master their native tongue. A study showing that smart childrenhelp their parents be more successful would be preposterous. For example, infants and evenolder children cannot teach their parents’ vocabulary at the same rate as their parents can teachthem, despite being able to pepper their speech with the like, totally awesome slang of the day.

  At last, we must admit that experience counts for something. There is knowledge and thenthere is wisdom that comes from having seen and done things. Children do not have the yearsof accumulated experience that their parents inevitably have. These “life lessons” are the sortof thing parents want to pass on to their children. In contrast, children are not teaching theirparents not to touch the hot pan or to look both ways before crossing the road—essential bitsof knowledge that most of us learn from our parents.

  The nascent brains of youth are more susceptible to learning from parents and we knowthat early childhood education has a lasting impact on children, just as we know that essentiallessons are passed from parents to children not vice versa. In summation, parents are thesuperior teachers in this relationship.