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学习啦在线学习网   雅思写作的提高不仅需要自己勤加练习,还要多读多看,下面是学习啦网小编为您整理的雅思大作文范文,仅供参考,希望考生能从中受到启发,提高自己的雅思写作成绩!


学习啦在线学习网   there has long been controversy over thelegality and apparent acceptance of tobacco insociety .some hold that cigarettes and other tobaccocontaining products should be banned, that is,treated as narcotics.personally,i agree with this pointof view for the following reasons:

  although cigarettes do not offer as intense aneffect as drugs like heroin and cocaine,they rankhigher in the level of dependence it creates in theuser.thousands of smokers try to rid themselves of cigarettes but cannot,because of thephysiological dependence they developed,chiefly imputable to its chemical nicotine.thisexplains why smokers continue their habit despite the numerous health warnings.furthermore,medical science has now proved beyond a doubt that smoking kills.with all theother causes of preventable deaths such as alcohol,illegal drugs,aids,suicide,roadaccidents,fire,and guns,cigarettes still account for more preventable deaths than all of thosecombined.

  more disturbingly,whilst the use of heroin is dangerous solely to the users,the use oftobacco endangers those who are in their vicinity as well. this phenomenon, known as passivesmoking, nulls the counter-argument that putting one's own health at risk through smokingshould be up to one's own individual choice.reports have shown that the amount of second-hand smoke inhaled by a typical nonsmoker is equivalent to one cigarette smoked per day,andwhat is more,passive smoking can increase a nonsmoker's chance of getting cancer by ten tothirty two per cent.

学习啦在线学习网   there are those who will say that the black market created by outlawing tobacco willproduce deadlier cigarettes because the product standards of the bootleggers are not ashigh.however,we should all bear in mind that legal cigarettes cause roughly four hundredthousand deaths a year.it is hard to imagine the limited distribution provided by the criminalunderworld could compete with this tragic figure.

学习啦在线学习网   to sum up, the harm visited upon our society by tobacco usage is substantial.there will beno solution other than to control tobacco much in the same way that the government nowcontrols drugs which could allow people to remain attentive to the seriousness of the effectsof these substances,and hopefully to prohibit their usage.


学习啦在线学习网   Apparently, it would seem that tobacco is totallydifferent substance from drugs, and it can be usedfreedom by public. In fact, however, our authorityshould make tobacco illegal as well as drugs, andusing of tobacco should be controlled strictly.

学习啦在线学习网   Tobacco only can be used for research andmedical purpose. As far as I am concerned, as akind of dope, tobacco has been widely used to helppatients alleviate their pain in surgery. At the sametime, ordinary people should not be allowed to access it legally for two main reasons.

  Among countless factors which influence my inclination, there is a most conspicuous one:it is harmful that smokers addict to tobacco. Many decades ago, scientists have already foundthat there is a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, cardiac disease and lungcancer. More seriously, it not only has negative influence for smokers, but others living orworking in same surrounding, even the next generation of a smoking pregnant women may beharmed by so-called“second hand smoking”. Research shows that sometimes“second handsmoking”is more dangerous than smoking directly, because, at least smokers can get theprotection from filter tips to some extent. Thus, compared to the hazard of drugs, tobaccocan involve more other innocent people and harm their health unknowingly.

学习啦在线学习网   The second aspect relates to the problem that our natural resources and money are wastedsenselessly during the course of planting, transporting and manufacturing tobacco. In light of astatistics, China consumes nearly 1,000 tons of wood fibers to produce cigarettes annually.Besides, the investment absorbed by tobacco manufacturers every year, is enough to solve allfinancial troubles that higher education have to face. Obviously, if tobacco is banned by ourgovernments, it means that considerable money will be saved.

学习啦在线学习网   In summary, judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely arrive at the conclusionthat tobacco should be forbidden as well as drugs except for a few special purposes, such asresearch and medicine.


  In recent years, a growing number of people have begun to challenge against the existingpractice of sending criminals to prison. They argue that the law offenders should be punished todo something for the public. In my opinion, however, they should be locked up in prisons.

  First of all, it can ensure a safe and comfortable living environment to the law-abidingcitizens. For criminals like thieves, robbers, rapists or even murderers, it is improper or evendangerous to let them out of jails, because they still pose threat to our society. Just as an oldsaying goes, Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.

学习啦在线学习网   The imprisonment of criminals not only punishes the criminals but also deters thepotential criminals. It will make would-be criminals think twice before they commit a crime.Researches reveal that there is a direct link between the implementation of imprisoningcriminals and the decline of crime rate. Without the practice, the world would be in great chaosand full of blood and violence.

学习啦在线学习网   Some people may say that the practice lays heavy financial burden on the government. Infact, if the police want the behaviour of the criminals to be under control, they have to spendmore money and time in supervising the criminals after they are set free. Furthermore, once thecriminals commit crimes again, it will take the police much trouble to catch them. In addition,the loss and the damage to the victims will be irreparable.

  From what I mentioned above, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that criminals shouldbe imprisoned in jails and receive compulsory reclaim.