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学习啦在线学习网   美文,当然是有美的地方,比如语言方面、叙述方式都挺有诗意,但是有不少随笔却是在打着美文的旗号污染读者的视觉。下面小编整理了英语美文中英双语,希望大家喜欢!


  Touch Me


学习啦在线学习网   Touch me. Don’t be afraid. I can’t hurt you. Go ahead and touch my smooth surface. Feel the cold, glass-like smoothness and the crevices and lines that make me what I am. Use both hands if you wish. We are more similar than you dare to believe.

学习啦在线学习网   抚摸我吧。别害怕。我不会伤害你,来吧,抚摸我光滑的皮肤。感觉玻璃般的冰冷与光滑,以及其中的裂缝和刮痕,感受我的存在。如果你愿意,请用双手抚摸吧。我们的相似之处将超越你的想象。

学习啦在线学习网   Touch my face. Yes, I have a face like yours. It has weathered the centuries as yours has the years. My face portrays my evolution. Yours, the birth and death of a generation. My face has aged like yours as we have endured together the testimony of earth elements.


  I have eyes like yours. My inscriptions stare out at you as I search for the meaning of why we are here. I look into your eyes and see who you are. Who am I? I was formed millions of years past and now you see the results of my evolution.

学习啦在线学习网   我有着和你一样的眼睛。我的碑铭注视着你,仿佛在寻找生命的意义。让我透过你的双眼看看你是谁。而我又是谁?我已生存了数百年,你看到的是我最终的演变。

  I can feel your hands and the sweat from your palms flow into the countless combination of the letters that make me. I know you. I have known you since I was able to breathe in the air as my smoothness began to take shape and my color matured along with natural flaws. You have known me since the days when you came to take me from my mother.


学习啦在线学习网   You cannot hear me. I am static and unmoving. But, I can hear your murmurs and your cries of pain and sadness. Your sons and daughters ask why? There are no answers. I am very old. I have seen everything and I am none the wiser for the pain and suffering and I have witnessed since I rose from the bowels of the earth. I have witnessed the conflict, the death, the civilizations, and the societies that have come before you. Yet I remain mystified about this day.

学习啦在线学习网   你听不到我的声音,因为我是静止的。但我却听到了你的低声诉语,你的痛苦哀号。你的子女们问“为什么?”这没有答案。我已经老了。我看到了一切。但我承认面对自己所目睹的苦难沧桑我并不是一个智者。我目睹了战争、死亡、人类文明,还有你不曾经历的人类社会,但我至今依然困惑不解。

学习啦在线学习网   I feel sad yet alive with a purpose. I have come to know those who are now an integral part of the reason for my being here at this place and time. That purpose has become apparent as I stand before you on this day while your brethren gather to witness my reflections and the changes of light that mirror your soul.


学习啦在线学习网   I am a reflection of you…


  I am all of you…


学习啦在线学习网   I am your spirit..

学习啦在线学习网   我是你的灵魂……

  I am The Wall.



  Clouds 云

学习啦在线学习网   I've opened the curtain of my east window here above the computer, and I sit now in a holy theater before a sky-bluestage. A little cloud above the neighbor's trees resembles Jimmy Durante's nose for a while, then becomes amorphous as it slips on north. Other clouds follow, big and little and tiny on their march toward whereness. Wisps of them lead or droop because there must always be leading and drooping.

学习啦在线学习网   拉开了房间东边电脑上方的窗帘,感觉自己仿佛身处一个神圣的剧场,天蓝的舞台展现在面前。有好一会儿,邻居家树丛上飘着一朵像杰米·杜兰特那大鼻子形状的云朵,但渐渐云朵就往北飘移,大鼻子也就散了状。周围的云,大的、小的、丁点儿的都随之往不知什么地方飘走了。缕缕白云或前行,或散去,这最自然不过了。

  The trees seem to laugh at the clouds while yet reaching for them with swaying branches. Trees must think that they are real, rooted, somebody, and that perhaps the clouds are only tickled water which sometimes blocks their sun. But trees are clouds, too, of green leaves—clouds that only move a little. Trees grow and change and dissipate like their airborne cousins.

学习啦在线学习网   树梢随风轻摆,像往上攀附云朵,也像在嘲笑云朵。树肯定在想自己才是实实在在、稳稳扎根的重量级人物,而云朵只不过是积聚的水珠,只会偶尔挡住太阳的光辉。其实树也是一种云,是绿叶做的云,是不怎么动的云。树会成长、变化、老去,就跟天空的浮云一样。

学习啦在线学习网   And what am I but a cloud of thoughts and feelings and aspirations? Don't I put out tentative mists here and there? Don't I occasionally appear to other people as a ridiculous shape of thoughts without my intending to? Don't I drift toward the north when I feel the breezes of love and the warmth of compassion?

学习啦在线学习网   我不也是一朵云吗?一朵怀着种种想法、感受和抱负的云。我不是也到处作尝试,制造一个个雾团吗?我的那些异想天开不也常不经意地在人面前变成了一团奇形怪状的云吗?在感受到爱的微风和怜悯的温暖时,我不也像一朵朝北畅快游走的浮云吗?

学习啦在线学习网   If clouds are beings, and beings are clouds, are we not all well advised to drift, to feel the wind tucking us in here and plucking us out there? Are we such rock-hard bodily lumps as we imagine?

学习啦在线学习网   若浮云如人,人亦如浮云,我们是否都应该飘,感受风的力量,让我们一时扎根这里,一时又把我们拔起吹走?难道我们真的就如自己想像中的那样稳如磐石吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Drift, let me. Sing to the sky, will I. One in many, are we. Let us breathe the breeze and find therein our roots in the spirit.



学习啦在线学习网   After A Long Winter在漫长的冬天后

学习啦在线学习网   Up earlier than usual. The air is calling.

学习啦在线学习网   春天来得比往年要早些。空气在呼唤着什么。

学习啦在线学习网   Spring air is different from winter air.

学习啦在线学习网   春天的空气不同于冬天的空气。

  Tree branches are serrated with red bud teeth.


  Later, they grow chartreuse fuzz, making pale green auras in the sun.

学习啦在线学习网   然后,它们长出了黄绿色绒毛,在阳光中产生了淡淡的清新的气息。

  Summer leaves will be dark, shading, but spring leaves let the light through.


  Spring trees glow in the daytime, spreading translucent canopies.

学习啦在线学习网   春天的树在白天发出柔和稳定的光,像一些铺开的半透明的华盖。

学习啦在线学习网   The birds are out, racketing their news from bush to branch. Cats are still curled up on fire escapes. They are in no hurry to get up in the cool morning air and they know it will warm up later. They are watching the birds. They can wait.


  The air is clear, clean cool. The smells are tiny smells, little whiffs of green, a ribbon of brown mud, the blue smell of the sky. Midday is mild enough for short sleeves. I eat my lunch outsider, sitting on a warm brick wall. The breeze lifts my hair and riffles the edge of my skirt. I have to squint. Everything tastes better.

学习啦在线学习网   空气清新,干净,且凉爽。气味是一些淡淡的气味,有一小阵青草的,一丝棕色泥土的,还有天空的蓝色的味道。中午暖和得可以穿短袖衣服了。我坐在一堵暖和的砖墙上,在外面吃了我的午饭。风吹起了我的头发并快速翻动着我的裙脚。我得眯着眼睛看东西。每一个东西尝起来都更好了。

  Until today I had been too huddled in my winter coat to notice the quiet coming of flowers. Suddenly, daffodils smile in my face, parrot tulips wave their beaky petals, and fragrant white blossoms are pinned to dogwood trees like bows in a young girl’s hair.


学习啦在线学习网   The evening is soft. I need my thin jacket.


  It’s still light out when I walk home from the Metro.


  I could walk for hours.


学习啦在线学习网   Like a kid playing street games with her friends, I don’t want to go in.


学习啦在线学习网   When I went to work this morning, I left my windows open.Spring came in through the screens while I was gone.


  It’s as if I had used a big sliver key and rolled back the roof like a lid on a sardine can.


学习啦在线学习网   The indoors smell like the outdoors.


学习啦在线学习网   It will be like lying down in the grass to sleep.The sheets are cool. The quilt is warm.

学习啦在线学习网   就像躺在草地上睡觉一样,床单是凉的,被子是暖的。

  The light fades outside my windows. This weekend, I think I’ll wash my car.

