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  话题:金钱/描写(Unit3 The million pound bank note)

学习啦在线学习网   某英文杂志新设“我的家乡”专栏向读者征文,请按下面提供的要点写一篇100个词左右的短文,介绍你的家乡过去的情况和现在的变化,向该杂志投稿。短文标题已给出。

学习啦在线学习网   过去:家乡小镇绿树环抱;小河清清鱼儿嬉戏;房屋简陋街道狭窄;人们劳作生活清贫; 现在:高楼大厦厂店林立;大小车辆驰骋街头;工业发展环境恶化;树木减少鱼儿消失;治理污染当务之急。

  I used to live in a beautiful small town with green trees all around it.The river,running through the town,had clean water in which fish could be seen swimming in groups. The house, however, were small and simple, and the street wasn’t wide enough to run cars. People here worked hard all year round yet lived a life of no more than poverty.

学习啦在线学习网   Now great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, department stores and factories everywhere. Cars and buses are running in broad streets. But with the development of industry, pollution is becoming more and more serious. A lot of trees are gone, and fish have disappeared because of the dirty water.

  To our joy, people have been doing their best to stop pollution and make the town even more beautiful.


  话题:太空探索(Unit4 Astronomy: the science of stars)

学习啦在线学习网   最近,你班同学就“太空探索是否值得”这一话题展开了一场讨论。请你根据下表提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文介绍讨论的情况。

学习啦在线学习网   注意: 1. 词数:120左右; 2. 参考词汇:短缺 shortage。

学习啦在线学习网   Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring.

  30% of us think space exploration is not worthwhile. They think space is too far away from us and our daily life. And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the earth’s problems such as starvation and pollution.

  On the other hand, 70% think space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it, such as using satellites for communication and weather forecast. What’s more, with further space research, we may solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day. Also, space research will enable us to find new sources to solve the problem of energy shortages on the earth.


  话题:太空探索(Unit4 Astronomy: the science of stars)

  假设你是高一学生李华,是学校的环保小卫士。为了提高大家的环保意识,你准备写一篇主题为“The Importance of Water”的发言稿。请你根据以下提示写一篇5句话英语文章,内容要点如下:

学习啦在线学习网   ①As is known to all, water is so important to all the living things on the earth that nothing can live on the earth without it.②With an increase in population and the development of industry, more and more water is needed and as a result, which results in the shortage of water in many places.③That a lot of rivers and lakes have been polluted by the waste from factories makes it impossible for fish to live in them any longer.④At the same time, the waste water is harmful to our health as well.⑤In order to prevent water from being polluted, we must do something to stop pollution and fight against all sorts of pollution.


  话题:介绍一个地方(Canada—“the true north”)



  1. 南京位于中国东南部,是江苏省省会,人口约500万。

  2. 南京有2400多年历史,曾有10个朝代在此建都。

  3. 南京很美,有许多名胜,如玄武湖、鸡鸣寺、石头城等,还有许多现代化的工厂和高大的楼房。


  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Welcome to our city. I’d like to tell you something about our city.

  Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, lies in the southeast of China. It has a population of about 5 million. The city has a history of more than 2,400 years, and was once the capitals of ten dynasties. It is a very beautiful city with a lot of places of interest, such as the Xuanwu Lake, the Jiming Temple and the Stone City. It also has many modern factories and high buildings.

学习啦在线学习网   I’m sure you will have a good time here.

  Thank you.


  话题:介绍一个地方(Canada—“the true north”)


学习啦在线学习网   粤东桥梁:bridge of eastern Guangdong

学习啦在线学习网   Located in the east of Guangdong Province , Shanwei is a coastal city with a long history. With Shantou on its east and Huizhou,Shenzhen on its west, Shanwei is also called the “bridge of eastern Guangdong”. It covers a total area of 5271 square kilometers with a population of about 360 million. The climate here is pleasant, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter and it is rich in natural resources ,such as mine, forest, farm produce and so on. Shanwei has many places of interest, among which is the Fengshan Temple,Red Bay whose scenery is very beautiful, attracts lots of tourists from different places every year.