1. OK, I'd better quit now
学习啦在线学习网 so you don't have to spend the whole day reading my message.
I look forward to hearing more from you.
学习啦在线学习网 Take care.
我的朋友每次给我写邮件都是“飞流直下三千尺”,我现在才反应过来原来我的阅读能力就是这样训练出来的:)不过说实话,我很喜欢读朋友写的东西,他写的东西确实挺幽默,我经常一个人坐在电脑前一边读邮件一边哈哈大笑。朋友说so you don't have to spend the whole day reading my message说明他很“体谅”我,所以才说必须离开了,要不然他一直这么写下去我这一整天也什么也不用做了,光读邮件了:)其实我觉得用中文讲出来都已经没有原来的味道了,大家最好还是用英文的思维去体会其中的幽默吧!
学习啦在线学习网 2. That's all I can think of for now. I'll close with another email hug. Take good care of yourself.
学习啦在线学习网 朋友说今天就写到这儿,怎么结束呢?当然是来一个email hug hug是拥抱的意思,现在流行email hug 哟。怎么样,够形象吧?
3. I really enjoy conversing with you, and it will be fun to talk more often.
Take care, and good luck.
学习啦在线学习网 在结尾表达跟我谈话很开心,用了enjoy conversing with … converse 这个词大家应该很眼熟吧,对啦,它就是conversation的动词,不过我们平时用得少,看来还是得多学学native speaker的地道用词啊:)
4. I look forward to hearing from you again. Best wishes in your job search, and best wishes to you and your family.
Warmest regards,
这是一个很常规的结尾,表达了良好的祝愿。不过Warmest regards我们在课本上好像学不到哟!一般我们只知道Best wishes 或者是Best regards.
5. I guess I will quit writing now. I look forward to hearing from you again very soon.
Best wishes,
再一次看到了quit, 应该不陌生了。学会怎么用了吗?如果你要结尾了就可以说quit writing.
学习啦在线学习网 6. Please write again soon.
Best wishes,
学习啦在线学习网 这是最直接的提醒我尽快回信的方式。
学习啦在线学习网 I wish you the very best in the coming year. I will talk to you more soon.
学习啦在线学习网 结尾很自然地传递了新年的美好祝福。
8. I need to get to work, so I'll write more later. I look forward to hearing from you again soon.
look forward to doing 这个短语学习啦在线学习网非常重要,最主要是很实用,而且很常用。
9. OK, that's all for now. I've got to get some things done before going to work with Santa again today. I'll talk to you soon.
学习啦在线学习网 10.I guess that's all for now. I hope you will write again soon. Hearing from you is always a highlight of my day.
Take care!
用一个I guess显得很自然。还记得highlight 这个词吗?我们在信件开头中见到过,意思是“最精彩的部分”,如果你也这样写给你的朋友,告诉他/她收到他的来信是你一天中最精彩的、最重要的事,那么,你的朋友一定会非常的开心!试试吧:)
11. Do you get just as much or more celebrating at the beginning of the Chinese New Year? Anyway, best wishes and good health to you for the New Year.
I better get to work now. I'll talk to you again soon.
学习啦在线学习网 Take good care of yourself.
12. If you want to talk more about this controversy, let me know.
I look forward to hearing from you again. Take care.
用If you want to talk more about…let me know.告诉我如果我还想继续讨论上一次的话题尽管提出来,因为某一个话题可能一次是不够讲的。
学习啦在线学习网 13. OK, it's kind of late, so I'll quit for now. I have to go to bed to ensure enough sleep.
I hope to hear from you agan soon.
Take care.
学习啦在线学习网 OK, it's kind of late。我觉得这种结尾方式最简便了,无需更多语言,因为充足的睡眠当然是非常重要的。Kind of 的意思是“有一点“
14. Well, it's now 1:30 a.m. here, so that means it's 4:30 p.m. in Beijing. I need to go to bed so I will be rested for another day.
学习啦在线学习网 Take care! Ben
学习啦在线学习网 用相隔遥远的两个地方的时间这么一对比,觉得挺有意思的,反正我自己是很少算得这么准的,只知道我们这儿是白天,美国就是晚上了:)
15. Let me know if you have more questions for better understanding of our humor. I can help you with your training, particularly with the humor. That is something I'm good at.
Take care.
我的朋友经常都会很客气地用Let me know if you…这样的方式问我是否需要更多的帮助等。我当然是抓住一切机会多提问啦!因为问得越多,从他那儿了解到的东西就越多啦。
16. OK, that's it for the moment. I'll be looking for a message from you tonight, I hope.
学习啦在线学习网 Take care!
朋友没有直接说I hope you can write to me tonight, 而是很委婉地说I'll be looking for a message from you…,这种间接的提出希望和要求的表达方式很新颖哟,还有点不露痕迹的意思!用一下试试看:)
学习啦在线学习网 17. Well, since I don't have much to respond to this time, and since I have to get up early in the morning, I'll quit for now. I hope you had a good time with your friend.
Talk to you soon.
这里用两个since (表原因)来给这封邮件画上句号,很自然也很贴切。
18. OK, that's all for now. I need to get a little sleep before I go to the airport. Talk to you soon.
学习啦在线学习网 这里get a little sleep 用得很好,把sleep 当名词用,而且搭配动词get, 可以丰富我们过去单一的表达,如:I need to sleep for a while. 对比一下,哪一个更生动一些呢:)