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  英语专四大小作文满分加起来25分,能否顺利通过专四考试,作文占据着重要地位。要想作文获得高分,首先要给阅卷老师留下美好的印象。由于老师们阅卷过程比较枯燥,所以一定要使自己的文章在约1分钟的阅读时间内,迅速地在他们的脑海中形成较多的兴奋点。下面是学习啦小编整理的英语专业四级考试中高分作文写作步骤, 希望对大家有帮助。





  文章开头引用名人名言谚语或有代表性的看法见解来引出文章要展开讨论的一种观点,并明确自己的立场。 [Sample]On Making Friends As a proverb goes,a life without a friend is a life without the sun.It is true that everybody needs friends。so I find it quite necessary to make friends.


  对于某种社会现象、倾向或社会问题进行剖析的文章通常在文章的开始首先引出这种现象或问题,然后进行评论并提出考生自己的观点。 [Sample]On Children’s Education Chinese famlies are traditionally known for valuing the edu— cation of their children. M ost parents are trying to offer their children the best educatin,regarding it as their most important duty. It seems to me that there are three reasons for this,all of which are concerned with demands of modern life.. 3.对立法。文章开头首先引出人们对要讨论的问题的不同看法,然后提出考生自己的看法,或偏向的那个看法。此方法多用于有争议性的主题。 }Sample{I Prefer to Live in a Big City Different people have different ideas about where to live. Some people like to live in big cities. Others prefer country life. I think both of the lives have their advantages and disadvanta— ges. If l am to make a choice,1 will not hesitate to choose the former.


  主体部分段首通常有一个主题句(topic sentence),用来表示该段的中心思想。下面是几个常用主题句句型:

  1.It is be— lieved that… has the following advantages.

学习啦在线学习网   2. … is important in several ways.

  3. I side with this view for two reasons.

学习啦在线学习网   4. … benefits us in many ways.接下来的文章应包含二到三个要点,用以支持主题句。考生可以通过例证、引证、对比、因果论证及反证等方法逐步论述各个要点。阅卷老师在看文章时也许会通过某些关键性的“标签”来判定你的文章是否结构严谨,条理清晰,因此要在每一个要点前加入表示顺序的词汇,如:to begin with,first and fore— most;then,furthermore,besides;finally,last but not least. 1 Sample l The Importance of Extensive Reading… … Extensive reading benefits us in many ways. Firs of all,by reading extens ely。we can broaden our knowledge. For in— stance,newspapers and magazines can keep us informed of cur— rent events.So it is easy for us to know what is going on in the world today.Secondly,extensive reading helps us improve our reading comprehension effectively.The more we read,the better we understand and the faster our reading speed will be.W hat is more,extensive reading is the best way to enlarge our vocabula— ry.Due to frequent contact with unfamiliar words, we find it easy to guess the meaning of them even without referring to the dictionary.W e can often find context clues for new words.


  结尾部分的开始通常会用一个特别结论句式,如:in gener— al,to sum up,to conclude,all in all等等。在200词的文章中,这一部分不宜篇幅过长,最好用一两句话来总结全文,使其前后呼应。除非只是一个次要观点,否则不要在这段内提出任何新见解,但如果题目要求的话,考生也可以在结论上提出相应的建议、推荐、介绍和解决方法。四、检查一篇成功的作文少不了反复推敲、一再修改。然而,由于考试时间和条件等诸多因素的限制,考生要警惕检查作文时的三大“通病”,即,数字数、孤芳自赏、和做结构与内容上大的修改。必须明确,考试作文的润色和修改只需要达到以下几个目的:



学习啦在线学习网   语法正确,特别是人称、时态、和单复数的三“一致”;
