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  Looked at your child ’s handwriting lately (or your own) and thought it could use some improvement? Then did you wonder: Does it even matter in this age of digital correspondence?

学习啦在线学习网   最近在你看到你的孩子(或者是你自己的)写的字的时候你有没有想过要改进你们的字呢?接下来,你是不是想过这样一个问题:在如今这个数字时代,字写得好坏还有关系吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Turns out, it may. Far more than just a tool for communication, the act of writing by hand appears to be an important building block for learning. In today’s story, we talk about new research showing how handwriting helps with learning letters and shapes, can improve idea composition and expression and may even aid fine motor skill development.


学习啦在线学习网   Even adults can benefit from the practice when studying new graphically different languages-such as Chinese-or symbols in sciences such as chemistry. Some physicians say it could help keep our minds sharp as we age.


学习啦在线学习网   Ironically, it may be modern technology that gives a boost to handwriting’s resurgence. For anyone whose kids balk at or have trouble with traditional handwriting instruction, the arrival of new educational games for the iPhone, iPod, iPad and other touch screen devices may come as a welcome teaching aid.


学习啦在线学习网   We checked out a few in the iTunes app store with names such as abc PocketPhonics, ABC Tracer and iWriteWords. Cheering pencils and encouraging animals give positive feedback for good performance. Parents who’ve downloaded them say their kids think learning to write on these devices is a game. There are also adult apps, such as the .99 WritePad, which convert your own handwriting to text. Some adults are setting out to fix their own handwriting through traditional means.

学习啦在线学习网   我们使用了iTunes 软件商店里的几款名叫abc PocketPhonics、ABC Tracer、iWriteWords 之类的教育软件。当孩子们在游戏中表现不俗时,游戏中就会出现铅笔欢呼、动物喝彩等画面,孩子们由此得到积极的反馈。下载了这类游戏的家长说,他们的孩子把在这些装置上书写当成了一种游戏。除此之外,也有成人适用的软件,比如售价3.99 美元的WritePad,这款软件可以把你的笔迹转换成文本。也有一些成人已经开始通过传统的方式来改进自己的笔迹。


学习啦在线学习网   Have you, like me, drooled over French model Noemi Lenoir’ s perfect body on all those M&S billboards She is always the one chosen to wear the bikinis and lingerie: men lust after her because she looks like a sexy woman, not an emaciated child.


  Gazing at the pictures of Noemi, you’ d think she led an enchanted life. She is not only beautiful, she is famous and rich-M&S won’ t tell me what they pay Noemi, but their contract with fellow face Myleene Klass is reportedly worth 1million a year.


  Who would not want to look like Noemi Who would not want to be her Yet last week she was found slumped in a suburban Paris park after an overdose of drugs and alcohol.


学习啦在线学习网   It’ s easy for the rest of us to presume that beautiful people-especially female models-are happy. But perhaps the opposite is true. Most other people who work in the fashion industry treat these girls not only as if they have no brain, but as if they have no feelings. They look like aliens. But the truth are they are people.

  我们总是想当然地认为那些漂亮女人(尤其女模特)是很幸福的。但事实正相反。 大多数在时尚界的工作的人都认为模特们不仅没大脑更没有感情——她们看起来像是火星人,可实际上她们只是凡人而已。

  Because these young women look perfect, we think their lives must be perfect, too. But having seen many of these women close to, I would not want to be them. I can’ t tell you how many models I’ ve seen arrive on set bruised from being beaten up by their boyfriends. They have everything, and nothing. Many models have learned to inject drugs between their toes, the only place that won’ t infuriate the stylist. As well as being burdened by beauty, models are often hopelessly naive and under-educated: they embark on careers while still children.

学习啦在线学习网   仅仅因为这些女孩看起来很完美,我们就认为她们的生活也应该是完美的。但是在和她们有了更深的接触之后,我发现我不想成为她们。我见过很多的模特被男友打的遍体鳞伤,她们什么都是,又什么都不是。很多模特学会了在脚趾间注射毒品,因为如果在身体其他地方注射,会被服装师骂得狗血淋头。她们承受着由美丽给她们带来的负担,极其天真又缺少教育,她们入行的时候都还不过是小孩子。


学习啦在线学习网   A grand wedding ceremony of Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and her personal trainer, Mr. Daniel Westling was held in the Cathedral in Stockholm on Saturday.

学习啦在线学习网   周六,瑞典王储、维多利亚公主与她的私人教练丹尼尔·韦斯特林于在斯德哥尔摩大教堂举行了盛大婚礼。

  About 1,500 family members and guests including the Kings and Queens from Sweden, other European countries and even Jordan attended the wedding.


学习啦在线学习网   Swedish Archbishop Anders Wejryd married the couple in front of their parents and guests. Thousands of roses decorated in and outside the church.


学习啦在线学习网   The wedding is also considered a festival for the whole city. Tens of thousands of people stood along the road to watch the couple’ s cortege with royal guards riding on the horses after the church ceremony.


  After the 6.4 kilometer trip both by the cart on land and the royal barge at the sea, the newly-weds went up to the castle together with the King and the Queen, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt and his wife and other leaders and waved hands to tens of thousands of the crowds gathering around the palace.

  在先乘马车后坐皇家游艇完成了6.4公里的婚礼巡游后, 这对新婚夫妇与瑞典国王、王后、首相弗雷德里克·赖因费尔特及夫人以及其他领导人一同前往城堡,并对聚集在王宫附近的上万名民众挥手致意。

  “I like to thank you, the Swedish People, it is you who gave me my prince, I and my husband are unbelievably happy and grateful,” Princess Victoria said to the public.

学习啦在线学习网   维多利亚公主对公众说: “我要感谢你们,瑞典人民,是你们让我找到了王子。我和我的丈夫感到无比幸福,并心存感激。 ”

学习啦在线学习网   Many people expressed that Princess Victoria did a good job and it is great that she married the one she loves.







