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学习啦在线学习网   当你参观动物园,你是否会把自己的经历写进英语作文中呢?下面学习啦小编为大家带来参观动物园英语作文范文,欢迎大家学习!


学习啦在线学习网   On Monday afternoon, the weather is sunny, my father took me to the zoo.

  Entered the zoo's door, down the garden path, the first thing we see is mighty lion, huge roar scared I haven't see it clearly quickly slipped away. Is not far from the pine tree monkeys, a boy saw us coming, jumped to the front of us, from the tree and looked at me, as if to say: "bring me delicious!" I took a piece of biscuit in the hole of barbed wire, a monkey to bite cookies, result didn't bite down, another monkey is very clever, it took cookies finish feeding pine monkey with the hand, we came to the next to the camel, the camel although tall, but still very docile, I took out something to feed it, see it crouched down,, open your mouth slightly, took the food. Through the wooden bridge, we came to the monkey mountain, a few monkey saw me and ran into a wall while waiting I feed the food, I threw a piece of biscuit, monkeys contend for grab, grab the biscuit of monkeys, sitting on the ground eating with relish, and monkey playing, playing in the tree. Put on a monkey mother is fed baby, mother brother sister sat in the sun.

  It started late, we left the monkey hill, on the way return.


学习啦在线学习网   走进动物园的大门,沿着园内的小路,我们首先看到的是威武的狮子,巨大的吼叫声吓得我还没看清楚它的样子就赶紧溜走了。离狮子不远处就是松树猴,一只小家伙看见了我们来了,就从树上蹿到我们面前,看着我,好像在说:“给我带好吃的了吧!”我拿了一小块饼干塞在铁丝网的孔里,一只猴子来咬饼干,结果没咬下来,另一只猴子却很聪明,它用手取出了饼干喂完松树猴,我们来到骆驼旁边,骆驼虽然高大,但还是很温顺的,我拿出东西喂它时,只见它蹲下身子,,微微地张开嘴巴,接过食物。走过小木桥,我们来到了猴山,几只猴子看到了我,便跑到墙壁边等着我喂食物,我扔了一块饼干下去,猴子们争啊抢啊,抢到了饼干的猴子,坐在地上津津有味地吃着,还有的猴子在树上打闹、嬉戏。假山上一只猴妈妈正在给宝宝喂奶,哥哥姐姐坐在妈妈身边晒太阳。

学习啦在线学习网   天色渐晚,我们离开了猴山,踏上了返程的路。


  Last Sunday, we go to taiping zoo visit. The zoo is big. There were many animals.

学习啦在线学习网   We ride the father "gran torino" go to the zoo, we talking and laughing all the way. About ten minutes, we arrived at destination, I saw there was a sea of people. We very not easy to get tickets, in the zoo.

学习啦在线学习网   Entered the zoo, you can see cute little monkey in the swing. In addition to the monkey, we can also see orangutans. Turned a look, we can see the nose like straws elephant. It is water, then spray the water to the tourists. The elephant is proudly shook his head.

学习啦在线学习网   All of a sudden, we heard cries "shout". It is the tiger roar. The tiger stood up and head high head, open mouth yawned and then open, I saw two tigers doused in the water, there is a tiger lying lazily in the sunshine on the stone. The composition

学习啦在线学习网   Wow, white swan head wearing a small hat, swan head has a protuberant, swan feathers like Snow White. Among a group of white swan and a black swan in swimming.

  "Come see snakes!" Younger brother cry, we quickly to the cage garden, saw the snake brother rough rolled up his body, like a big stone.

  Time passed quickly, then suddenly arrived at noon, we go home reluctantly. I like the animals here, hope to have the opportunity to revisit locally.





学习啦在线学习网   哇,白天鹅头上戴着一顶小帽子,原来天鹅头上有一个突起,天鹅的羽毛像白雪。一群白天鹅当中还有一只黑天鹅在游泳。




学习啦在线学习网   It's sunny, cloudless, I with my father and mother went to the zoo of jinan.

  Entered the zoo, we went to the first herbivorous faunal region, herbivores district has a few big antelope, mother took out two pieces of cabbage feeding antelope, behold oryx saw plastic bags full of cabbage, come up to grab bag. Which of my mother and I have seen this appearance ah, time has changed, dull to stand in situ, after a few seconds, my mother and I didn't react, hurriedly escape, eland have engaged, closely followed us run, suddenly dad said: "quick, put plastic bags in the backpack." My mother and I hurriedly put plastic bags in the bag. Half antelope. They don't have to see the things to eat, and dull walked away, after a minute, my fifteen buckets to draw water - so anxious heart calm down.

学习啦在线学习网   We walked on and saw the docile alpacas, I took out two pieces of Chinese cabbage, feeding the alpaca, alpaca was pleased, with its tongue and lick my face, licking the later, it will be good on the grass. Dropped to the grass, I think it is quietly ride to its body, with handle gently touch, alpacas, its fur is soft, feels very comfortable. I was having this rare moment, but alpaca stood up, I fell down from the back, buttocks is swollen. Although alpaca fell free me from it, but I still like it, face before walk don't forget to give it a cabbage, I kissed alpacas face to say goodbye to it, watched the I left alpaca reluctant to go.

学习啦在线学习网   From grazing faunal region, and we went to the forbidden zone, bought three series of meat, ready to feed the tiger. First car, we sat on the special cage through the pieces of the dense woods, gruesome, suddenly heard a tiger roar, I keep a look, a phenomenon of white tiger out of the window, the tiger body is white, no black lines, beautiful and noble, let I can't help to like it, I will meat string stretched out to hastily, the tiger ate immediately, fierce look extremely gentle.

学习啦在线学习网   Out of the cage after the car, we went to see the captivity of black bear, black bear saw we come, hurriedly to greet us, thick, fat PAWS strain to clap, I couldn't help but think: "the black bear is not stupid."

  To leave a disaster area, we came to small faunal region, saw the monkeys, I just open open an orange peel, was about to eat, a monkey robbed in the past, with relish eat it, SOB, I like oranges!

学习啦在线学习网   I looked up, I found the sun was setting, how time flies! I left the wildlife park, close to the day I had full and happy!



学习啦在线学习网   我们继续往前走,看到了温顺的羊驼,我拿出二片白菜,喂给了羊驼,羊驼很高兴,用它的舌头使劲舔我的脸,舔完之后,它就乖乖的趴在草地上了。我看它趴到了草地上,就悄悄地骑到了它的身上,用手轻摸羊驼的毛,它的毛很软,摸上去很舒服。我正在享受这难得的时刻,谁知羊驼站了起来,我从它的背上跌了下来,屁股都肿了。尽管羊驼把我从它身上摔了下来,但我还是很喜欢它,临走前不忘再给它一片白菜,我亲了亲羊驼的脸向它告别,羊驼恋恋不舍的目送着我离开。


学习啦在线学习网   下了笼车之后,我们又去看了圈养的黑熊,黑熊一见到我们过来,连忙向我们打招呼,又肥又厚的熊掌使劲儿拍着,我情不自禁的想:“黑熊一点都不笨”。


学习啦在线学习网   我一抬头,发现太阳已经要落山了,时间过得真快呀!我恋恋不舍的离开了野生动物园,这一天我过的充实又快乐!



2.小学英语作文:去动物园(Go To The Zoo)


