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  In order to stay sharp, it is important that you exercise your brain. The less we use our minds, the duller they become. There is a lot of emphasis these days on staying physically healthy, but we should also be concerned for our mental well-being. Our brains continue to expand and adapt to the stimuli they receive throughout our lives. The more we take care of our brains, the better thinkers we become. Here are twenty ways that you can develop a training regimen for your brain!

  1. Read a good book.

  Reading a book stimulates the imagination. Your brain can’t keep from drawing mental pictures when you read. Reading gets your mind off its butt and to work. I love to let a book carry me away. I always have a book that I’m reading and sometimes I have 3 or 4! I get most of my books from the library to avoid the cost of buying each one. This also allows me to try a wide variety of books without risk.

  2. Big Brain Academy.

学习啦在线学习网   Video games have a bad reputation for causing brain rot, but there are some that will actually help you strengthen your mind. I like Big Brain Academy for the Wii. It is a collection of brain teasers that tests your mental acuity. The tests are entertaining and addicting. You can even compete with others which makes for some great family fun.

  3. Practice meditation.

  Don’t worry, I’m not going off the new age deep-end here. There are a lot of different forms of meditation. To me, in its most simple form, meditation is about spending a little time alone to relax and center your thoughts. It is amazingly therapeutic. If you haven’t tried meditation before, I would highly recommend reading this guide to meditation.


学习啦在线学习网   1)读一本好书。



  视频游戏不好的一面是让脑袋“生锈”,但实际上有些也会帮助你增强思维。我喜欢大脑学院游戏(Big Brain Academy for the Wii) 。这是一款用头脑玩笑测试头脑敏锐性的合集。这些测试都非常有趣。你甚至可以和别人进行比赛,所以也可以让全家人一起来玩。


学习啦在线学习网   不要担心,我不是要在这里离开新时代的最深端。冥想的方式有很多种。对我而言,最简单的形式,冥想是花一点时间独处达到放松和集中思考的方式。它是神奇的治疗。

学习啦在线学习网   4. Get plenty of rest.

学习啦在线学习网   A lack of sleep can interfere with your ability to assimilate new information. This means those all-nighters you pulled back in college were much less effective than you thought. Your brain needs rest to operate at its peak performance. This may be why things always seem clearer and brighter after a good night’s sleep.

学习啦在线学习网   5. Exercise regularly.

  You didn’t think you were going to get away without a little time on the treadmill did you? Cardiovascular exercise improves blood flow to the brain which improves brain functioning. One study found that physical exercise actually helped to increase the volume of the brain. So, if you want a bigger, better brain, then get to exercising!

学习啦在线学习网   6. Eat a good breakfast.

学习啦在线学习网   It is not a myth. Eating a good breakfast does get you off to a better start. You should eat a breakfast high in protein and good carbohydrates. A couple of pieces of whole-grain toast with peanut butter will fit the bill. Eggs are also an excellent source of protein. Nuts, milk, and fresh fruit are also great ways to feed your brain.

学习啦在线学习网   7. Think positive thoughts.

  Encourage yourself. I am convinced that positive thinking increases the effectiveness of the brain and helps to avoid things like depression. I like to say that your brain works much like a computer, garbage-in, garbage-out. Find positive, encouraging people to hang around, read material that jazzes you up, do whatever it is that makes you feel good about yourself. These things will also help you be more mentally productive.

  8. Be a continual learner.

  Never stop being curious about your world. Seek out new experiences, skills, and knowledge. Think of something that you’ve always wanted to learn to do and then get started. A now famous study, showed that certain areas of the brains of London cab drivers were more developed compared to the average citizen. This was due to their need to learn how to navigate the maze of downtown streets. We can use this technique of challenging our brains to improve our abilities.

  9. Lay off the alcohol.

学习啦在线学习网   Alcohol is of course a depressant. It slows down mental functions. The effects of alcohol on a person’s cognitive ability is well-documented. If you need peak mental performance, then stop drinking alcohol. In addition to its obvious effects, it also decreases the restfulness of one’s sleep which, as we have already discussed, impedes your ability to think clearly.

学习啦在线学习网   4)获得大量的休息。





学习啦在线学习网   这并不是不切实际的。吃一顿好早餐确实令你有个更好的开始。你应该吃高蛋白和优质碳水化合物的的早餐。两片夹着花生牛油的全麦吐司就符合这一条了。鸡蛋同样是蛋白质的好来源。坚果、牛奶和新鲜水果都能为大脑提供良好的营养。


学习啦在线学习网   鼓励自己。我相信积极思考会提供大脑效能和帮助避免失望。我想说你的大脑就像电脑一样,把“垃圾”丢进来、又丢出去。发现积极,鼓励人们闲逛、能够使你地快乐阅读材料,做所有能够使你感觉良好的事情。这些事情将会帮助你的精神变得更有生产力。

学习啦在线学习网   8)不断地学习。

学习啦在线学习网   不要停止怀疑你的世界。寻找新的体验、技能和知识。想写你总是想学着去做的事并且开始去做。一份非常著名的研究表明伦敦出租车司机大脑的确定领域比一般的市民得到更大的开发。这是由于他们需要学习懂得如何在迷宫般的城市街道上导航。我们能够运用此项挑战我们大脑的技术来增进我们的能力。


学习啦在线学习网   酒精是抑郁的原因。它降低精神功能。酒能乱性是有充分证据的。如果你想要有顶尖的精神表现,那么停止喝酒吧。除了一些明显的影响之外,它也减弱人的睡眠,这是我们已经讨论过的,阻碍你清晰思考的能力。

  10. Get romantic (especially if you’re a woman).

  Studies have shown that there may be a link between regular sex and improved brain performance in women. Love-making increases a woman’s estrogen levels and higher estrogen levels are tied to better mental performance. Of course, the mental benefits probably do not outweigh the risks, unless you are in a faithful, monogamous relationship.

  11. Break your routines.

  Drive a new way to work. Try writing with your less dominant hand. Mix things up a little. This perks up your brain because it requires you to think more. You aren’t just running on auto-pilot. Challenge your brain by getting out of your routines and it will respond. This is a great way to get your mental juices flowing.

学习啦在线学习网   12. Stop watching so much television.

  Researchers have found that too much television between the ages of 1 and 3 leads to attention problems later in childhood. Let’s face it, TV is mind-numbing. Get up off the couch and away from the television. Sure, there is some good educational stuff for children and adults, but the average American watches way too much TV. If you want peak mental performance, then turn off the boob tube.

  13. Work with numbers.

学习啦在线学习网   Do math problems in your head instead of on a calculator. For many of us, it is use it or lose it. We have become mentally lazy. We rely on our gadgets instead of thinking for ourselves. Working with and memorizing numbers is a great way to get your brain back in shape. This could pay off big dividends down the road!

学习啦在线学习网   14. Stop relying on your GPS to tell you where to go.

学习啦在线学习网   Remember the cab drivers in #8 above? Using your brain to figure out how to get from Point A to Point B is good mental exercise. You have to use your brain’s ability to determine spatial relationships to effectively read a map and navigate a city. Traveling in an unfamiliar area is even better!

学习啦在线学习网   15. Recall old memories.

学习啦在线学习网   Get out those old picture albums and start thumbing through them. This taps into your brains memory banks. Pictures will help you recall things that you thought you forgot. Dig deep to see just what all you remember. If you have other ways to stimulate your memory, like old letters or home movies, then by all means use those too.

  16. Make beautiful music.

  Learning to play a musical instrument is a great way to super-charge your brain. It requires a number of different parts of your brain to work together to make the melodies that you desire. Of course, if you are already a musician, then learn a new piece. Push yourself to learn new techniques. Music is a great workout for the mind.

  17. Speak a new tongue.

  Many people agree that learning to speak a new language is a powerful way to give the mind a stretch. If you’ve ever tried to learn even a few new words, then you know this can be difficult. Of course, the harder something is for the brain, the better! You have so much more mental capacity than you might imagine. Give it a try!

  18. Memorize a song.

  Many of us have lots of old songs stored in our heads, but why not expand your memory by learning a few new tunes? It may take awhile at first, but if you keep at it, you will find it gets easier. This is your brain getting back in shape.

学习啦在线学习网   19. Walk around the house blindfolded.

  It might seem like a strange activity, but your brain can handle it. Once you try it a few times, you will probably find it fun and challenging. Again, this one draws on your memory, motor skills, and reasoning abilities. What a workout!

学习啦在线学习网   20. Expand your vocabulary.

  Decide to learn one new word a day. There are several websites out there that can help you with this endeavor. You’ll not only be expanding your mind, but you’ll also be able to impress your friends and co-workers when you work one of your new words into a conversation.

  Get started today and be smarter tomorrow!

学习啦在线学习网   There you have it! I have just given you 20 very practical ways to sharpen your mind. These suggestions will have your brain back in tip-top shape in no time. Why are you waiting? It is time to start exercising your mental muscles!

学习啦在线学习网   10)拥有浪漫(特别是女性)。



学习啦在线学习网   选择一条新路开车去工作。试着用另外一只手去写字。将一点不同的东西掺杂在一起。这将使你的大脑得到锻炼,因为它需要你思考更多。你不能只是自动驾驶。离开你的定式来挑战你的大脑,它将有所反应。这是使你“脑浆”流动的好方法。

学习啦在线学习网   12)不要看太多电视。

学习啦在线学习网   研究者发现在1-3岁时看太多电视会导致儿童注意力问题。也就是说,电视使心态麻木。从沙发上起来,离开电视机。当然,也有一些好的教育节目给孩子和大人们,但是整体上美国人看太多电视了。如果你想要高效的精神表现就关掉电视吧。


学习啦在线学习网   心算而不是用计算器计算。对我们多数人而言,要么使用它,要么失去它。我们已经变得精神懒惰了。我们依赖工具而不是自己思考。处理和记忆数字是使大脑恢复状态的好途径。这一路上能够偿还大量股息。

学习啦在线学习网   14)停止依靠GPS走路。


学习啦在线学习网   15)唤起远久的记忆。



学习啦在线学习网   学习演奏一件乐器是超级改变你的大脑的方法。它需要你大脑的多个不同部分协调工作来创作出你想要的旋律。当然,如果你已经是一个音乐家了,学习一件新的东西。迫使你自己学习新技术。音乐是思想伟大的锻炼。


学习啦在线学习网   18)记忆一首歌。

学习啦在线学习网   我们很多人头脑中都储存有许多老歌,但为什么不通过学习一些新的调子来扩充我们的记忆?它将在开始的时候花费一点时间,但如果你坚持怎么做,你将发现会越来越简单。这是你的大脑恢复状态了。



学习啦在线学习网   20)扩大你的词汇量。



学习啦在线学习网   你都知道了!我刚刚已经给了你20条非常实用的能使你的思维敏锐的方法。这些建议将马上使你的大脑回到最佳状态。你为什么还在等待?是时候锻炼你的思想神经了。