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学习啦在线学习网   As he sat down on a folding chair following a recent practice to discuss with The Vertical his first season with the Golden State Warriors.


  Kevin Durant pensively picked at his scruffy goatee, stretched out his left leg and seemed content with a move that has put him back where he has struggled to return for five years.


  Durant was relaxed and chill long before his laid-back personality helped him blend so seamlessly into his current California home.


学习啦在线学习网   Being in a golden state of ease has allowed him to withstand a season unlike any other in his 10 years in the league – a season in which he was forced to find greater perspective for his purpose and what the game means to him.


  Durant has been blamed for much since he made the most controversial free-agent decision since the last most controversial "Decision" – ruining league-wide parity and making the Golden State Warriors unfairly lethal and less fun.

学习啦在线学习网   自从做出了有史以来最具争议性的“决定”以来,杜兰特饱受非议。舆论评价道这一动态让整个联赛失衡,也使得勇士队强大到不可思议,与他们对阵变得索然无味。

  And he has been called more unflattering names than he cares to remember – cupcake, coward (with a "K") and a shortcut-taking, ring chaser piggybacking the easiest path to a title. Durant has heard it all but has also learned that he can't combat any of it.


学习啦在线学习网   Refusing to let the negativity envelop him and make him more combative, Durant has kept his cool. He came to Golden State to play basketball and win games, not appease ancillary critics.

学习啦在线学习网   然而杜兰特并没有被这些负面情绪所困扰,也没有因此而充满戾气(好斗的),而是保持了他一贯的淡定。毕竟他是来赢球的,不是来满足喷子的。

  Four wins shy of that elusive first championship, Durant doesn't regret taking his talents to the East Bay and is willing to absorb more resentment to stay with the organization that became the "light years" envy of the league that Oklahoma City was supposed to become when he made his first Finals appearance in 2012.


  Durant's home in the Oakland Hills gives him incredible views – including the Golden Gate Bridge on a clear day – and he is already looking ahead to the team's move to San Francisco, a clear indication of long-term commitment to the franchise.


  Q: How would you describe what this season has meant to you?


学习啦在线学习网   KD: It was definitely a different year. I mean, I never felt under a microscope this much. I never felt … how can I put it? I never felt this many people just waiting on me to (mess) up. Whether it's on the court, off the court, waiting on something.


学习啦在线学习网   But it's fun, because it's been cool proving a lot of people wrong, individually. I mean, obviously, we have a long way to go as a team. But I just feel like I'm still the same the person. I work extremely hard.

学习啦在线学习网   但于我而言,这样的经历很有趣,因为证明许多人是错的是一件很酷的事,不过我们还有很长的路要走,这点无可否认。我只是觉得我还是原来的杜兰特,我真的非常非常努力。

  I know a lot of people say I cheated my way … or I skipped steps, or cheated the game. I work hard, bro. I work hard. I really take my craft seriously.


  If I didn't do that then I would understand. But I love the game, I love playing for my teammates. And I just enjoy playing the game.


  That's one thing I didn't want people to steal from me, from hearing all types of things about who I am, why I did this, why I did that, how I changed. I didn't want to take joy away from what's in between those lines. That's what's important.

学习啦在线学习网   我希望人们不要忽视这些。听了太多人质疑我的人品、我的行为、我的改变,但我实际上只是想要享受打球的快乐,这才是最重要的。

学习啦在线学习网   I think this year has taught me to stay focused on what's really important, in basketball and life in general. It's a major lesson that I learned. I didn't think it would take for this to happen for me to realize that.

学习啦在线学习网   这一年教会我最多的也许就是要专注于重要的东西,也就是篮球以及生活,这是我学到的关键点。我能够意识到这些并非理所当然的,是这一年的经历教会了我这一切。

学习啦在线学习网   Q: With that said, it had to be disappointing or upsetting when you returned to Oklahoma City the first time and heard that reception from those fans, with the boos and "cupcake" chants?

学习啦在线学习网   问:这么说的话,当你第一次回俄城打客场,听到漫山遍野的嘘声以及“纸杯蛋糕”的嘲讽的那一刻,你一定感到失望和苦恼吧?

学习啦在线学习网   KD: I'm not from there. That was a two-hour time slot in those people's lives where they got some entertainment for the day. And they were going to go home and get up the next day and go to work. It's all it was.

学习啦在线学习网   KD:我不是俄城人。对于现场球迷来说,那不过是他们生命中得以抽出来享乐的俩小时而已,等他们回家以后还是要睡觉,起床,上班,周而复始,就是这样。

  I didn't take it personal. I don't hate anybody that called me any name there. It's entertainment. That's what they look at it as. It's not life or death. I didn't walk into their homes and do anything to them personally.


  I'm sure most people, the same thing they did on July 3, they did the same thing on July 4, July 5 and leading up to that game.

学习啦在线学习网   我敢保证绝大多数人会日复一日重复他们在7月3号做的事情,一直到那场比赛。

学习啦在线学习网   Their lives didn't change based on what I did. That two-and-a-half hour time slot where they watched the game and called me names, they forgot all about it when they went home at night and still had to live their life, just like I had to. I have no hard feelings.


  It was all fun and games for me, too.

学习啦在线学习网   那些对我而言也是游戏而已,我乐在其中。

学习啦在线学习网   Q: After Game 1 of the conference finals, you said, 'Don't listen to people on Twitter, because they're irrational.' Now it was in reference to the incident involving Zaza Pachulia and Kawhi Leonard, but was it sort of you projecting about things you've gone through yourself?

学习啦在线学习网   问:在西决揭幕战以后,你说,“别管推特上的说法,一堆荒谬的胡言乱语而已。”当时你是针对那起有关扎扎-帕楚里亚和科怀-伦纳德的事件,不过有没有一定成分上是在影射自己的经历?

学习啦在线学习网   KD: That's just about everything. It's not just about me and it's not just about basketball.


学习啦在线学习网   You give a bunch of people a voice that they didn't think they had and they think they can talk to the masses, they're going to say what's on their minds.


  Everybody has an opinion nowadays. No matter what the situation is. The presidential debate, politics, to football, baseball, anything. They've got an opinion and most of the time, it's just their opinion.


学习啦在线学习网   Q: From a basketball perspective, the knee injury (this season) had to be the lowest you had been since your foot injury, right?


  KD: Nah. Nah. I was in a great space.

学习啦在线学习网   KD:想多啦,那段时间我非常好。

学习啦在线学习网   Q: All season, so much was made about your relationship, or non-relationship with your former teammate Russell Westbrook.

学习啦在线学习网   问:整个赛季,人们都在关注你和前队友拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克的关系,或者说关系破裂。

学习啦在线学习网   Were you cool with Kendrick (Perkins) airing out your conversation with Russ on TNT?


  (On Kevin Garnett's "Area 21," Perkins, the former Thunder center, revealed that Durant and Westbrook were back on "talking terms" after Durant called to congratulate Westbrook on breaking Oscar Robertson's triple-double record.)

  (前雷霆中锋帕金斯曾在凯文-加内特的Area 21节目中透露,当威少打破奥斯卡-罗伯特森的单赛季三双纪录后,杜兰特曾对其表示祝贺,两人也因此恢复了“交谈状态”。)

学习啦在线学习网   KD: I wouldn't have liked that to happen. But I know Perk. I didn't hold it against him. It wasn't like I was upset. That's my brother. That's always going to be my brother. And he was with his group of guys. So, I understood, it's all good.

学习啦在线学习网   KD:实话实说,我是不喜欢这样的事情发生的,但我了解帕金斯,我不会因此责怪他,也不会因此感到沮丧,他是我的兄弟,永远不变。而且他当时和他的小伙伴们在一起,所以我理解他,没毛病。

  Q: What was the biggest obstacle that you had to overcome, in terms of fitting in with a new team that already experienced considerable success without you?

学习啦在线学习网   问:勇士在此前没有你的情况下都取得了不菲的成就,那么对于你来讲,要融入这支球队最大的困难是什么?

  But fitting in, these guys had a way of play, you had a way of play for nine years.

学习啦在线学习网   毕竟他们有自己的战术,而你此前整整九年时间里打的都是另一套战术。

  KD: I don't even think it was that big of an adjustment. We just went out there and figured it out on the fly.


  Klay (Thompson) is open, give him the ball. Steph (Curry) is in the pick-and-roll, set a screen for him, get him in some space. If I'm in transition, kick it out ahead. That's what I'm good at.

学习啦在线学习网   克莱空了,把球传他。库里要打挡拆,那就去给他挡,然后给他制造单打空间。我在下快攻,那就把球往前一甩,这是我擅长的。

  If I'm open, pass him the ball. It's really that simple. We run plays.


学习啦在线学习网   Shaun (Livingston) likes it in the post. David (West) likes it in the post. JaVale (McGee) likes it over the rim. Draymond (Green) likes to handle. We've got smart players.


  My IQ has grown since I've gotten to the league and I realize how important all the moving parts are for the team.

学习啦在线学习网   我的篮球智商从进入联盟以来就一直在进步,因此我明白那些跑动对于球队的重要性。

  It was an adjustment as far as me being a new guy and having a certain way of playing, talking about the team and adding me in there. I'm just figuring how to move without the ball, play in space.


学习啦在线学习网   But for the most part, it wasn't that difficult as far as the basketball side, it was just the small details that had to get done.


  Q: And lastly, what would a ring mean for you?


  KD: It wouldn't mean my life was complete.

学习啦在线学习网   KD:冠军并不会让我的人生圆满。

学习啦在线学习网   I've got a lot of life I want to lead and I've got a lot of (expletive) I want to achieve. So if I win a ring, it would be fun to experience that moment when the buzzer sounds and embracing my teammates in the locker room and all that stuff that comes with it.


学习啦在线学习网   But after that, what's next? That's how I look at it.


学习啦在线学习网   But it's that high. It's that two-, three-week high, I can tell. You can tell when teams win a championship.


学习啦在线学习网   I saw last year, the Cavs, they all went to Vegas, they all hung out in Vegas for a night.


  But that two-week high, I want to experience that, but it's not going to complete me at all, as far as being a person or what life is all about.


  At the end of the day, it's going to be another basketball milestone that I reach, if it happens. We'll see.


  But if I don't do it, I'm not going to ball up in my room and not come out. I'm going to work on my game and enjoy myself.


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