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学习啦在线学习网   Coal is so commonly used in life that we seldom notice it. We burn coal everyday to heat food and water. The first locomative was driven by burning coal. In winter we feel a special need for coal. The coal gives us fire, light, heat and warmth. Industry cannot operate withoutcml, therefore,mai i9 called the food lot industry.

  Coal is not so treasured as gold. Gold is made into shining ornaments for the necks of heroes and heroines. Coal is shining in its own way. It burns silently for the benefit of all. In a sense it is black gold.

  Coal underwent great changes before it became the bright, brittle, black substance which we now use. During ancient times, when the earth enjoyed a very warm and moist climate, the land was covered with large forests and big plants. As time went on, the ground changed and began to sink. These enormous quantities oftrees and vegetable matter were covered by a deposit of sand and clay. This layer of sand and clay pressed upon the layer beneath and prevented the contact with air. These trees and plants succummed to the pressure and changed their appearance.

学习啦在线学习网   Generation after generation, as the ground kept gradually sinking, another layer of sand and clay was deposited above the layers already formed. A great pressure was thus exerted and the peat was changed into the black and brittle substance which is known as coal.

学习啦在线学习网   From the formation of coal, I see that the coal bas the same character as the pine trees in winter. The pines remain green when they are covered with snow. The coal remains of service to mankind after being burted underground for years and years.


学习啦在线学习网   煤在生活中用得如此普遍,以至于我们很少注意到它。我们每天烧煤做饭、烧水。第l辆火车是用燃煤的方法开动的。冬天我们特别需要煤。煤给我们火、光、热和温暖。工业离不开煤,因此,煤被称为工业的食粮。

学习啦在线学习网   煤不像金子那么贵重,金子用来做装饰品,挂在英雄的脖子上,然而煤以它自己的方式闪光。为了大家的利益,它无声地燃烧。在某种意义上,煤是黑色的金子。

学习啦在线学习网   煤经历了巨大的变化才变成亮、脆而黑的物质供我们使用。在古代,地球经历了温暖、潮湿的气候,土地被大片的森林和高大的植物所覆盖。随着时间的流逝,地面下陷,大量的树木、植物类的物质受到泥沙的覆盖。这层泥沙压在植物层之上,使它不能与空气接触。这些树木、植物由于受到压力而变形。


学习啦在线学习网   从煤的形成中可以看出,煤具有冬天里松树的性格。松树被雪覆盖时,仍然保持碧绿;煤被埋在地下多少年又多少年,仍然在为人类服务。

  大学英语写作经典作文带翻译:Practice Makes Perfect

  It is well known that practice makes perfect. Whatever is worth doing at all is wordl doing well. To do well is to try, try, and try again. That is how I understand "Practice makes perfect."

  Take for example the study of English. In the beginning, it seemed hard to me to pronounce each word correctly and to memorize the grammar rules, sentence structures, the whole texts. By reading the texts over and over, listening to the tape again and again, and writing and speaking more and more, I have overcome the difficulties and become more skillful in mastering the language. Nothing is impossihle if you set your mind on it.

学习啦在线学习网   Another case in point is my learning to play erhu. The first time I played the musical instrument, it was like sawing wood. The sound annoyed everyone in the house including myself, but I kept at it against the complaints of my family. At last, I made it. Now I can make pleasant music on my erhu.

  Experience tells me "Practice makes perfect".


学习啦在线学习网   “熟能生巧”是众所周知的谚语。凡是值得做的事就应做好,要干好就意味着试、试、再试。这就是我所理解的“熟能生巧”。


学习啦在线学习网   又如我学拉二胡。第1次玩这乐器时,我好像是在锯木头。其声音使家里人人厌烦,包括我自己。但我不顾家人的反对,坚持练。

学习啦在线学习网   我终于学会了。现在我的二胡弦音宜人。

学习啦在线学习网   经验告诉我:“熟能生巧”。

  大学英语写作经典作文带翻译:On Practice

  As the saying goes, "practice makes perfect." It applies to everything we do in life. Take for example the learning of a language. With practice, we can read, write, listen and speak English.

学习啦在线学习网   It is no easy thing to learn a Ianguage. First. I have to overcome the difficulties in pronunciation. I try hard to get every sound right, keep on doing the drills and memorize the new words. Then there are those grammar rules to remember and put to use. Also, to write I have to lead extensively and practise writing by keeping a diary or something.

学习啦在线学习网   Those who praetise most learn fast. In my class, some of the American students seize time in practising the little Chinese they have learned. For example, when the class is noisy someone will shout, "安静(Be quiet)!" When the lecture is too long, someone will say, "够了(enough)" or asks the teacher in phony concern, "你不累吗? (Aren't you tired?)" It is funny and they make surprisingly good progress in speaking Chinese.

  Practice makes perfect. There is no truer word than that. When there is anything you cannot do, do net he afraid. Just try, try and try again, for practice makes perfect, but remember that we should practise what we preach.



学习啦在线学习网   学习语言决非易事,首先得克服发音上的困难。我努力发准每一个音,坚持练习记单词,记语法规则和运用语法。要学会写,我得博览群书、记日记或练习写作。


学习啦在线学习网   “熟能生巧”,话再对不过了。不要怕不会做,只要坚持练习,练习,再练习,便能熟能生巧,但要记住,一定要说到做到。


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