学习啦在线学习网 There lived a poor woman who had been a widow for some years, and had an only child nameJack. Jack was a careless and extravagant boy. One day the poor woman found that they didnot have enough money to buy even a bit of bread for another day. Nothing now remained tosell but a cow. So she told Jack to sell the cow in the market. But Jack exchanged the cow fora few beans. When his mother saw the beans, she got so angry that she threw them out of thewindow. Jack awoke early next morning, and discovered that some of the beans had taken rootand grown up into the clouds. Jack climbed up the beanstalk and found himself in a strangecountry. A fairy directed him to the house of a giant who had killed his father. Jack stole fromthe giant a hen that laid golden eggs, two bags of gold and silver coins, and a beautiful harpthat could play of its own accord, without being touched. But he was finally discovered by thegiant, who ran after him down the beanstalk. The moment Jack got down the beanstalk he cutthe beanstalk with an axe, and the giant fell and was killed.
学习啦在线学习网 从前有一个穷寡妇,与她的独子杰克在一起艰难度日。杰克是个粗心大意、大手大脚的孩子。有一天,那可怜的女人发现家里连买一片面包的钱也没有了,只剩下一头母牛。于是那女人叫杰克把母年牛拉到市场上卖掉。不料杰克用母牛仅仅换来几颗豆子。他母亲看到那几颗豆子,气得把它们扔出窗外。第二天一早,杰克发现豆子已发芽长大,豆茎高耸入云。杰克爬上豆茎,到了一个陌生的世界。一个仙女告诉他,他的父亲是被一个巨人杀害的,并向杰克指明那巨人的住所。杰克从巨人那里偷了一只会下金蛋的母鸡、两大口袋金币和银币,还有一架会自动弹奏的竖琴。但是他最终还是被巨人发现了。杰克赶忙爬下豆茎,巨人在后面穷追不舍。杰克一落地,就用斧头将豆茎齐根砍断,巨人堕地摔死。
Robert Bruce was king of Scotland in the early 14th century. He fought in many battles with theEnglish to make them allow Scotland to be independent. Sometimes he won, but at othertimes the English won and he had to hide. On one of these times, according to an old story, hewas hiding in Ireland and had almost given up hope of beating the English. He had tried andfailed six times. Then he happened to notice a spider over his bed trying to fix its web on abeam in the ceiling. Six times the spider tried and failed. But the spider tried a seventh timeand succeeded. Bruce decided that he too should try a seventh time. He went back to Scotlandand led another army against the English. This time he was successful, and the English had torecognize Scottish independence.
学习啦在线学习网 罗伯特•布鲁斯是14世纪初的苏格兰国王。为赢得苏格兰的独立,他与英格兰人的军队多次交锋,有时获胜,有时战败,不得不东躲西藏。据说有一次他在爱尔兰藏身,几乎放弃了打败英格兰人的希望。他已经尝试过六次,但六次都失败了。这时他注意到床的上方有一只蜘蛛在织网。这只蜘蛛试图把网挂在屋梁上,但尝试过六次,都没有成功。蜘蛛尝试了第七次,结果把网织好了。布鲁斯以此为榜样,决心再战。他返回苏格兰,率领另一支军队攻打英格兰人。这次他终于打了个胜仗,迫使英格兰承认苏格兰独立。
学习啦在线学习网 罗宾汉与吉斯本的盖伊
学习啦在线学习网 One day, Robin Hood and Little John went together through the forest. They had a littlequarrel for some reason and went on their separate ways. Unfortunately Little John wasarrested by the sheriff of Nottingham and tied to a tree. Meanwhile Robin Hood met with Guyof Gisborne, who had boasted that he would capture Robin Hood sooner or later. After a fiercefight, Robin killed Guy. He put on Guy’s clothes, took his weapons and blew a blast on hishorn, and then rode on until he came to the tree where Little John was bound. The sheriffmistook Robin for Guy, thinking he had killed Robin. As a reward, he gave him permission tokill Little John. But Robin released Little John, and gave him Guy’s bow. The sheriff and hismen realized they had been fooled and took to their heels.