Once upon a time a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant, and he got it. The pay was really good and so were the work conditions. For that reason, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.
His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he was supposed to work.
The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees.
"Congratulations," the boss said. "Go on that way!"
学习啦在线学习网 Very motivated by the boss's words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could only bring 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees.
"I must be losing my strength," the woodcutter thought.He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on.
学习啦在线学习网 伐木工想:“我一定是力量不够了。”他找到老板,怀着歉意说自己也不知道是怎么了。
学习啦在线学习网 "When was the last time you sharpened your axe?" the boss asked.
学习啦在线学习网 老板问道:“你上一次是在什么时候磨的斧子?”
"Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees..."
学习啦在线学习网 The Gold Chain金链
学习啦在线学习网 Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman who always dreamed of becoming rich. He wished to become a millionaire, and so did his wife.
学习啦在线学习网 He had heard from some old men before, that several ships loaded with diamonds and gold had once sunk in the nearby seashore.
学习啦在线学习网 他曾听一些年长者说过,以前有几艘载满金银珠宝的船只沉没在附近的海域。
Because of this, for a long time he kept searching that whole area for this treasure.
One day, while he was sitting on the boat daydreaming, he suddenly felt that the fishing rod was being weighed down by a heavy object.
学习啦在线学习网 有一天,正当他坐在船上想入非非时,忽然感到钓线被非常沉重的东西拖住了。
学习啦在线学习网 He excitedly pulled hard at it, and what he saw made him exclaim,“Wow! A big, shiny gold chain!”
He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it. His boat started to get over-loaded and the sea water filled his boat.
学习啦在线学习网 他拼命地把金链子往船上拖,可是似乎没有尽头。他的小船超载了,海水开始灌进船舱。
学习啦在线学习网 However, he had begun dreaming of a big house, a big piece of land and buying horses and cows...He kept pulling in the chain though the boat kept sinking.
The boat was finally submerged and he struggled to stay afloat. Unfortunately his feet were entangled in the gold chain and he drowned.
学习啦在线学习网 最后,小船终于沉下去了,落入水中的他拼命挣扎想游出水面。不幸的是,他的双脚被金链死死缠住,淹死了。
The Potter陶工
Once there was a very religious and skillful potter whose pottery was well-known far and wide. However, he was not satisfied with his finely crafted but fragile pottery. He thought if the pottery made by him could be unbreakable, his reputation and his business would be even better. He prayed hard to God to grant his wish for unbreakable pottery. 从前,有个虔诚信仰宗教、技艺高超的陶工,他制作的陶器远近闻名。可是,他对自己精心制作的陶器并不满意,因为陶器很容易碎。他心想,要是他制作的陶器永远摔不破,那么他的声誉就会更高,买卖就会更兴隆。于是,他便向上帝祷告,苦苦祈求上帝让他实现他制作的陶器打不破的愿望。
One night, he dreamt that God said to him, "If you are sure you won't regret it, I will make your wish come true." The potter said, "Yes, God, I am sure that I will not regret it." The next morning, the first thing the potter did when he woke up was to test whether God had granted his wish. In his workshop, he used the clay to craft a pot. Then he dried it under the sun. When the pot was dried, he lifted it and dashed it to the floor. The pot did not break! The potter was filled with joy. The news of the unbreakable pots made by the potter spread very fast. People from all over the world rushed here for his pottery. He became very rich and famous.
一天夜里,他梦见上帝对他说:“如果你确信自己将来不后悔,我就让你实现这一愿望。” 陶工说:“是的,上帝,我决不后悔。”第二天早晨,陶工醒来后做的第一件事就是要检验一下上帝是否满足了他的愿望。他来到陶器制作室,用粘土做了一个罐子,然后把它放在阳光下晒。罐子晒干后,他便举起它使劲往地上摔去,罐子果然完好无损。陶工满心欢喜。陶工制作的罐子摔不破的消息,很快传开了。四面八方的人们都纷纷赶来抢购他的陶器,他因此赚了好多钱,名声大振。
学习啦在线学习网 But, the good fortune did not last. After a while, his business slowed down. Although everybody kept praising his product, whoever bought one did not need to buy another again because the pots were unbreakable. The business got poorer by the day, as did his financial status. He now kept praying to God to let him recover his original pottery. One night, he dreamt that God appeared to him. Tearfully, he begged God to forgive him for his foolishness. God said, "Because you admit your mistake, I will forgive you and make your latest wish come true." So from then onwards, the potter's original pottery was once again in great demand.
但是,好景不长。没过多久,他的生意就清淡了下来。虽然大家对他的陶器赞不绝口,但是,由于他制作的陶器永远摔不破,所以买一个就无需再买了。生意一天天地萧条,他的经济状况也每况愈下。现在他只好不断地向上帝祷告,希望上帝能恢复他原来那样的陶器。一天晚上,陶工又梦见了上帝,他眼泪汪汪地祈求上帝原谅他的愚蠢无知。上帝说:“既然你承认自己错了,我就原谅你,也满足你最近的愿望。” 从那时起,陶工制作的陶器又变成原来那样一摔就破了,人们对陶器的需求大增,陶工的生意也再次兴隆起来。