学习啦在线学习网 我最喜欢玩的是:海盗船、激流勇进。我没坐海盗船的时候,我觉得没什么了不起的。可坐到海盗船上的时候,我有些担心,往上摇的时候我不算怕,可是下来的时候我的心都卡到嗓子眼上了,我们都大声的喊了出来,这样能缓解一些害怕。
学习啦在线学习网 我看着别人玩激流勇进的时候,心里很激动,可是又有点害怕,因为我害怕激流勇进和海盗船一样刺激。排了十几分钟的队,总算可以玩了。刚开始,我们坐在小船上,顺水往下飘,心里想:这有啥好玩的。不料,过了一会小船随着传送带上到了高处,随即像箭一样冲了下去,溅起了一米多高的浪花,弄得我满身是水。可是我的心里很高兴,真想再玩一次。
学习啦在线学习网 天渐渐黑了下来,我们要回家了,今天玩的既高兴又刺激。快乐国庆节,耶!
Today is the National Day, I, Mom and Dad, Beibei brother and good friends Qingqing and sunny mom and dad to go to Shanxi Meile Amusement Park to play. I can be happy.
Along the way we saw a lot of tall white windmills. Ah, finally arrived at the destination. Unfortunately, this time at noon, we went to the hotel to eat, after dinner, went to the amusement park. Into the amusement park, we played Ferris wheel, war shark island, space walk, pirate ship, torrent Yong Jin, Arabian carpet and so on and so on.
My favorite thing is: pirate ship, torrent Yongjin. I did not take the pirate ship when I felt nothing great Can sit on the pirate ship, I have some worry, shake up when I was not afraid, but down when my heart card to the throat eyes, and we all shouted out loud, so that can ease some fear The
I looked at others when the torrents of courage, the heart is very excited, but also a little scared, because I am afraid of torrent Yongjin and pirate ship as exciting. Row of ten minutes of the team, finally can play. At first, we sat on the boat, down the water, thinking: what is so fun. Unexpectedly, after a while the boat with the conveyor belt to the height, then rushed down like an arrow, splashed a meter high waves, which made me covered with water. But my heart is very happy, really want to play again.
Day gradually dark down, we have to go home, and today both happy and exciting to play. Happy National Day, yeah!
学习啦在线学习网 今年是国庆节61周年,远远的就看到梅园的大门口挂着一面鲜艳的五星红旗,人们都在国旗下拍照留影,以此纪念祖国的61岁生日,我也忍不住跟国旗来了个亲密接触。
学习啦在线学习网 走进梅园里,到处人山人海,可热闹了!每个人的脸上都充满了节日的喜悦。这里国庆期间正在举办火龙灯会,各种各样的纸灯造型十分好看,有小猴、有白兔、有青蛙、还有天鹅……我最喜欢的是巨龙和孔雀的彩灯,它们是用瓷盘、瓷碟、瓷杯、瓷勺拼扎而成的,做得栩栩如生,非常漂亮。
学习啦在线学习网 Autumn sun lush, along the breeze blowing in the body is very comfortable. I and my father, my mother decided to go to plum play.
This year is the 61st anniversary of the National Day, far to see the mouth of the plum with a bright five-star red flag, people are taking pictures under the flag to commemorate the 61st birthday of the motherland, I could not help but with the flag Came a close contact.
Into the plum garden, everywhere crowded, can be lively! Everyone's face is full of joy of the festival. Here are the National Day during the dragon lights will be held, a variety of paper lamp shape is very nice, there are monkeys, white rabbits, frogs, and swans ... ... my favorite is the dragon and peacock lanterns, they are With porcelain plate, porcelain dish, porcelain cup, porcelain spoon from the fight, and do lifelike, very beautiful.
In the plum square on the east side of the square there is a group of Tiananmen and China table model, like a small version of Beijing Tiananmen Square, do very realistic. I also stood in the "Tiananmen Square" before leaving a shadow, that photo to wash when people thought I was in Beijing Tiananmen Square shot it!
Today can be really busy ah, usually very little out to play, although today is very tired to play, but still play with the mom and dad very happy!
学习啦在线学习网 今天,是国庆节放假的第二天。天高云淡,空气清新。我的心情也格外好,因为我们一家三口要去姥姥家。一路上,我看见很多农民在忙着收庄稼,瞧!大大的玉米,好像一个个裹着被子的小娃娃;一片片高粱,好像燃烧的火把;火红的辣椒,好像一盏盏的小灯笼……真是金秋时节、五谷丰登啊!
学习啦在线学习网 Today is the second day of the National Day holiday. Day high clouds, fresh air. My mood is also particularly good, because we have a family of three to grandma home. Along the way, I saw a lot of farmers busy collecting crops, see! Big corn, like a quilt wrapped in a small doll; a piece of sorghum, like a burning torch; red pepper, like a small bowls of light ... ... really autumn season, grain bumper!
Finally to the grandmother's home. I and my Cong Cong sister, Lixin sister play a "happy at home." We opened a "beverage shop", Cong Cong sister and I sell a drink aunt, Lost Xin as a small customer. We put a few paper cups on the sand as a cream, and then filled with water to the cup, and then into each cup with a yellow flowers, delicious "ice cream" to do a good job. "I want to buy a few ice cream?" I am very polite and said: "Auntie, I want eight!" I told him: "ice cream to eat more than the ice cream, , The child's body is not good! "Lost Xin obedient nodded. Then we also played the story of "Snow White".
学习啦在线学习网 At the grandmother's house, I spent a pleasant holiday. The next holiday, I have to go to grandma!
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