学习啦在线学习网 学习英语最重要的部分就是英语写作,英语写作是检验学生运用和掌握英语能力的最佳方式,由此可见英语写作的重要性。为如何提高大家的英语写作能力和技巧,下面学习啦小编为大家带来专八英语写作范文,欢迎大家学习!
学习啦在线学习网 We are living in a globalized world and the cross-cultural communications are increasingnowadays. In other words, we have never been so closely connected with each other in thehuman histories. As a philosopher has pointed out, nobody is an isolated island. If we wantto have a bright future, we need more cooperation for the development. Therefore, teamspirit is very important. It is an bility that people can understand each other and cooperatewith each other for the successful completion of some important tasks.We need such kind ofability in particular during the globalization for several reasons.
学习啦在线学习网 First of all, team spirit offers us a platform where we can operate our collective talent towork out thebest. Only when we work effectively together can we have the best chance to getthe success. Taking the 2008 Beijing Olympics for example, I think the success of the eventfirst goes to the superb team spirit of the organizers and millions of volunteers.So manypeople work hard and cooperate well for the single aim and the solitary goal: anexceptional Olympics for the whole world. A lot of student volunteers in Beijing arecommitted and work tirelessly during the hot summer. History has witnessed their brilliantteamwork and valuable contributions.What is more,team spirit is quite useful for personalcareer.
As young students,we must learn the core and sharpen our skills in the team.If you work ina company,most of the time you have to finish or design a huge project with your colleagues.Each person can contribute their wisdom to the completion of the task. You cannot do it sowell single-handedly. When we watchthe Olympic Games on TV, we are so amazed by theexcellent performances of the players. If they want to win the gold medals, they mustcompete as one person and exercise their own part well for the whole success.So we can saythe team spirit is the secret of success.
学习啦在线学习网 作为一名年轻学生,我们必须学会在团队中锻炼自己的能力。如果你在一家公司工作,那么绝大部分的时间你都必须与其他同事完成重要的设计任务。每个人都为这一目标献出了自己的智慧。你不可能单枪匹马。当我在电视机前观看奥运会比赛时,我们对运动员的出色表现而惊叹不已。如果他们想夺取金牌,为了目标,他们必须通力合作。所以,团队精神是成功的秘诀。
学习啦在线学习网 Finally,team spirit is the symbol of national power and strength. As we all know,theChinese delegationhas won the most medals during the 2008 Olympics and all Chinese peopleare so proud of our country. Another example is the touching power of the team spirit in theSichuan earthquake. We were moved by the perseverance and persistence of the rescueworkers, who were eager to help their compatriots.
学习啦在线学习网 最后,团队精神是国家富强和力量的象征。众所周知,中国代表团在2008年奥运会上奖牌总数第一,中国人无不为此而骄傲。另一个体现团队精神的例子是四川地震。我们被救援人员的坚韧和顽强品质所感染,他们不惜生命的代价抢救伤员。
In conclusion, team spirit is an important ability and skill in the 21th century because we areall facedwith the globalization and the question of how to live better. Therefore, we mustlearn to work well in the team and let the team spirit guide us to success.
学习啦在线学习网 China’s economy is not immune to the influence of the global economic crisis. As China’seconomy is heavily dependent on global trade and investment flows, the global economicslowdown has already had a negative impact on China’s export sector and industries. Thereare some observations that our economy is alreadyslowing down. In response, many scholarscall on Chinese people to spend more money to create domestic demands in various magazinesand newspapers. They even equal consumption with being patriotic. In my point ofview, weshould hold the strings of purse tight, instead of spending more.
Firstly, as even some economic big shots acknowledge that they can not see the bottom of theglobal economic crisis, we should get prepared by holding the strings of our purse tight incase that the crisis lasts longer than anticipated. In terms of traditions, Chinese people haveformed the habit of saving money for long-term consideration. While many foreigners accuseChinese of being conservative, it is time-honored wisdom to save money for emergencies inthe future.
学习啦在线学习网 首先,甚至有许多经济学家都承认他们还没有看到全球经济危机的谷底。我们应该勒紧裤腰带,以防经济危机持续蔓延。从传统上来说,中国人已经习惯了存钱。然而,许多外国人都认为中国人保守,省钱救急是传统智慧的一种表现。
学习啦在线学习网 As a matter of fact, many foreign countries are characterized by their advanced welfaresystems, so that they can still make their needs meet in times of crisis. In China, while weadmit that the government has made progress in the establishment of social securitysystems, there are still many members of our society that are not included in social securitysystems. Therefore, it is impractical to call on those excluded members of the social securitysystems to spend more money.
学习啦在线学习网 事实上,国外许多国家都有着先进的福利系统,所以,遇到危机时,国家依然能够满足民众的需求。在中国,国家在制定社会保障制度方面取得了巨大的成功,但是,许多民众还没有列入到社会保障制度之中。所以,让这些民众花钱是不现实的。
Secondly, though Chinese people earn more money than before in the aggregate, themajority of us still do not amass enough wealth to live a guaranteed life. According to thelatest release of national incomes, urban citizens earn a per capita income of 15, 781 yuanwhile people in the rural areas earn only 4, 761 yuan. However, we must bear in mind thatwealth amassed by relatively limited number of millionaires and billionaires contribute a largeshare of the per capita income growth. Many people in the rural areas and those laid-off andunemployed workers can not even earn an average income. I think everyone wants to live aluxurious life, but without enough money how can they make it?
学习啦在线学习网 第二,尽管中国人比从前挣得多了,但是,绝大部分人还没有真正富有起来。根据最新的国家收入,城市居民的人均收入是1万5781元,而农村居民的收入只有4761元。但是,我们需要记住的是那些为数不多的百万富翁和千万富翁贡献了人均收入增长的绝大部分。许多农村居民以及失业工人都达不到平均收入水平。我认为每个人都想过上富裕的生活,但是这些都是需要金钱来实现的。
To sum up, in a time of economic slowdown, we should hold the strings of our purse tight sothat we can tide ourselves over in case of emergencies.And it is impractical to call on spendingmore when China is still a developing country. As an alternative, I think we can boycottexports of foreign goods so that we can still create domestic demands.
学习啦在线学习网 总结,在经济减缓期间,我们应该勒紧裤腰带,这样我们才能以防危机的发生。中国还是发展中国家,呼吁民众大把花钱是不切合实际的。我认为我们能够抵制外货,这样我们才能创造国内需求。
Although Chinese people have gradually become wealthy more or less due to the reform andopening-up policy,they have oftentimes been troubled by a lack of friends that they can takeinto their confidence. Thisobservation manifests itself most vividly in a line cited from themovie.If You Are the One,that is,“Ido not lack money but friends”.Ironically,in the cellphone contact list of an average person,the number of cell phone numbers may reach a coupleof hundreds.One can not help wondering if modern people become lonelier thanbefore.Personally,I hold the opinion that modern people do become lonelier than before.
学习啦在线学习网 Firstly,due to the urbanizing process at an unprecedented speed,the society became moremobile,for more and more people migrate from one city to another to seek fortune.Nowadayspeople in cities are consisted of migrate workers from rural areas,college graduates in pursuitof their dreams, businessmen across the country and the local. Given the fact that peoplefrom different regions have different subcultures,people tend to reject people with differentbackgrounds.Besides,as people are more interested in making money, they are more likelyto conflict in interest.No wonder that circle of confidants has shrunk dramatically and thenumber of people with whom to discuss important matters has spirally increased.
学习啦在线学习网 首先,由于城市化进程的飞速发展,社会就像是一种移动的团体,为了挣钱,越来越多的人从一座城市迁移到另一座城市。如今,城市有许多从农村来的农民工,以及那些追寻梦想的大学毕业生,来自当地和其他国家的商人。由于人们来自不同的地区,有着不一样的次文化,人们往往会由于背景的不同而相互排斥。此外,人们对挣钱的欲望越来越大,他们更有可能因为利益而发生争执。难怪人们的朋友正在急剧减少,与他人谈论重大事宜的人却越来越多。
学习啦在线学习网 Secondly,while people are able to benefit from the advancement of new technologies, theyare likely to depend more upon technologies instead of friends. Communication technologiessuch as the Internet and phones let people stay in contact with other people who are fromremote areas, and spend time on the phone and the Internet communications instead ofdealing with people face to face. Network games have gained their popularity to such anextent that many spend most of their spare time in playing network games and hencetheybecome apathetic to have a good time with friends face to face. That face time seems morelikely to develop friendships.
As a result,the reduced face time would translate into a loose network between friends.Insum,urbanization has reduced the intimacy between human beings and makes them lesslikely to make friends than in the past and the advancement of modern technology also makespeople more apathetic by reducing face-to-face contact with friends.I hope people canregain the intimacy between friends as before.
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