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学习啦在线学习网   全真模拟题指的是某年某考试出题组题库中的题目,但并未在该考试中正式出现,因此不能等同于真题。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的考研英语作文真题及范文,供大家参阅!




  A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing

  The two pictures tell us that during the 20th century the in crease of advanced commercial fishing resulted in a sharp decrease of fish. With only a few simple sailing vessels fishing in 1900, there were plenty of fish. But until 1995 with more advanced commercial fishing ships doing, fish remained much less. If such a case

学习啦在线学习网   goes on, then fish is to be extinct from the world and we will have none to eat in no time.

学习啦在线学习网   Studying further, we will obtain more beyond the two pictures. First, all natural resources such as fish are limited. Second, even with modern science and technology, man should not overuse the natural resources just for enormous private interests. Last but not least, protecting natural resources has become one of our immediate key tasks now.

  In my opinion, many ways can be found and fishprotecting carried out if we are determined. For example, the commercial fishing should be confined by law to certain species in certain areas and seasons while fish must be raised. Otherwise, the fishers will be fined, confiscated or put into prison. With all countries

学习啦在线学习网   contributing as much to the protection of natural resources, man can have adequate natural resources to use permanently.


学习啦在线学习网   文章依然可以采取三段式。第一段描述图片:两个残疾人,一个没有左腿,一个没有右腿,但是他们把残废的腿绑在一起,互相搀扶,丢掉双拐,用残废的一条腿形成健康的两条腿,开始走南闯北,显然体现了取长补短互相帮助的力量。第二段可以联想生活,从学习到工作,每一个人都不是完人,在某种意义上我们都有着自身的残疾,但只要能够从周围的人身上学习优点,互相帮助,也可以让整个团队取得更大的成功。第三段可以具体地举出一个例子。对于考研学生可以举出考研路上互相帮助并成功考上理想学校的例子。


学习啦在线学习网   The cartoon has vividly depicted two disabled men walking together, holding each other tightly for mutual support. Even though they have abandoned their crutches, which are often believed to be the only "friend" a crippled man can rely on, they count on the only healthy leg of each other and form a compensating pair in their journey to a brilliant future. As the words described," With the only leg of each other, we will make it better together".

  By drawing this picture, the artist has successfully drawn out attention to the importance of a much needed element along our road to success: co-operation. As globalization has her way in this world, an increasing number of people begin to realize that without co-operation, transactions would not be smooth, great goals would not be fulfilled, and many human dreams would end up in smoke.

学习啦在线学习网   For example, in the business world, the successful launching of a product depends on the work of each relevant department. Manufacturing factories produce qualified products, marketing department rack their brains for new sales strategies and after-sale service will endear& to deal with possible customer complaint. No department can do all this alone. Just as the saying goes, "United we stand, divided we fall". In order to make miracles happen in our own life, I believe, we all need a "leg", a "hand" or even a "head" from the ones around us.


  根据插图的提示崇拜Beckham,花三百元做个Beck ham头可知,要求写一篇探讨当今社会上的年青人对明星盲目崇拜的现象。只要围绕这个主题写就行,至于从哪个角度去讨论,自己的具体看法是什么,那不是最重要的。


学习啦在线学习网   The two irony pictures reflect a common and serious problem in China - blind worship of idols among young people. In the left hand picture, a man has had David Beckham's name written on his face. In the right hand picture, a man who is having a haircut asks his barber to cut his hair on the model of David Beckham, the popular British soccer star. But unfortunately these young people never put their energy on right things. If they go on "daydreaming worship" like this, they will be doomed to failure in the end.

  Chinese young people now take stars as their idols. Most of them are fans of certain basketball players, football players, singers, actors and actresses at home and abroad. They watch the matches, TV programs and movies starring their idols, but also pay a large sum of money to gain access to all kinds of live shows, concerts

学习啦在线学习网   and so on, Moreover, they imitate their idols in almost every aspect of their lives, such as their hair styles, tags and clothes.

  Like daydreaming, to admire and worship idols, is not a mistake but sometimes a good beginning, I believe. However, if people adore the pop stars to the extent of losing self-control, they misunderstand the significance of popular culture. Young people should learn how to live their own lives instead of blindly following others' footsteps.