学习啦在线学习网 学习英语最重要的部分就是英语写作,英语写作是检验学生运用和掌握英语能力的最佳方式,由此可见英语写作的重要性。为如何提高大家的英语写作能力和技巧,下面学习啦小编为大家带来专八写作英语范文带翻译,欢迎大家学习!
Recent studies have shown that a growing number of college students in China plagiarize. Andsome universities have hence adopted compulsory course on intellectual integrity. Somepeople believe that in this way students will treat the issue seriously, while others are negativeand regard it as formalistic. As far asI am concerned, the intellectual integrity course will tosome extent help change the situation.
学习啦在线学习网 最近的研究表明,许多中国学生抄袭。许多大学为学生开设了知识产权课。许多人认为通过这种方法,学生可以重视这样的问题,但是还有人认为这样做纯粹是一种形式主义的做法。我认为,知识产权在一定程度上将改变这一情况。
On the one hand, intellectual integrity course emphasizes the education of academicmorality and helps students to develop a good academic attitude. The phenomenon ofplagiarizing in college is the consequence ofcompetitive psychology. In the modern society, asthe pace of life has quickened, the worship of money influences the college stdents. They areinclined to become so impulsive and impatient that they even don’t want to think. They areworried about the failure and hope to be better than others. But in fact they are not as capableas required. So they want to win by unscrupulous means. And then plagiarism occurs. In thefinal analysis it is the question of intellectual integrity. The aim of the course is to cultivatestudents to be honest. It will help students realize the importance of honesty and it is really agreat shame to plagiarize.
学习啦在线学习网 一方面,知识产权重视的是学术的道德教育,并帮助学生培养正确的学术态度。大学的抄袭现象是心里攀比的一种结果。在现代社会中,随着生活节奏的加快,对于金钱的崇拜感影响了大学生的行为。他们更有可能在某些事情上不假思索。他们担心失败带来的结果,并希望自己胜于他人。但是事实上,他们还没有达到要求。所以他们想通过不道德的方式赢取胜利。抄袭就是其中之一。那么,这将会涉及到知识产权问题。课程的目的就是要让学生变得更加诚实。这将帮助学生认识到诚实的重要性,抄袭是可耻的。
On the other hand, although it can help, the intellectual integrity course is not all that isneeded to prevent plagiarizing. Education in ideology can help students be aware of thewrongness of plagiarism is wrong, but the colleges still need to establish clear operationalnorms and regulations to put an end to thatsort of thing. Some universities have related normsmainly including publishing the plagiarist’s name, registering in his personal file and evencancelling his degree. Strict requirement, management, surveillance, rewards and punishmentwill be pursued. Then plagiarism will be prevented effectively. For the above reasons and alot more not mentioned here, we can reach the conclusion that the intellectual integritycourse can help prevent plagiarism in college. And the clear operational norms andregulations also should be established. The universities and colleges should put the educationin ideology in priority, and the academic institutions should encourage not only theachievements in scientific research, but also the virtue of honesty. Only in this way canplagiarism be prevented thoroughly.
It is not rare to hear that some universities lower their admission requirements for celebritystudents, such as a pop singer or an Olympic medal winner. Some people think it is unfair toother students, and the universities are utilitarian. But others hold the opinion that thecelebrities can’t be blamed for their wanting to go to universities to improve themselves. Theymake contributions or have talents, so it is justified for universities to accept them with arelatively low requirement. From my point of view, universities should reasonably lower theadmission requirements for celebrities, that is, although the requirementslowered, there muststill be a principle.
学习啦在线学习网 On the one hand, it is of great significance for celebrities to be enrolled into universities. Takethe Olympic winners for example. They started training since they were little children. Theycontribute their boundless wisdom and painstaking efforts to raising the level of ourcountry’s sport competition. Lowering the admission requirements for them is theencouragement and support to their great achievements. It is also beneficial for them to domore contribution to the society after they retire if they receive high education and acquiremore knowledge. What’s more, it is a way to combine the high education with competitiontraining, and promote the career of sports. The celebrities make great contributions or havespecial talents. The universities should consider the situation fully and lower the admissionrequirements accordingly.
学习啦在线学习网 一方面,名人上大学是有着重大意义的。我们拿奥运冠军举个例子。他们从小开始接受训练。他们付出的辛勤劳动,和聪明智慧,他们的努力提高了国家的体育竞技水平。为他们降低录取要求是一种鼓励,也是对他们所做成就的一种支持。退役之后,他们还将为国家做贡献,前提是他们接受了高等教育,并获得了知识。更重要的是,这是高等教育与训练的结合,并帮助他们延长了运动生涯。这些名人为国家做出了贡献,他们是某一领域的天才。大学应该全面考虑问题,并根据情况降低录取要求。
On the other hand, not all the celebrities can be accepted into universities. The standard can belowered but can’t be lowered without limit. The celebrities with primary school education orjunior middle schooleducation should not be admitted to universities, because the higheducation is after senior high middle school. And the celebrities have to finish all the coursesand pass all the exams. In my opinion, two principles should be considered. One is theeducation of senior middle school. The other is the credits required by the university. That’s tosay, the celebrities should pay more attention to the study of knowledge, and they mustcomplete their studies.
学习啦在线学习网 To sum up, we should be sensible about lowering admission requirements for celebrities. Forthe celebrities who make contributions and have the capacity, universities should providechances and give them special requirements. But for those who are not suitable, theuniversities should not lower the standard without limit.
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