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  This year is off to a record-breaking start for globaltemperatures. It has been the hottest year to date,with January, February and March each passingmarks set in 2015, according to new data from theUS National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


  March was also the 11th consecutive month to set arecord high for temperatures, which agencies startedtracking in the 1800s.

学习啦在线学习网   自19世纪监测机构开始追踪气温数据以来,今年3月是连续第11个刷新高温纪录的月份。

  With the release on last Tuesday of its global climate report, NOAA is the third independentagency — along with NASA and the Japan Meteorological Association — to reach similar findings,each using slightly different methods.


学习啦在线学习网   Global anomalies have punctuated the threat of climate change. Some of these, including warmtemperatures and heavy rains, can be explained in part by this year's El Nino phenomenon,which scientists predicted would release large amounts of heat from the Pacific Ocean into theatmosphere, causing irregular weather patterns across the globe.


  But the effects of the current El Nino have been exacerbated by global warming, a result ofemissions of greenhouse gases by humans, said Jessica Blunden, a climate scientist with NOAAand lead author of the report.


  El Niño is on its way out, and ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific peaked inNovember, said Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist at the National Center for AtmosphericResearch.


学习啦在线学习网   A central feature of the Paris climate agreement was to hold the increase in the global averagetemperature to less than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than preindustriallevels, and to try to limit the increase to about 1.5 degrees Celsius.

学习啦在线学习网   巴黎气候协议的一个中心特点是将全球平均气温上升幅度控制在比前工业化时代增加2摄氏度的范围之内,尽力将这种增长控制在大约1.5摄氏度。

  As global temperatures are already nearing the 1.5-degree threshold, and some months havebeen about 1 degree or more above average, this goal might be difficult to achieve, Dr.Trenberth said.

学习啦在线学习网   特伦伯思表示,随着全球气温上升程度已经接近1.5摄氏度这一标准,并且有些月份比平均值高出1摄氏度甚至更多,所以这一目标可能很难达到。

  温室气体英文作文:暖冬立功 欧洲温室气体排放量显著减少

  Significantly warmer winters have played animportant role in the ongoing decline in EUgreenhouse gas emissions.

学习啦在线学习网   暖冬对欧盟国家温室气体排放量的持续下降起到了显著作用。

学习啦在线学习网   According to a new report, the use of CO2 and othergases across the bloc dropped by almost a quarterbetween 1990 and 2014. A switch from coal tonatural gas, the recession and the rise of renewableenergy all contributed to the fall. The latest figuresshow that a milder winter was the major factor inthe reduction.

学习啦在线学习网   根据一项最新报告显示,欧盟国家二氧化碳及其他气体的总排放量在1990年至2014年间下降了近四分之一。由煤炭转用天然气、经济衰退以及可再生能源的兴起都对这一下降起到了作用。而最新数据表明,一个更暖和的冬天是这一数据下降的最主要因素。

  Overall from 1990 to 2014 emissions across the member states of the European Union fell by24.4%, easily beating the 2020 target of 20% put forward as part of the first internationalagreement on climate change, the Kyoto Protocol.


  Importantly, the EU managed to reduce emissions in this period while economic output rose by47%.


  The keys to cutting warming emissions over the period have been a big switch from coal to gasfor electricity production, the rise of renewable energy, better home insulation and the economicrecession of 2008. But milder weather has contributed as well. In 2014, when emissions fell by4.1%, it was the most important factor.


  "If you look at the 24 year period, there is some warming in Europe and this has contributed tolower heat demand and lower greenhouse gas emissions," said Ricardo Fernandez from theEuropean Environment Agency who compiled the figures. "In the last two years it has even beenstronger - in 2014 you can see that, while its not the only factor, by and large it's due to themilder winter conditions in Europe."


学习啦在线学习网   That mild, wet winter was felt particularly in Germany and the UK, and it is reductions indomestic heating demand in both those countries that accounts for just under half the declineacross the 28 states that year.


学习啦在线学习网   Overall though, over the past 24 years the UK and Germany have both been major movers inhelping to reduce greenhouse gases - in that time UK emissions have dropped by by 34.3%.



  World greenhouse gas emissions stayed flat for thethird year in a row in 2016, thanks to falls in China,even as the pro-coal policies of U.S. President-electDonald Trump mean uncertainty for the future, aninternational study said last Monday.

学习啦在线学习网   一项于上周一发布的国际研究报告称,由于中国的减排,截止2016年,世界温室气体排放已经连续三年持平,不过,赞成使用煤炭的特朗普当选美国总统为未来增加了不确定性。

  Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels andindustry were set to rise a tiny 0.2 percent in 2016from 2015 levels to 36.4 billion tonnes, the thirdconsecutive year with negligible change and down from three percent growth rates in the2000s, it said.

学习啦在线学习网   该报告称,化石燃料与工业的二氧化碳排放量在2016年小幅上升0.2%,达到364亿吨,这已经是增速连续三年几乎没有变化,而在21世纪前十年,每年的增速达到了3%。

学习啦在线学习网   The Global Carbon Project welcomed the flatlining of emissions amid global economic growth.But it cautioned that the world was not yet firmly on track for a greener economy.


  "It's far too early to say we've reached a peak in emissions," Glen Peters, of the Center forInternational Climate and Environmental Research in Oslo, told Reuters, referring to the findingsissued at U.N. talks on climate change in Marrakesh, Morocco.

学习啦在线学习网   奥斯陆国际气候与环境中心的格伦·皮特再接受路透社采访时表示:“根据2016年联合国气候变化摩洛哥马拉喀什大会的数据,现在就说已经达到排放顶点还为时过早。”

学习啦在线学习网   "So far the slowdown has been driven by China," Peters said, adding Beijing's climate changepolicies would also be the dominant force in future since it accounts for almost 30 percent ofglobal emissions. Chinese emissions were on track to dip 0.5 percent this year, depressed byslower economic growth and coal consumption.

学习啦在线学习网   皮特表示,目前为止碳排放的下降主要是由于中国,中国的气候变化政策在未来仍将起到重要作用,因为中国在全球碳排放中占到3成。由于经济放缓,煤炭消费减少,今年中国的碳排放微降0.5%。

  U.S. emissions were projected to fall by 1.7 percent in 2016, also driven by declines in coalconsumption, according to the study published in the journal Earth System Science Data.


学习啦在线学习网   The Marrakesh talks among almost 200 governments, between Nov. 7-18, have beendominated by uncertainties about future U.S. policy after Republican Trump's victory onTuesday.


  Trump has called global warming a hoax and wants to pull out of the Paris Agreement forlimiting emissions, reached last year after two decades of negotiations, and instead bolsterjobs in the U.S. coal and oil industries.

学习啦在线学习网   特朗普曾经称全球气候变暖为骗局,声称要退出各国政府历经20年才达成、限制碳排放的巴黎协定,增加美国在煤炭石油行业的就业。

  Still, Peters said natural gas, wind and solar were likely to continue displacing coal in U.S.,thanks to new technologies and lower prices.

学习啦在线学习网   不过皮特表示,由于技术进步,天然气,风能以及太阳能正在不断替代美国的煤炭能源。


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