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学习啦在线学习网   要不要成为一个小孩

  To be or not to be a child

  内容: For 17,it's time to say goodbye to my childhood,because 18 is coming. For 17,I have many hurts and pains,the worst is why i must say goodbye to my childhood. For 17,I know it not easy for life,I know hard-working is the key to succees.But why I should look for my succees,where he is? For 17,I doubled if it's need to be or not to be a child,but unknown. To be or not to be ,this is not a question,for I know it's know difference between child and adult.

学习啦在线学习网   标题:要或不要孩子

  内容:对17,是时候告别自己的童年,因为18日即将到来。 17,我有很多伤害和痛苦,最糟糕的就是我为什么要告别我的童年。 17,我知道

学习啦在线学习网   这不是一件容易的生活,我知道辛勤工作的关键是succees.But为什么我要为我的succees,看他在哪里? 17,我一倍,如果是必须或不是一个



学习啦在线学习网   生活就要充满乐趣

  Youth,live with more fun.

  In ,Dumbledore said to Harry,Youth,live with more fun.Youth,a large amount of wealth.Youth days,spend with friends,spend with joys.

  Youth,some spend it,some treasure it,but I show respect to it.Not too much fun with youth for me, niether do i feel happy or sad.I am just puzzled.Where a youth can create a great many things?Or just go down,falling into the vally of disapponitment?Finally,I find it just a fun for being a youth.Don't think too many things about the past childhood,or the coming unknown life.Just for you,for me,enjoy the fun in our youth,then be a tough man step-by-step go.






学习啦在线学习网   Sunday, I and my father, mother, grandmother to go home. Grandma has a lovely family dog, whose name is called black. (Because its body is black, so we call it black.) It is a long head with a pair of clever ears, a particularly sensitive nose to sniff things, there are a pair of black shiny eyes. Grandmother lived in the vegetable garden outside the village. We are just riding a motorcycle off the road, black from the vegetable plots ran the fastest to meet us. Because we go to when they are already fast at noon, so let's eat. I finished the meal, we went out looking for black to play. When I saw the black when it's like I feel it seems hungry. I went to took a steamed bun, and then breaking off a small piece of the next, it said: "The black, if we should want to eat then."

  Finish, I put bread and threw the air. Black look, at once erected the whole body up. Should first 2 small black claws on the air, and then big mouth, jump up, suddenly bite of the bread. I jumped up and patted its head, saying: "Well like, black, you're a hummer!" It is a large black tail Shuaile Shuai and gently biting the bite of my Yijiao that agreed. "This time you can not unilaterally!" I am out of its non-preparation, again a small piece of bread a toss up. Black suddenly jump, followed by an urgent turn around, body up a jump, but also caught the. Well, I finished black, it, "Wang Wang" ground called the Liang Sheng, the two forepaws flat on their chests up and down swing, it seems to me to express gratitude. It is also very obedient black. Sometimes I find it very boring when will think of black. As long as I call out: "black, come."

学习啦在线学习网   It will immediately go in front of me. I let it sit, it will sit down; I let it get on the ground it will get on the ground ... ... There is a stranger comes, the black will "bark" to call non-stop, until their families, it is willing to stop. Sometimes it will put out his tongue was breathing heavily; sometimes it will turn a blind eye lying in repose on a haystack; sometimes it will smell the East, West to see; sometimes it pricked up his ears to listen; sometimes It will arrest cricket in the vegetable plots in the wheat ground chasing a hare ... ... This is the black, my black classmates who do you think it is cute?


学习啦在线学习网   星期天,我和我的父亲,母亲,奶奶回家。奶奶有一个可爱的家庭狗,他的名字叫黑。 (因为它的身体是黑色的,所以我们称之为黑色的。)这是一个聪明的耳朵特别灵敏的鼻子闻东西对长头,有黑色光泽的一双眼睛。祖母住在菜园村外。我们只是把骑摩托车的道路,从菜地黑跑的最快我们见面了。因为我们去的时候,他们已经快中午,所以让我们吃。我完成了这顿饭,我们出去了比赛的黑人看。当我看到黑色的时候就像我觉得好像饿了。我去了一馒头,然后断绝一小块下,它说:“黑色的,如果我们想要吃,然后。”

  完成时,我把面包扔在空气中。黑色的外观,立即竖起全身了。应首先2黑色小爪子在空中,然后大口,跳起来,突然咬的面包。我跳起来,拍拍它的头,说:“嗯像,黑,你真棒!”这是一个黑色的大尾巴Shuaile帅,轻轻地咬咬我的娇同意这一点。 “这个时候你不能单方面!”我出其非准备,又是面包,一抛了一小块。黑突然跳,一个紧急掉头,身体后跳了一个,而且也引起了。嗯,我完成了黑色,它,“王王”地叫梁晟两个前爪放在胸前,上下摆动单位,在我看来,他们表示谢意。这也很听话黑色。有时候我觉得很无聊时,会想到黑色。只要我喊一声:“黑,来。”

  它将立即去在我面前。我想的坐下,便坐下来,我让它在地下,将获得在当地得到... ...有一个陌生人来,黑色的“树皮”,以提倡不停,直到他们的家人,它愿意停止。有时会伸出舌头喘着粗气,有时会视而不见,在休息躺在草堆,有时会闻到东,西看看,有时竖起了耳朵听,有时会被逮捕板球在小麦地面菜地追逐野兔... ...这是黑色的,我的,您认为谁是可爱的黑人同学?


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