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学习啦在线学习网   世界上有许多事情必须做,但你不一定喜欢做,这就是责任的涵义。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的一些英语范文,供大家参阅!


学习啦在线学习网   Each individual is closely related to and bears obligations to others--that is what we call social responsibility. In simple terms,social responsibility is the duty to ourselves,to our families,to our friends,as well as to the society and our country. It is important for us to strengthen the sense of social responsibility.

学习啦在线学习网   How can we do to strengthen the sense of social responsibility?As far as I am think,first of all,we should have more communication with our parents,learn to love and support them.Besides,we'd better care and help our friends or strangers when they meet difficulties.Only then can they help you in a useful way when we encounter difficulties. Last but not least,loving the motherland with the practical action is vital important.As a current university man,the best thing to do right now is studying hard and learning more knowledge.And we can better serve the motherland after graduation.

  Undertaking social responsibility can make life more harmonious,and motherland more powerful.Therefore,let's take our social responsibility and contribute to our society.


  my views on from competence to commitment

  Ernest boyer is correct to point out the problems that happened on students especially the college students nowadays.The undergraduate students have ambiguous feelings about their futher and other issues which concerns self-interests.They have to struggling to establish themselves just for compete in fast developing societies.But young people also admitted to confusion the matters of they pursuit for and meaning.As we recognized that economics and internet makes us more interconnected and closer, human communities shapes our thought have to share information for each other and burden the responsibilities that others suffered around. For example climate change or economic opportunity or the spread of nuclear weapons etc. These are shared challenges. And no one country or person can confront them alone.the fact is that man’s competence already being banded commitment closely in groups they live in.

  Therfore,these stereotype and narrow perspective obviously no longer adapted to the reality in such changing world.It is necessary to adjudge the views we hold in traditional thought,in the end the quality of college education asks their commitment for the people beyond himself.Now competence are mainly means willing to contribute to mankind as you can as possible.Based on the faction above,we believe that liberal education is the way to resolve this kinds of problems from competence to commitment.Because the value of humanistic care required to cultivate a larger vision that transcend himself to serve others even sacrifice.Only by finding a center beyond himself to fufill the obligations he was given. Because competence can not be understood without commitment,competence exist in responsibilities.On the other hand,if a good competence used to do bad things,not obey a correct side,it will be easy to fall in evil.So the commitment helps the man’s competence effectively avoids getting badly and used it for these righteousness things.


  做一个有责任心的人 通过看《超级奶爸》这部电影,我们能从谢恩身上看到他作为一名军人,做事总是一丝不苟,坚守自己的岗位,终于圆满完成任务。我体会到了人们做任何事情都应该尽职尽责,不能半途而废。 在学习中,我们应该对自己的学习负责,用知识充实我们的头脑,完成我们的学业;在生活中,我们应该孝敬自己的父母,尊老爱幼,做一些力所能及的事;在工作中,我们应该努力完成属于自己的工作任务;在社会中,我们应该积极帮助他人,使我们的社会更加美好…… 虽然我们处于不同的学习或工作环境,但是我们做任何事都应该自己想办法完成,不能老是想着依靠他人。同时,我们也应该对自己做过的事情负责,不管是对是错。 责任也可以彰显个人魅力,让我们共同努力,做一个有责任的人!

学习啦在线学习网   Be a responsible person By watching the film of" super dads" , we can see from Shane who is a soldier always be strict to himself and stick to his positions, finally complete the task successfully. I realized that no matter what people do, should be conscientious, can not give up halfway. In the study, we should be responsible for our own learning, using the knowledge to enrich our mind, and finally finish our study; in life, we should take care of our parents and the young, do everything in our power; in the work, we should try our best to finish our own task; in society, we should actively help others, make our society better ... ... Although we are in different working environment, but we should do everything independent, Instead of relying on others. At the same time, we should also be responsible for the things what we had done, whether it's wrong or right. Responsibility can also demonstrate personal charm, let us work together, to be a responsible person!


  Life and Responsibility

学习啦在线学习网   "An educated gentlemen cannot but be resolute and broad-minded, for he has taken up a heavy responsibility and a long course". This is an old saying in China. It probably mean, when we born, we must have ideal, and then we have a great responsibility. Life and responsibility of connection, just like water and fish. They all are inseparable.

学习啦在线学习网   A man came to this world. Let yourself have good life. Get a good development. Difficulties will not let you down. This is your own responsibility. Take care of our parents. Treatment your friend with good heart. Love who is around you. It is responsibility for the others.

学习啦在线学习网   It's can be said. Responsibility is relying on life. If you lose a sense of responsibility. Life would be meaningless.

  Life for everyone only have once time, for us it is the most valuable. The responsibility for us, is the most important in our life. Responsibility dissolve into life, follow us all the time.


学习啦在线学习网   Responsibility is a small seeds, once it sowing in your mind, with the passage of time, it will take root, germination. Before long, it will become young saplings and eventually

  become a towering trees. Through efforts, it will flower, adorn your life, final results, that is for your responsibility returns.

  When you abandon it, it always just a seed, When you're responsibility of giving up it, it will die, even give your life wipe on a haze, If you are in it bud blossoms, with pride pulled it, you will be in other people get fruit after regrets, want to place the new responsibility but have no time, more have no chance. If you persist align these responsibilities, efforts to caress them, your life will be rich and colorful.

  In this world, everyone carry negative his own responsibility. Responsibility, perhaps to yourself regulation, maybe someone else is the task given to you, maybe it's own work... Responsibility is varied, students have the responsibility, the architect has been learning builds a responsibility, a teacher teaching of responsibility, the writer has a writing of responsibility, even ordinary animals -- the crows have back-feeding responsibility. What responsibility? Or GuYanWu well said: "the fortunes of." This sentence has been guides countless healthyenterprise, become their whole life's creed. Do a responsible person, is the needs of the country, is the need of the society, is the needs of The Times, someone still take "the fortunes of a" instead of "the rise and fall, my duty." "I mean," should be duty-bound to shoulder to the country and the society's responsibility. How to responsible? The answer in covering era of portraiture. Tayu

  hydrogeophysical-remote "three had house without into", this is to millions of people responsible; Zhuge liang "dedicated, heart stopped beating", this is the responsibility of the whole shu, Numerous revolutionary martyrs shed their blood, and blood, after, this is the responsibility of the whole Chinese nation, The last time, "wipha" incoming, wenzhou civil-military fought bravely, and actively resistance to Taiwan, this is for the whole wenzhou people's life and property of responsibility.

  Every one of us should do a responsible person shall bear its undisputed unshirkable responsibility. Perhaps, as a student of our responsibility is not yet history, nor era of responsibility, our responsibility in family smiling face, on a day-to-day work, in the boundless learn the sea. But we understand duty, complete with responsibility.

  Responsibility, is a brilliant clinking flower, opened in everyone's heart, Responsibility, is a brilliant dazzling light, light everyone's heart. Responsibility is always promote human history, and create a human civilization is the only billowing wheel. Responsibility, in our heart.