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  There are no secret of success. Success is doing the things you know you should do. Success is not doing the things you know you should not do.


学习啦在线学习网   Success is not limited to any one area of your life.It encompasses all of the facets of your relationships: as parent, as wife or husband, as citizen, neighbor, worker, and all of the others.

学习啦在线学习网   成功不限于你生命中的某一个领域。它包含了人际关系的所有层面:例如为人父母、妻子或丈夫、平民百姓、街坊邻居、工人,以及其他各种角色。

学习啦在线学习网   Success is not confined to any one part of your personality but is related to the development of all the parts: body, mind, heart, and spirit. It is making the most of your total self.

学习啦在线学习网   成功不限于你人格的某一部分,它关系到整体的发展:身体、思想、心灵和精神,是自我整体的充分运用。

  Success is discovering your best talents, skills, and abilities and applying them where they will make the most effective contribution to your fellow men.


学习啦在线学习网   Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve.


  Success is ninety-nine percent mental attitude. It calls for love, joy, optimism,confidence,serenity,poise,faith,courage, cheerfulness, imagination,initiative,tolerance,honesty,humility,patience, and enthusiasm.


  Success is not arriving at the summit of a mountain as a final destination. It is a continuing upward spiral progress.It is a perpetual growth.


  Success is having the courage to meet failure without being defeated. It is refusing to let present loss interfere with your long-range goal.

学习啦在线学习网   成功是有勇气面对失败而不被打到,是不让眼前的失败影响到你长远的目标。

学习啦在线学习网   Success is accepting the challenge of the difficult. In the inspiring,words of Philips Brooks: "Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks.Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall he the miracle."



  On Motes and Beams

  微小如尘 高大如梁

  It is curious that our own offenses should seem so much less heinous than the offenses of other. I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others. We turn our attention away from our own defects, and when we are forced by untoward events to consider them, find it easy to condone them. For all I know we are right to do this; they are part of us and we must accept the good and bad in ourselves together.

学习啦在线学习网   令人好奇的是,与他人的过错相比,我们自身的过错往往不是那么的可憎。我想,原因是我们知晓一切导致过错出现的情况,因此能够设法谅解自己犯了一些不容许他人犯的错误。我们对自己的缺点不甚关注,即便是深陷困境而不得不正视它们的时候,我们也会很容易就宽怒自己。据我所知,我们这样做是正确的。缺点是我们自身的一部分,我们必须接纳自己的好和坏。

学习啦在线学习网   But when we come to judge others, it is not by ourselves as we really are that we judge them, but by an image that we have formed of ourselves fro which we have left out everything that offends our unity or would discredit us in the eyes of the world. To take a trivial instance: how scornful we are when we catch someone out telling a lie;but who can say that he has never told not one, but a hundred?


  There is not much to choose between men. They are all a hotchpotch of greatness and littleness, of virtue and vice, of nobility and baseness. Some have more strength of character, or more opportunity, and so in one direction or another give their instincts freer play, but potentially they are the same. For my part, I do not think I am any better or any worse than most people, but I know that if I set down every action in my life and every thought that has crossed my mind, the world would consider me a monster of depravity. The knowledge that these reveries are common to all men should inspire one with tolerance to oneself as well as to others. It is well also if they enable us to look upon our fellows, even the most eminent and respectable, with humor, and if they lead us to take ourselves not too seriously.



学习啦在线学习网   Choose Optimism


  Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces,and each of us must choose which we want to shape our outlook and our expectations. There is enough good and bad in everyone's life-ample sorrow and happiness,sufficient joy and pain-to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism. We can choose to laugh or cry, bless or curse.It's our decision: From which perspective do we want to view life? Will we look up in hope or down in despair?


  An optimistic attitude is not a luxury;it's a necessity.The way you look at life will determine how you feel,how you perform, and how well you will get along with other people.Conversely,negative thoughts, attitudes,and expectations feed on themselves; they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.Pessimism creates a dismal place where no one wants to live.


学习啦在线学习网   Optimism diverts our attention away from negativism and channels it into positive, constructive thinking. When you're an optimist, you're more concerned with problem-solving than with useless carping about issues. In fact, without optimist, issues as big and ongoing as poverty have no hope of solution. It takes a dreamer-someone with hopelessly optimistic ideas, great persistence, and unlimited confidence-to tackle a problem that big. It's your choice.
