Video footage shows a man forced to run alongside amoving high speed train after getting his fingerclamped between one of the doors.
The video was filmed on May 15 at a station inChangzhou, east China's Jiangsu province, accordingto the People's Daily Online.
学习啦在线学习网 视频拍摄于5月15号江苏常州站,人民网报道。
学习啦在线学习网 After some time, the man manages to pull his fingeraway from the closed doors.
学习啦在线学习网 一会之后,这名男子成功的将手指挣脱开来。
学习啦在线学习网 In the footage the man can be seen moving along with the train.
学习啦在线学习网 According to Xinmin, the man boarded the wrong train thinking it was the G7080 train.
学习啦在线学习网 As soon as he realised his mistake, he tried to exit the train.
However as he left in a hurry, he got a finger on his left hand trapped in the automatic doors.
学习啦在线学习网 然而在他匆忙下车时,他左手手指被夹在了自动门里。
He was forced to run with the train for a short time until he eventually managed to pull hisfinger out from the door.
The man did not have any serious injuries and took his intended train shortly after.
学习啦在线学习网 男子没有受到重伤,后来坐上了正确的列车。
学习啦在线学习网 The Indian Space Research Organisation's GSAT-9on board the Geosynchronous Satellite LaunchVehicle (GSLV-F09), launches in Sriharikota in thestate of Andhra Pradesh. —AFP
学习啦在线学习网 India launched a communications satellite on Fridayfor its smaller neighbours to share, part of its effortsto build goodwill in the region and counter Chineseinfluence, but arch-rival Pakistan said it would stayaway from the project.
学习啦在线学习网 印度于5月5日发射了一颗通讯卫星,试图让他的邻居们分享科技成果,以改善外交关系,制衡中国的影响力。然而他的夙敌巴基斯坦却表示并不想参与此一计划。
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who came to office promising to strengthen ties withneighbours such as Sri Lanka, Nepal and even Pakistan, has called the satellite a gift to southAsia.
学习啦在线学习网 印度纳伦德拉·莫迪承诺要加强印度与周边国家例如斯里兰卡、尼泊尔,甚至是巴基斯坦的关系。他把这颗卫星称为给南亚的礼物。
“The successful launch of South Asia Satellite is a historic moment. It opens up new horizons ofengagement,” he said soon after an Indian-made rocket carrying the satellite lifted off from theSriharikota space centre in southern India.
学习啦在线学习网 穆迪在印度成功发射了自制的火箭和卫星后表示:“南亚卫星的成功发射是一次壮举。它让印度参与国际事务的程度上升了一个台阶。”
学习啦在线学习网 So far Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Maldives have signed up tomake use of the satellite. Pakistan said it was working on its own satellite and did not join.
学习啦在线学习网 目前为止阿富汗、孟加拉、不丹、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡和马尔代夫都签字同意使用这颗卫星。而巴基斯坦则表示他们要自己研发卫星,所以不会参与计划。
学习啦在线学习网 The South Asia Satellite will offer participating countries television services and communicationstechnology for bank ATMs and e-governance, and may even serve as a backup for cellularnetworks, especially in places where the terrestrial connectivity is weak, the Indian foreignministry said.
学习啦在线学习网 印度外交部长表示:南亚卫星能向参与国家提供电视服务和电子金融、行政甚至蜂窝网络服务,特别在一些偏远而信号微弱的地区。
India is trying to push back against China's expanding involvement in infrastructure buildingacross south Asia, by offering financial and technical aid of its own.
学习啦在线学习网 印度试图以财政和科技支援邻国,抑制中国在南海大搞基建而逐渐扩大的影响力,
Modi said the leaders of the participating countries had joined him in a video conference tomark the launch.
Ties with Pakistan remain difficult, with the Indian government this week accusing Pakistan ofkilling and then mutilating the bodies of two soldiers on patrol on the disputed Kashmir border,provoking calls for retribution. Pakistan denied the accusation.
China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) shakeshands with South Korean special envoy Lee Hae-chanat the foreign ministry in Beijing on May 18, 2017 (AFP Photo/THOMAS PETER)
2017年5月18日,中国外交部长王毅在北京会见韩国总统特使李海瓒(法新社/THOMAS PETER)
China's foreign minister urged South Korea's newgovernment on Thursday to remove "obstacles" togood relations amid Chinese anger at the USdeployment of an anti-missile system on the Koreanpeninsula.
Greeting South Korean presidential envoy Lee Hae-Chan in Beijing, Foreign Minister Wang Yisaid bilateral relations have made immense progress over the years.
学习啦在线学习网 在北京会见韩国总统特使李海瓒时,中国外交部长称中韩双边关系多年来已取得很大进展。
学习啦在线学习网 "But this year we've had some undeserved setbacks," Wang said, likely in a veiled referenceto the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system that became operational earlier thismonth.
"We hope the new government will correct the problems that we have encountered and takeeffective measures and positions as soon as possible to remove the obstacles that have beenplaced on the road to good relations between our two countries."
South Korea's new President Moon Jae-In dispatched Lee to Beijing in the wake of his electionvictory last week.
Ties between Seoul and Beijing soured before Moon's election over the deployment of THAAD,which is aimed at guarding against threats from nuclear-armed North Korea. China sees THAADas a threat to the regional security balance.
学习啦在线学习网 Left-leaning Moon and President Xi Jinping spoke on the phone last week and both agreed thatdenuclearising North Korea was a "common goal" between them, Moon's spokesman said.
学习啦在线学习网 "We believe South Korea will bring clear measures to improve relations," Wang said.
For his part, Lee said Moon asked him "to express his thanks to President Xi for his message ofcongratulations after our election. He also asked me to come and engage in deep dialogue".
学习啦在线学习网 对于自己的出访,李海瓒称文在寅叮嘱其“向主席致谢,感谢在我们选举后发来贺电。还要我与中方开展深入的对话”
学习啦在线学习网 Moon's spokesman, Yoon Young, said last week that the special delegation to Beijing would"exclusively discuss the THAAD and the North's nuclear issues".
Moon, who took office on Wednesday, favours engagement with the North -- whose keydiplomatic backer is China -- to bring it to the negotiating table over its nuclear and missileambitions.
学习啦在线学习网 周三就职的文在寅有意愿与朝鲜接触,促使其回到谈判桌前,而鉴于朝鲜的核导野心,中国是文在寅外交政策的关键依仗。
He has previously expressed ambivalence over the THAAD system and told Xi last week hewas "well aware" of Chinese concerns about it, calling for bilateral talks to "increaseunderstanding over the issue".
学习啦在线学习网 文在寅此前表示过对萨德系统的摇摆心理,上周也告知主席他“很清楚”中方对此的关切,呼吁双边谈话“增进对该问题的理解”。
Tensions have been running high in the region, with Pyongyang launching what appeared to beits longest-range missile yet on Sunday.
学习啦在线学习网 由于朝鲜周日发射了一枚不明的长程导弹,半岛紧张局势持续走高。
The United Nations Security Council met behind closed door on Tuesday to discuss tighteningsanctions on North Korea.
学习啦在线学习网 联合国安理会周二举行了闭门会议,讨论对朝鲜加紧制裁。
US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said the United States was working with China on a newsanctions resolution and warned that all countries must step up action against North Korea orface measures themselves.
美国驻联合国大使Nikki Haley称美与中国正就一项新制裁措施展开合作,他还警告说,所有国家都应加紧采取行动反制朝鲜,不然也会面对制裁。