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  Overview of Fujian Tianhu Tea Industrial Company Limited

学习啦在线学习网   Fujian Tianfu tea industrial was established in 2000, take advantage of the key personal and technology of Fuding Tea Factory, is the leading company in china and leading

  agri-business company in Fujian that integrates tea production, processing, sells, export, research, development and training.

学习啦在线学习网   At the beginning after company established, we aimed at the domestic and international market, then built 100 hectares of organic tea garden in Taimu mountain-a national scenic spot, developed 400 hectares high mountain tea base around it, come ture the organic modal management. In order to stabile and improve product quality, we set up the modern processing factory in Fuding Star and Spark industrial zone in 2002,and introduced new processing equipment, passed the certification of ISO9001-2000 quality system., come true the standard of tea processing. The company mainly produce the brand of Luxueya organic green tea, white tea, jasmine tea, black tea etc six tapes tea, recent years, Luxueya have a high esteem in domestic and international exhibition, got lots of gold and silver prize. The Fujian People Government recognized as Fujian brand-name tea, Fujian famous brand-market.

学习啦在线学习网   At present, Tianhu company as the model lf direct sale and indirect add shops, set up the sales network covered the city all over the country, was recognized a important company about agricultural product management by country agriculture department , company continue improve the combination of tea with tea culture and the company culture, made the brand of “Luxueya” from all side, create a sunning road for Fuding tea industrial and Chinese national industrial, let tea of “Luxueya” flow fragrance forever !

学习啦在线学习网   福建省天湖茶业有限公司简介


  公司在创业之初就瞄准国内外市场,在国家风景名胜区-太姥山建立1500亩的高起点有机茶基地,并在太姥山周边地区发展高山茶连锁基地6000多亩, 实现有机茶规模经营,为进一步稳定和提高产品质量,公司于2002在福鼎星火工业园区建立现代化茶叶加工厂和引进先进名优茶设备,并通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,实现茶叶生产的标准化。公司主要生产“绿雪芽”牌绿雪芽有机绿茶、白茶、红茶、高山茶等六大系列,近几年,绿雪芽牌系列名茶在国际国内的各种展会中屡获好评,取得了各种金银奖项,福建省人民政府授予“绿雪芽”牌绿雪芽茶福建省名牌产品称号,“绿雪芽”也被定为福建省著名商标。



  Lenovo Company Profile

学习啦在线学习网   Lenovo Group was established in 1984, is a research, development, production and sale of own-brand computer systems and related products, diversified development in the information industry, large enterprises. Lenovo Group in 1994, listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Lenovo Group Limited (No. 992) the market value of about 90 billion Hong Kong dollars, the highest in the list of the top 10 listed companies in Hong Kong stock market. Lenovo Group Limited, including two subsidiaries: Lenovo, Lenovo, Digital China Co., Ltd...

  Started from a square room, only 11 individuals Lenovo Group, currently has more than 10,000 employees; regional headquarters in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Xi'an, Shenyang, Shenzhen and other places, there are thousands of agents and distributors throughout the country outlets; with overseas platform in Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific; sales revenue of 20.3 billion yuan in 1999, the second consecutive year among the national electronic hundred first; sales Lenovo 1.258 million units, the fourth consecutive year among the Chinese market First, the market share in the Asia-Pacific region rose to the first; Lenovo Group is one of the country's 120 pilot large enterprise groups, one of the national technology innovation pilot enterprises to become the most influential high-tech companies.

  In the past ten years, Lenovo has always been committed to provide Chinese customers with the latest and greatest technology products, to promote the development of China's information industry. Lenovo Group's business involves the INTERNET access to personal computers, servers, motherboards, peripherals, information appliances and other end products, information services, software, systems integration and e-commerce as the core network infrastructure products, and many other kinds of products and technology have become essential to many important areas of the Chinese government, financial, transportation, post and telecommunications, commodity circulation, and other information technology tools.

  In an increasingly competitive world of technology today, the Lenovo Group actively adjust their development strategies, and proposed to break the application bottled neck, and promote the development of information industry "slogan. 1998, the association with the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences to build Lenovo Academia Sinica, increase the forward-looking technology research; and improve the added value of technology into the software industry; Lenovo Group INTERNET-oriented new strategy into a comprehensive digital areas; the comprehensive development of information services, and actively open up broadband network business, Lenovo's new system of scientific research and development to make full preparations for the development of the twenty-first century.

学习啦在线学习网   Currently, Lenovo has a national patent application and is applying for hundreds of technologies and products, developed several series, including Ben commercial computers and the Tianxi home computer, including one hundred models of PC products, and own-brand laser printer, MODEM, and other networking products, motherboards based on the number of EASY technology as LOGOEASY and SECURITYEASY, ACE and POWERLINK technology-based integrated solution, Lenovo is also actively developed to meet family and personal needs of the consumer information products, 1998, the first Chinese handheld born in the association.

  The face of economic challenges INTERNET, April 2000, Lenovo Group, the initiative strain wholesale restructuring. From the Division as the core system to a subsidiary of the core change in the system, the formation of two subsidiaries, namely: to provide customers with full INTERNET access to end products, information services Lenovo computer company and for customers Legend Digital Co., Ltd. e-commerce as the core infrastructure products and full systems integration program, thus creating a new enterprise pattern of Lenovo Group into a comprehensive network era with the creation of the new economy.

  Over the years, the Lenovo Group's decision-making has been committed to developing the association's development strategy, and implementing the association's management philosophy, maintain and carry forward the association's corporate culture, and strive to make the Lenovo Group to become a long-term, large scale high-tech enterprises.

学习啦在线学习网   The development of modern high-tech is the inevitable trend of the 21st century, in order to better advanced technology in the development of China's information industry, Lenovo Group will play a more important role in the process of promoting the construction of the national economy.

学习啦在线学习网   联想集团成立于1984年,是一家以研究、开发、生产和销售自有品牌的计算机系统及其相关产品为主,在信息产业领域内多元化发展的大型企业。联想集团于1994年在香港联合交易所挂牌上市,联想集团有限公司(编号992)的市值达到约900亿港币左右,位居香港股市十大上市公司之列。联想集团有限公司包括两大子公司:联想电脑公司、联想神州数码有限公司。 从一间小平房里起家、仅有11个人的联想集团,目前拥有员工10,000余人;在北京、上海、成都、西安、沈阳、深圳等地设有地区总部,在全国各地建有数千家代理分销网点;在欧洲、美洲、亚太设有海外平台;1999年实现销售收入203亿元人民币,连续二年位居全国电子百强第一名;销售联想电脑125.8万台,连续四年位居中国市场第一,在亚太地区的市场占有率上升到第一;联想集团是国家120家试点大型企业集团之一,国家技术创新试点企业集团之一,成为国内最具影响力的高科技公司。




学习啦在线学习网   面对INTERNET经济的挑战,2000年4月,联想集团主动应变进行大规模业务重组。从原来的以事业部为核心的体制向以子公司为核心的体制转变,形成两大子公司,分别为:向客户提供全面的INTERNET的接入端产品、信息服务的联想电脑公司和为客户提供电子商务为核心的局端产品及全面系统集成方案为主的联想神州数码有限公司,从而开创了联想集团全面进军网络时代与创造新经济的全新企业格局。

学习啦在线学习网   多年来,联想集团的决策层一直致力于制定联想的发展战略、贯彻联想的管理理念、保持并发扬联想的学习啦在线学习网,力争使联想集团成为一个长久的、有规模的高科技企业。



学习啦在线学习网   The First Northeast Electric Power Engineering Co. (Abbreviated as NEPC) is a well known brand name in China ’s power construction industry, it is one of the largest scale, best capable construction enterprises incorporating both civil construction and erection work.

学习啦在线学习网   While NEPC is concentrating on its core business of power construction, it is concurrently committing itself to providing power operation and management service, undertaking civil construction, erection and maintenance of fossil fueled thermal power plant of various parameters and different capacities and of the new energy resources such as nuclear power plant and wind power plant etc.

  NEPC has power project construction overall contracting grade one qualification, building work construction overall contracting grade two qualification, mechanical and electrical equipment installation project professional contracting grade one qualification, earth and rock work

  professional contracting grade one qualification, hoisting equipment erection work professional contracting grade one qualification, preservation and insulation work professional contracting grade one qualification, fire fighting equipment installation work contracting qualification. The company also has boiler erection license, pressure piping installation license, civil nuclear

学习啦在线学习网   pressure retaining equipment installation license, and license of undertaking installation (repair and maintenance and commissioning) of electrical facilities.

  The company has ISO 9001 quality management system authentication certificate, ISO 14001 environment management system authentication

  certificate, GB/T 28001 occupational safety and health system authentication certificate.

  NEPC was founded in the year 1951, Over more than half a century. The company has built more than 80 power plants both domestically and abroad, installed 143 generating units, the total capacity of the installed generating units 23040MW, installed boilers 206, total evaporation volume 93139t/h. NEPC has conducted multiple successful cooperation with world renowned companies such as Japanese IHI, French ALSTOM, Swiss Sulzer, ABB,German Siemens and Steinmueller, American Bechtel etc., and maintained close partnership with them up to date. NEPC has been to many foreign

学习啦在线学习网   countries such as DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea ), German, Bengal , Indonesia , Malaysia , Philippine , India and Turkey etc. and participated in the construction of their power plants. The international

  exchange and cooperation has quickened the company’s pace of meeting up with the international standards, and helped the all-round upgrading of the company’s general quality.

  Build Future with Wisdom. Backed up by its bridle-wise staff team, equipped with advanced and excellent technological equipment, and with its scientific and innovative management mechanism, NEPC is willing to conduct sincere

学习啦在线学习网   cooperation with our counterparts in all circles, consolidate trust, bring about harmony and mutual win, join hand in hand to create mutually our brave and bright future.



学习啦在线学习网   东电一公司拥有一支结构合理、素质优良的职工队伍,现有员工3302人,其中拥有高级职称人员113人、中级职称人员303人、国家一级项目经理115人、国家一级建造师33人。



学习啦在线学习网   东电一公司始建于1951年,诞生在东北黑土地上的浑河岸边。半个多世纪以来,东电一公司南征北战,屡创佳绩,被誉为电力施工企业的一支“铁军”。公司在国内外建设电厂80余座,装机143台,总装机容量23040兆瓦;装炉206台,合计蒸发量93139吨/小时。公司承建的华能丹东电厂工程、华能沁北电厂一期工程、国华黄骅电厂一期工程荣膺“鲁班奖”。


学习啦在线学习网   东电一公司曾多次与国际著名公司进行成功合作,其中包括日本石川岛播磨重工业株式会社,法国阿尔斯通公司,瑞士苏尔寿公司、ABB公司,德国西门子公司、斯太因缪勒公司,美国伯克德公司等,至今仍同他们保持密切的伙伴关系。公司曾赴朝鲜、德国、孟加拉、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、印度、土耳其等十几个国家参加电站建设。国际间的交流与合作,加速了企业与国际标准接轨,促进了企业综合素质的全面提升。


学习啦在线学习网   东电一公司大力实施行业领先者战略,即以超凡的整合能力和卓越的品牌魅力,成为电力建设和运营领域领先服务商,实现公司市场占有率和产值利润率领先同行,顾客满意度和员工满意度领先同行,物质文明建设和精神文明建设领先同行。

学习啦在线学习网   智慧构筑未来。东电一公司愿以训练有素的员工队伍、先进精良的技术装备、科学创新的管理机制,同各界同仁进行真诚的合作,巩固信任,和谐共赢,携手共创美好的明天。





