学习啦在线学习网 摘要:下面的这些东西,无论我们何时得到,对我们来说都是幸运的。我知道,它们并不是放之四海而皆准的。但我也意识到,对很多人来说,这25件小事对于处理成人生活每天的细节来说都是很重要的。这些是照顾好我们自己、我们的生活、和我们有关的人的方法。不仅要去认识自己,还要采取相应的行动。
Many of these are things that we’ll be lucky to attain at any point in our lives. They’re not all universally applicable, this I realize. But I also realize that for many people, they are 25 little things that are important for dealing with the ins and outs of everyday adult life. These are ways to take care of ourselves, our lives, and the people in them, and not only to know ourselves, but to act on that knowledge as well.
1. A room of your own. I would say apartment or other kind of space, but sometimes that’s not financially feasible, and that’s okay. Regardless, at the minimum, everybody needs their own room. Your own space to be weird and cry and be alone or be alone with someone.
学习啦在线学习网 自己的房间。公寓或类似的空间就行,但有时从经济的角度来说是不可行的,那也没关系。但无论如何,每个人都需要自己的房间。你可以在自己的房间里举止怪异、哭、或和他人单独相处。
学习啦在线学习网 2. A worldview that isn’t a carbon copy of what your parents taught you nor derived from the experiences you’ve only read about in a textbook.
学习啦在线学习网 自己的世界观。不是你父母教给你的,也不能从教科书中的经验获得的。
学习啦在线学习网 3. A person to call when things gets rough and a plan of action for the days where you need to be refueled in the human ways that aren’t easily bought or attained.
4. A savings account with at least a month or so of living expenses. This might sound unattainable if finances aren’t looking great right now but it’s more than crucial to make it work somehow. The importance of this usually isn’t recognized until it’s the reason you’re eating or not out on the street one day after you lose your job.
5. Clothing that will serve you in appropriate circumstances– funerals, weddings, work. A winter jacket, a rain coat. Not just things that are flimsy and unpractical, though they have their place and time as well. Because the last thing you want to do on the day of the wake of someone you deeply cared about is worry about what you are going to wear.
学习啦在线学习网 在适当的环境下可以穿的衣服——葬礼、婚礼、工作时。冬天的夹克、雨衣。不要光有易坏和不实用的东西,虽然在某一时刻某一场所也需要它们。因为在你给深深牵挂的人守夜那天,你最不想做的事情就是担心自己该穿什么。
6. A relationship that functions outside of anything digital. To not deny ourselves the need for person-to-person connectivity.
学习啦在线学习网 7. A favorite book, artist and YouTube channel.
8. To know how to order a drink at the bar.
9. A relationship behind you that you can laugh about, and which makes you grateful for how far you’ve come.
10. An email address, bank account and journal that nobody else has access to.
11. A plunger, screwdriver, duct tape, jumper cables and the number of your local whoever is a professional at doing anything one would use those things for.
12. The ability to ask somebody on a date, take them somewhere nice, treat them right, not stress too much over what you wear to said occasion and be able to hold an interesting conversation with them.
学习啦在线学习网 邀请别人约会、带他们去适合的地方和恰当地款待他们的能力,不用过分强调要穿什么,但能和他们进行有趣的对话。
学习啦在线学习网 13. Your own doctor, with whom you feel comfortable discussing your medical needs and issues, and the ability to receive the medication/birth control/whatever you want or need without anybody else having to know about it.
学习啦在线学习网 你自己的医生。你可以很舒服地和他讨论你的医疗需求和问题,能进行药物治疗、节育、或任何你想要的治疗,而无需让别人知道。
学习啦在线学习网 14. Go-to clothing staples that are shining little emblems of who you really are, of which were chosen and bought not because they were a trend but because they fit in more ways than just size.
学习啦在线学习网 能体现出自己品味的常用的衣服店,选择并买衣服,不是因为是流行趋势,而是因为它们不仅仅尺寸合适,而且能体现自我。
15. A list of things you’d like to do in your life, none of which involves attaining masses of wealth or other means of success that are fleeting and shallow.
学习啦在线学习网 有生之年你想做的事情清单,其中不包括获得巨额财产或其他短暂而肤浅的事情。
16. A basic opinion/belief regarding religion or spirituality, even if it’s that you’re researching options or that you don’t believe in anything at all. Having a stance, regardless of what it is, is what’s important.
17. Measuring cups, a pot deep enough to boil water in, a spatula, a frying pan and other basic cooking materials that virtually every meal that isn’t Easy Mac or cereal requires.
学习啦在线学习网 量杯、一口足够深可以让水沸腾的锅、一个锅铲、一个平底锅和其他基本的烹调用具,这样就不用每顿饭都吃通心面或麦片了。
18. A signature recipe, plates for more than just two people to eat with, a bottle opener and the knowledge of where they sell the best wine in the area.
19. A simple luxury that you fund yourself, and the realization and acknowledgement that said thing is indeed a luxury.
20. The ability to use personal/vacation days without feeling guilty, and the knowledge of how they’d most effectively be used for one’s mental, physical or emotional benefit.
21. A way to have fun again.
22. To get rid of scales and stop measuring lives by numbers: salaries, houses owned, things accomplished, degrees hanging on the wall, etc. Because usually, nothing really worth having can be measured numerically.
学习啦在线学习网 摆脱计量的能力,不再用数字来衡量生活:薪水、房子的数量、完成的事情、挂在墙上的学位证等。因为通常情况下,值得拥有的东西没什么能用数字来衡量。
23. To have eaten a meal, seen a movie, taken a walk and fallen asleep by yourself– and to have been content, if not happy, with doing so.
学习啦在线学习网 24. The ability to put things in perspective, to let go when it’s appropriate, fight harder when it’s necessary, listen to people rather than just hear them, and consider opinions that aren’t congruent with your own.
25. To have given yourself to someone, and not expected anything in return.
学习啦在线学习网 对别人付出,并不期望任何回报。