what if英语作文范文
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对于what if英语作文,大家可以发挥自己的优点来写。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的what if英语作文的相关知识,供大家参阅!
what if英语作文
What if I can't?
What if I can?
学习啦在线学习网 What I should be thinking
Is it in God's plan?
What if I couldn't?
学习啦在线学习网 What if I could?
Then I start to wonder
学习啦在线学习网 If I really should?
What if I wouldn't?
What if I would?
What would I do,
学习啦在线学习网 If others really understood?
学习啦在线学习网 What if,I am beautiful.
Just as I am.
That a scale means nothing,
学习啦在线学习网 When talking to a human.
What if,I am worthy of love
Just by being alive
What if,
I don't have to prove myself
学习啦在线学习网 Or feel ashamed to cry?
What if,
By some chance,
All my negative thoughts were wrong
That I am free to sing and dance,
That I am not weak or strong.
What if,I did not make excuses.
学习啦在线学习网 I simply threw them out the door.
学习啦在线学习网 What if?
When I am living in the present,
学习啦在线学习网 There is no reason for me to fear,
The what-ifs that surround me
学习啦在线学习网 And the negativity that is near.
学习啦在线学习网 When I am in the here and now
学习啦在线学习网 And take some time to breathe,
I realize that anything is possible,
学习啦在线学习网 As long as I believe.
what if英语作文:what if i were a clone
学习啦在线学习网 if I were to die,and a perfect clone of me was made(with all my memory),I (myself,the one that is posting to you right now) would feel like I was waking up; or would someone else (the clone) experience this "waking up",and believe that they were me,when in fact they were not?(not sure if this would go here or on ask science) Sorry if a repost,can't search well,I'm on my phone Thanks
what if英语作文:What If Everyone Looks the Same
Today, people pay special attention to their outlooks, we must admit that outlook is important, so people choose to do the plastic surgery, making themselves perfect outside. As more and more people affected by the same standard of beautiful outlook, so people who do the plastic surgery almost look the same. If everyone looks the same, will it be good?
学习啦在线学习网 今天,人们格外关注他们的外貌,我们必须承认,外貌很重要,因此人们选择整容手术,让自己外表看起来很完美。随着越来越多的人受到美丽外表的相同标准的影响,做整形手术的人看起来几乎一个样。如果每个人看起来都一样,是好事吗?A gradate girl made a small film about people’s opinion about outlook. In the film, a girl named Lucy, falls in love with a handsome boy, but her appearance is not so lovely, she has small eyes and a flat nose. She tries hard to court him, but he rejects her. One day, while walking on the street, she is sucked into a machine. After some processing, Lucy comes out as a beauty. Now will she win the heart of her beloved? The film doesn’t out the answer.
学习啦在线学习网 一个毕业的女孩制作了一部关于人们对外貌看法的微电影。在电影里,一个叫露西的女孩,爱上了一个帅气的男孩子,但是她长得不好看,小小的眼睛,扁平的鼻子。她努力向他示爱,但是他拒绝她。一天,当走在街上的时候,她被吸进了一台机器里。经过了一些程序以后,露西出来的时候已经是个美女了。现在的她能赢得心爱的人的心吗?电影没有给出答案。What is the standard makes Lucy think what should a beauty look like? There is no doubt that she is affected by the audience’s ideas. When we watch TV, we may find the beautiful heroins almost look like all the same, they share the same features. So the girls imitate them, making themselves look like them. I think the feature people own makes them look special, if they change their faces, looking like other beauties, they lose their features, what a pity.
学习啦在线学习网 是什么样的标准让露西觉得看起来像一个美女?毫无疑问,她受到了大众看法的影响。的那个我们看电视的时候,可以发现美丽的女主角长得差不多,她们有很多相同的特征。因此女孩们模仿她们,让自己看起来像她们。我觉得人们的特征让他们突出,如果他们改变了自己的容颜,看起来像其他的美女,就失去了特色,多么可惜啊。
People should be proud of who they are, accepting their original faces, the different features make them special.
学习啦在线学习网 人们应该为自己感到骄傲,接受自己天然的样子,正是这些不同的特征让他们变得特别。
what if英语作文:what if you were superman
学习啦在线学习网 A man who believes he is Superman but cannot use his powers because of a bit of Kryptonite in his head may sound like a great premise for a comedy.But in the hands of the Koreans,you can be sure that there will be a fair bit of drama thrown into the mix.
And in many cases,this often means an overly maudlin and sentimental affair.For this latest Gianna Jun starrer however,it is surprisingly for the better.Because contrary to what you would expect,If I Were Superman really takes off more as a drama,than as a comedy.
学习啦在线学习网 After a two-year hiatus,the breakout star of “My Sassy Girl” returns as a frustrated television producer at a small production company.Gianna Jun,or Jun Ji-hyun as she is more popularly known in Korea,plays Song Soo-jung,who finds herself churning out trivial human interest stories with little depth.What’s more,her company owes her three months worth of wages.Little wonder why she struts around with a scowl on her face.
学习啦在线学习网 To make it worse,she is robbed one day while waiting for the subway.As fate would have it,her almost futile attempt at chasing the robber is rescued by a stranger dressed in a Hawaiian shirt.This stranger calls himself Superman,and immediately her news instincts prompt her to investigate the origins of this person.
Superman turns out to be quite the good Samaritan,going around the city helping anyone in need,from old ladies with a heavy load to schoolgirls harassed by a flasher.Of course,this off-kilter gentleman with his range of quirky to downright baffling habits is not as simple as he seems.And it is in learning about “Superman” that the film really begins to find its footing,eventually also impressing with a strong social message that will stay with you long after the credits roll.
学习啦在线学习网 But the trouble is,the film takes an hour to get there,and indeed it is quite a drawn out hour.The antics of “Superman” are amusing to behold at the start,what if him standing on his hands because he claims that he is pushing the earth away from the sun as the polar caps are melting.But Jung gets carried away and inserts many such instances of his idiosyncrasies which can get annoying to watch after some time.
学习啦在线学习网 Luckily,Hwang Jung-min’s portrayal of Superman is a delight to watch.He puts in a convincing performance as a man transformed by the events of his life to so adamantly believe that he is the hero in the red cape.Unfortunately,Gianna Jun isn’t given much to do here.Most of the time,she is left watching in bewilderment as Superman goes about his antics.Though her detachment arguably fits her role as a reporter,one wishes that it were more developed in the movie.
What is perhaps the most interesting aspect of this movie is how writer-director Jung Yoon-chul uses this movie as an examination of social milieu and our perennial fascination with superheroes.This he does so from the perspective of a person who regresses to his childhood to assume the identity of a superhero and do what superheroes do best- lend a helping hand to those in need- something as mortals we find so hard to do these days.
学习啦在线学习网 Though it may bill itself as a comedy,If I Were Superman is only occasionally so.Instead,it is much more adept at being a social commentary and is best appreciated as such.Be warned:you gotta have patience to sit through some rather unfunny bits before you get to the meatier parts.Pity though,because this movie actually has worth,but it ends up being just a middling affair.
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