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学习啦在线学习网   在大学的时候,英语专业的同学都有过一段难忘的晨读时间吧。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的大学必读英语作文,供大家参阅!

  大学必读英语作文:Back from Paradise

  Where am I? What am I doing? I feel as if floating in the soft air, no pain, even no sense. Through the darkness, I can see a faint light. However, I feel very safe, like a baby in its mother's womb?

学习啦在线学习网   I wake up, brilliant rays of light piercing my eyes. At the moment, I am stunned by everything before my eyes. Rivers,like floating ribbons, are embellished with green willows and red peach blossoms. Mountains, shrouded in mist, are surrounded by the flowing water, pure and blue. All these compose a beautiful landscape painting, and I feel as if I had come into it. The wonderful feeling of being alone, the twittering of birds at dawn and the sight of the rising sun shining on trees make me forget everything. I am so intoxicated by the breathtaking beauty that I no longer feel hungry, thirsty or sleepy, free of all desires. My spirit is going outside my body. I talk, I play, I watch and I feel with my soul. I step on the ground and breathe the air. Everything is so clean and fresh. Jade-green willows sway in the breeze, trailing their branches over the lotus carpeted lake. The wet grass gives out a delicate fragrance. I walk along the cobble stone path for a long long time. Time stops still!

学习啦在线学习网   The beauty of the place is lasting. However, I begin to feel bored. The memory of the past life, full of challenges, competitions, laugh, pain and love haunts me. I used to fight against fate every day. I enjoyed success after hundreds of failure; I experienced the profound sadness at the departure of my best friend; I felt the heart beating when I talked to my first lover; I treasured the leisure time when I got everything done. But now,I am not the master of my own fate. If only time would fly back so that I could carefully savour and contemplate the beauty of true life!

学习啦在线学习网   Everyone is pursuing perfectness. However, if the whole world is perfect, what's the meaning of being a human? Maybe take a stroll, get bored, then?

  I love the saying that "I long to alleviate the evil, but I can not, I too suffer."

  Paradise is paradise.

  Life is just life.

  简 评

学习啦在线学习网   本文中,作者凭借着丰富的想像力,描述了他的一次天堂之旅。作者心目中的天堂像一个世外桃源:杨柳和桃花装饰着绸带般的河流,山水环绕,湖面上点缀着莲花朵朵。作者沉浸在美景中,忘却了一切烦恼和欲望。然而,作者渐渐地对这种没有挑战、竞争,没有欢乐与痛苦的生活感到了厌烦。作者最终体会到:在这个并不完美的世界中,种种悲欢离合,成功与失败才是真实的生活,真实的美。

学习啦在线学习网   本文非常富有哲理性,表现了作者对人生的思考,对生活的热爱。在写作技巧方面,几句写景的句子结构平衡,用词优美:Rivers,like floating ribbons,are embellished with green willows and red peach blossoms.Mountains,shrouded in mist,are surrounded by the flowing water,pure and blue.此外,文章的句型丰富,长短句结合运用,显示了一定的写作功底。


  大学必读英语作文:Starry Starry Night

  Everything on the canvas is flowing, enthusiastic, lively and violent: the sky was occupied with swirling clouds in violet haze and dotted with tens of thousands of flaming stars that brightly blazed in gorgeous gold. A huge cypress cut the subtle flowing of clouds in silence, brown and stretched, bringing a unique elegance of balance to the whole painting. Few clumsy cabins scattered in the open field, strangely in harmony with the turbulently flowing sky. Hazily, the shadows on the hills outlined the turquoise trees and amber grains, bathed in dim moonlight.

  Generally, the perfect artworks born under Vincent van Gogh's hand annotated a new meaning of harmony. Its pureness was based on its complexity, its grace reflected by its clumsiness, its plainness embodied in its glory, its tempestuous flowing leading to a sense of solidity. Marvelous!

学习啦在线学习网   Starry Starry Night, a magnificent masterpiece, surely and absolutely.


  本文以优美的语言描写了梵高的名画——Starry Starry Night,表现了作者良好的语言表达能力和一定的艺术鉴赏水准。作者为我们展开了一幅画卷,文章的第一句话点明了整幅画的特点:Everythlne on the canvas is flowine。天空中布满了紫色的云彩和金色的闪烁星星。一棵巨大的树将浮动的云一分为二,使整个画面处于平衡状态。空地上分散的几间小屋与浮云流动的天空保持着奇怪的和谐。山坡上的影子勾勒出青葱的树木,琥珀色的谷物沐浴在月光下。








  A pet is all animal which is raised or kept by people as a companion. In recent years, more and more people, old or young, rich or poor, like to keep a pet such as a dog, a cat, a monkey and so on.

学习啦在线学习网   Pets are loved by people. They not only are good friends to their masters but also become members of the family. Although they are not human beings, their behavior sometimes is better than the human beings, for they always remain obedient and loyal to the master. There are many stories in which we are told that a pet saved his or her master's life or even traveled thousands of miles to return home. This makes them more lovely. Moreover, trained pets are very helpful. For instance, a trained dog can help the blind to walk and a trained pig can even find out drugs from the imports goods.

学习啦在线学习网   But pets are sometimes trouble-makers. Some pets such as dogs or snakes may attack people unexpectedly. A lot of people become ill or get infected because of the virus carried hy their pets. And some pets are dirty and poisonous. Therefore, we do not advocate keeping pets.

  大学必读英语作文:Fun and Happiness




学习啦在线学习网   3.是追求享乐还是追求幸福。

  Fun is what we experience during an act, happiness is what we experience after an act. The latter is a deeper, more abiding emotion. Watching a movie or television is fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and even laugh. But they do not bring hap

学习啦在线学习网   piness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.

学习啦在线学习网   The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness, but in fact, the opposite is tree. More often than not, things that lead to happiness involves some pain. It seems no fun undertaking some hard work, but when you finish it successfully, you will feel happy.

学习啦在线学习网   The moment we understand that fun does not necessarily bring happiness, we began to lead our lives differently. We should not merely seek fun in life, but try to pursue happiness even if we may undergo pains and difficulties.







