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  Good afternoon ladies and gentleman:

  My name is He Xue Qing。Today,I introduce

  my family。

  There are 5 people in my family。They are

学习啦在线学习网   my grandfather ,grandmother ,father ,mother ,and I。

学习啦在线学习网   My grandfather is a very happy man ,my

  grandmother is happy too ,her hair is short 。my grandfather father and mother are all tethers。 They both work hard 。

  I love my grandfather grandmother father and

学习啦在线学习网   mother very much, and they all love me too 。I have a happy family。

学习啦在线学习网   I love my family。


  I Am Chinese

学习啦在线学习网   good afternoon,Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, , today i'm so proud of standing here to talk with you , share my thoughts with you .today my topic is i am chinese.

  There is a beautiful country standing in the east of the worl

  我爱我家Good afternoon ladies and gentleman:My name is He Xue Qing。Today,I introduce my family。There are 5 people in my family。They are my grandfather ,grandmother ,father ,mother ,and I。My grandfather is a very happy man ,my grandmother is happy too ,her hair is short 。my grandfather father and mother are all tethers。They both work hard 。I love my grandfather grandmother father and mother very much,and they all love me too 。I have a happy family。I love my family。d,she has red soil,big mountains,long rivers,brave and hardworking people.she is just a diamond ,shinning all the time.she is my dearest motherland-----china!

  I love my motherland. I am proud of being a Chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind.I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and hair. I’m also proud that I speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese.

  Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud name—Chinese. Since the day I began to talk, the most beautiful sentence I’ve learnt has been “i am chinese!”

  I’m so proud of being a Chinese.

  Last year,we held the 29th Olympics in beijing,let the people of the world share the spirit thus faster ,higher,and strong..china has been the focus of all world's attention.

学习啦在线学习网   May 12th is an ordinary day last year. An earthquake happened in sichuan province .thousands of people were injured even died ,lots of children lost their parents. At the end of 2007, the snow storm hit many province ,but we were not defeated .the disasters have no love, but the chinese people have love,the disasters are terrible ,but we can overcome .we become more united and have the courage to overcome all the difficulties .when we have troubles ,all the chinese people will smile and say "nothing will destroy us ,even death.i am proud of you, china ,!i am chinese /

学习啦在线学习网   As a student , we should work hard and devote ourselves to our motherland ,i do hope everyone can be the backbone of our nation.now ,please stand up and shout _------i am cninese !!


学习啦在线学习网   下午好,女士们,先生们,男孩和女孩,今天我很骄傲的站在这里与你交谈,分享我的想法与你,今天我演讲的题目是《我是中国人。

学习啦在线学习网   有一个美丽的国家,它站在世界的东方,她有红色的土壤,大山,大河、勤劳勇敢的people.she只是一颗钻石、闪光都是我最亲爱的祖国喊——-china !

学习啦在线学习网   我爱我的祖国。我很自豪作为一个中国五千年的文明背后的. 我感到自豪的是,我已经得到了美丽的黄皮肤,黑眼睛和头发。我还感到自豪的是,我说最美丽的语言在世界上-中国。




学习啦在线学习网   5月12号是一个普通的一天去年。地震发生在四川省.thousands人受伤甚至死亡,很多孩子失去了他们的父母。在2007年年底,雪风暴袭击的许多省份,但是我们都不可以被打败,灾难没有爱情,但中国人民有爱,是一种可怕的自然灾害,但我们能克服,我们变得更加的团结和勇于克服所有的困难,当我们遇到麻烦时,所有的中国人会微笑着说,“什么会毁了我们,即使而骄傲,中国!我是中国人

学习啦在线学习网   作为学生,我们应该努力工作,致力于祖国,我希望每个人都能成为nation.now的骨干,请站起来大声_——我是中国人 ! !


  I believe we all know that we are striving to Dongguan,the national civilized city,so we need no extra points,Dongguan civilization.Dongguan What is the result of civilization?Dongguan because of you,my civilization and civilized.Our Dongguan If there is no corresponding state of mind,environmental atmosphere and civilized behavior,there would be no civilization,Dongguan,Dongguan,includes both material civilization,Dongguan,also includes the spirit of Dongguan,Dongguan,the spirit of all of us who need a common,a long-term efforts.Civilization is a step forward in scientific thinking,behavior of the upright habit of improvement,the improvement of cultivation,quality upgrading; it is the liberation of humanity,freedom,perfection and beyond.Growth from an educational point of view,civilization is on a farewell to the ignorance and vulgarity,is conscious control of human nature to overcome and defeat does not meet the social,legal,discipline,morality instincts desire is to their mutual hostility from each other to prevent the liberation of out,from the war to liberate the soul from the narrow utilitarian and secular fetters freed ......the reality of our growth and development needs call for the return of civilization,reconstruction and development,looking around four are still frequent the same uncivilized phenomenon appeared around us.For example:Language uncivilized,some students have exported into a dirty,fights curse events also occasionally occur; environment is not clean and tidy,along with the duty of labor,some students of the damage to the environment,drink cups,tissues,plastic bags,scraps of paper discarded everywhere,and even worked tirelessly around these things Tibetan,4 plugs,not promptly clean up garbage and refuse into the room,and some garbage near secretly swept under the bed,and some bags of garbage will be placed on the public corridor,and some will be Garbage from the 2nd floor as "high-altitude dropped," we do not reach out to more people picking up garbage around,these are all against the background of our poor health habits,health awareness is weak.Can be seen that the ugly conflict between civilization and the very existence of Dongguan to arouse the attention of all,it needs action.


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