

时间: 玉莲928 分享



  My favorite music

  There are many kinds of music ,such as classic music,pop music ,rock music and so on.But my favorite music is classic music.because this kind of music'rhythm is very beautiful and softful,after you listen to the music.you will feel very relaxed and forget all the unhappy things at present;moreover,unlike pop music,classic music have its real meaning and we can learn something from it,so it can last for a very long time.


  There are many kinds of music ,such as country music,R&B ,rock music,classical music and so on.My favorite music is pop music.

  On the one hand,it is easy to learn,and this knid of music is often about our life,for example,A whole new world,Memory,Country Road and so on.On the other hand,They are very popular among people and they are very interesting and easy to learn.It is also a good way to learn English.

  Since I was 12 years old,when I played computer ,I always opened the music player to listen pop music.When I listening these pop music .I will feel very realx .So that's way I love pop music best


  My favorite music is pop music.I think pop music sounds wonderful. It can make me happy.I listening to pop music ,such as My Heart Will Go On and so on. I can sing some songs this is. I don't mind jazz music .But I hate folk music. I think it's sounds bad.

  How about you? Can you tell me?


  I love music, music is the song of my life; I love music, music is my driving force; I love music, music is my spiritual sustenance. A very young age, I unconsciously in love with music. Mother said, I always like to follow when I babble on TV theater to, to keep up with the pace of, in a few words, even if I don't know what in singing, and fun! Family is my faithful audience, bench is my stage, volunteered to perform on stage since1960 is happy but again, just feel the rhythm special, give a person with excitement, joy, get carried away. Gradually grew up, and somehow, the mood is more and more boring, don't want to say a few words words, in my idea, language is trivial communication tool is ?


  我爱音乐,音乐是我的生命之歌;我爱音乐,音乐是我的源动力;我爱音乐,音乐是我的精神食粮。 很小的时候,我不知不觉地迷上了音乐。妈妈说,我呀呀学语时就总是喜欢跟着电视上的歌仔戏和着,节奏跟上了,对上几句,即使不知在唱着什么,也乐着呢!家人就是我的忠实听众,长凳就是我的舞台,自告奋勇地登台表演是再快乐不过的事了,就是觉得那节奏感特别,给人以兴奋、快乐、忘乎所以然。 渐渐地长大了,也不知怎的,心情就是越来越闷了,话也不想说几句,在我的观念里,语言是微不足道的交际工具,只喜欢用音乐表达自己。音乐就是我的解脱,我可以听听歌,唱唱歌。悲伤时刻的我却偏偏喜欢忧愁的歌,我并没有因此而感到难过,我倒像一个忠实的听众,静静地听着对方的诉说,自己却试着想去安慰,心也慢慢地平静下来,宽心多了;烦闷的我为了把整天的压抑驱出自己的灵魂,宁可把自己关在自己的小房间里,关得严严的,把收音机调得高高的,高高的,放纵自己,想大声呐喊就喊吧,无所谓了。偶尔脸上会有一丝丝的笑容,是我寻觅到生活的真谛。我就是活在自己世界里的我,小马儿你是大自然的使者,闯进了我的世界。小马儿,你的歌声就是一曲曲美妙的乐章,一曲曲无以伦比的乐曲,使我陶醉,我闭上双眼,轻轻地呼吸着,感觉甜甜的,像喝了杯润喉的蜜水,心情舒畅,无以形容。小马儿,你清脆地唱着歌,悠然自得,我不觉得你是在卖弄歌喉,你是在告诉我生活的真谛,生活很美好,要好好地活着。 渐渐地长大了,生命中的感动也渐渐地多了,每每听到一曲曲激动人心,扣人心弦的歌乐曲,我的心总被震撼着,多么雄壮的气势,多么辽阔的胸怀,贝多芬的《命运》使我不断地前进;拉赫曼尼诺夫三号钢琴曲使我疯狂,疯狂地 追求、执着我的理想。音乐是人类共通的语言。我爱音乐,音乐伴我同行,音乐是大自然的声音,是人的情感,我不能没有音乐,音乐就是我的快乐。






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