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学习啦在线学习网   This is a warm and peaceful family, this is a family full of laughter, this is my home, my home, lively and lovely I need not say much, let it be! Let me always introduce gallium four "crazy"!

  Shopping crazy - mom

  ". The shop will be closed soon!" Shopping freak out in a straight stamp. I disagree, just more than eight, the store closed 10 o 'clock! Mother more nasty, "do you know? The last time I take a fancy to a yellow jacket, a backpack and a pair of colorful high-heeled shoes with lace, and underwear that. If not quick to buy, will be snapped up empty, quick!" Alas, I have no language, my mama ah!

学习啦在线学习网   Nerd, dad

学习啦在线学习网   "Dad, more than eleven o 'clock, quick go to sleep!" This is my first N shouted. "You go to sleep, I'm here!" Answer is still the unhurried. "Dad!" I am frustrated. "Daughter good, quick go to sleep!" Said the threw a kiss to me, his eyes still cannot leave the computer. Black rim of the eye - changed overnight, the result of giant panda! Alas! Self do, self have!

学习啦在线学习网   Wild - save grandma

  Has a very old broom in the home, I just ready to throw away, "small fathers! Don't throw, don't throw!" Grandma a took a broom and said what also don't want to throw. I am helpless, had to go by her. A little later, a new broom. - in the seedy area are tied to the wire! Admire! Zero is to my eyes, amazing!

学习啦在线学习网   Read the newspaper, grandpa

  "Granddaughter, downstairs to get a newspaper for me! I haven't seen the news today!" Grandpa suddenly said was eating lunch, I don't want to: "eat! Eat well to pick up again, again, to see so many newspapers do?" Grandfather shook his head, said: "the family state what's going on in the world, everything concern! From the newspaper, you can see many great events and bagatelle of fresh, interesting, don't believe it..." When he published after his long speech, I also finished dinner!

学习啦在线学习网   ? My home four "crazy" enough unique!

  这是一个温馨而祥和的家庭,这是一个充满欢声笑语的家庭,这就是我家,我家里嘛 ,活泼可爱的我就不用多说了,这样吧!让我来一一向你介绍镓的四“狂”吧!

学习啦在线学习网   购物狂——妈妈

学习啦在线学习网   “快快,商店要关门啦!”购物狂急得直跺脚。我不以为然,才八点多,商店十点才关门!妈妈更急了,“你知道吗?我上次看中一件黄色的羽绒服,一个带有花边的背包和一双五颜六色的高跟鞋,还有那件内衣。如果不快去买,就会被抢购空的,快呀!”唉,我无语,我的妈呀!

学习啦在线学习网   电脑狂——爸爸

学习啦在线学习网   “爸,十一点多了,快去睡觉吧!”这已经是我第N次喊了。“你先去睡,我就到了!”回答依然是那么不紧不慢。“爸!”我气急败坏。“女儿乖,快去睡觉!”说着向我抛了一个飞吻,眼睛依然离不开电脑。结果——一夜间大变,变成了黑眼圈大熊猫!唉!自作自受!







  I have a harmonious and happy, full of love and warm family, a total of four mouth people, I am clever, lively, competent brother, good mother, wisdom, hardworking father, I was surrounded by a thick affection, move.

  It was a heavy snow night, I fell ill with a fever, my parents and brother are very try so hard, the elder brother to buy a fever, but was stopped by my dad, dad forgot to wear my raincoat and ran out, mother put down her work at home with his big brother to take care of me, the snow was falling, the greater the shortly afterwards, dad came back, body, eyebrows are snowflakes, can be risked the sweat on the face, I saw dad full head big sweat, I can't help leave the tears, brother busy pouring water, mother hurriedly pass me the medicine, drink it down, I fell asleep very drowsy, and parents are still in front of the head of a bed waiting for me, they see I wake up, a face of surprise and I saw them the appearance of fatigue. I left the tears again moved.

学习啦在线学习网   That day, I know what love is, what is love? Love is when you are sick, family members will carefully take care of you. What is love? Love is when you meet with difficulties, family to selflessly to help you. What is love? Love is a waiting for, a love, a love. My little room to grow in love, good happiness!

  I want to hurry and grow up with their own efforts to return family's concern, I have such a happy, happy family proud!

学习啦在线学习网   我有一个和谐、美满,充满爱的温馨的家庭,一共有4口人,有机灵、活泼的我、能干的哥哥、善良的母亲、智慧、勤劳的父亲,我被浓浓的亲情包围着、感动着。

学习啦在线学习网   那是一个大雪纷飞的夜晚,我发了高烧,父母和哥哥都非常着急,哥哥去买退烧药,却被爸爸拦住了,爸爸顾不上穿雨衣就奔了出去,妈妈放下了工作和哥哥一起在家照顾我,雪越下越大,不久,爸爸回来了,身上、眉毛上都是雪花,可脸上冒着汗,我看到了爸爸满头大汗地样子,我情不自禁地留下了泪水,哥哥忙着倒水,妈妈赶紧把药递给我,喝了下去,我昏昏沉沉的睡着了,而父母仍然在床头前守候我,他们见我醒了,一脸惊喜而我看到他们疲劳的样子。感动的我又一次留下了泪水。


学习啦在线学习网   我希望自己快快长大,用自己的努力回报家人的关爱,我为有这样一个美满、幸福的家庭而自豪!


学习啦在线学习网   My family only four people.

  Look, the wrinkled and amiable old man is my grandpa. Grandpa this year is the year lead half hundred, although grandpa now nearly seventy ages, in fact he has worked very hard. I like to get up early, get up at 5 o 'clock in the morning every day, so my grandfather often got up earlier than I, for my cooking. I often told him I will do, don't spoil me, but he's always cheerfully not be persuaded. From my understanding to the present, has been watching him busy, rarely have a rest. My father said grandpa never thought yourself, life is in for his family.

学习啦在线学习网   Look, that is my father. He works for due diligence, if no special circumstances, it is absolutely won't take time off to rest. Dad doesn't like to smoke, but he likes to drink. Empty loves to drink a half drunk, to mother a lot of dirty look.

学习啦在线学习网   Mom is the only for me to learn this home look very seriously. Every time my homework she check, even the oral training. Sometimes I think she is boring, but I still try to cooperate with her, understanding her.

  I am a pupil. I'm not tall, just for this reason, I always think mom is wrong. Because my mother is short, the genetic to me. Because of my short, others always said I was a little, don't know any better. I'll pretend I don't understand, smiles at them. In fact, I what all understand. Mom and dad often quarrel with each other. At first I will persuade them. It turned out for nothing, so only to my uncle. A, mother back to grandma's home after a quarrel. May be looking at me seemed heartless, mother and aunt said I don't understand. I really want to tell my heart is how they think, how sad. But did not say a word. Only I know, watching their parents fight, the in the mind of the sad who don't understand.

  I always think, grandpa will always healthy, mom and dad quarrel is the last time...

学习啦在线学习网   我的家庭只有四个人。


学习啦在线学习网   看,那就是我的爸爸。他对工作尽职,如果没有特殊情况,是绝对不会请假休息的。爸爸不喜欢抽烟,但他却喜欢喝酒。空了总爱喝个半醉,惹来妈妈不少白眼。


学习啦在线学习网   我是一个小学生。我个子不高,就因为这个原因,我常觉得是妈妈不对。因为妈妈个子矮,遗传到了我身上。因为我的个子矮,别人常说我还小,不懂事。我就装作真不懂事的样子,朝他们笑。其实我什么都明白。爸爸妈妈经常会吵架。刚开始我还会劝他们。后来发现一点用都没有,于是只能往舅舅家逃。一次,妈妈在一次吵架后回到了外婆家。也许是看着我似乎没心没肺的样子,妈妈与舅妈都说我不懂事。我其实很想告诉他们我的心里是怎么想的,有多么难过。可是没有说一句话。只有我知道,看着父母打架,心里的伤心谁都不会理解。

学习啦在线学习网   我总认为,爷爷会永远健康,爸爸妈妈是最后一次吵架……






学习啦在线学习网 4.我的家庭英语作文4篇
