Harmony and unqualified happiness are natural to each and every one of us, yet here’s how a typical workday looks and feels for too many people. We wake up, drag ourselves out of bed, and, even before we get to the bathroom, we begin worrying or planning what will happen during the day ahead. We are already spending hat little energy we have stored up from our night’s sleep – if we were lucky enough to have had one. Many of us then commute to our jobs, which puts additional stress on us due to traffic, or mass transit crowd, or just the frustration of “wasted” time. Once we arrive, we’re not excited to be there and we are dreading the things we must get done. As we push ourselves through the day, we look ahead to lunch or the end of business. We have various interactions with coworkers – some satisfactory, many not. Since we believe there is nothing much we can do about anything that happens or how we feel about it, usually we simply stuff down out emotions and barrel on forward.
By the time we’re done for the day, we’re exhausted from bottling up our feelings. Maybe we drag ourselves to the local bar to hang out with some friends and eat, drink, and watch the news on TV – which adds its own layer of stress – hoping our feelings will just disappear. Even though we may feel a little better afterwards, in truth, the feelings have only gone underground. We are now like human pressure cookers with plugged stopcocks, and it takes us tremendous energy to keep the lid on. When we finally get home to our husbands or wives and children, and they want to talk about their days with us, we have no energy left to listen. We might try to put on a happy face only to lose our tempers over the smallest things. The family eventually zones out in front of the TV until it is time to go to bed.
学习啦在线学习网 一天的工作终于结束看,整天的压抑使你精疲力竭。于是你拖着疲倦的脚步,邀上几个狐朋狗友去当地的酒吧吃喝玩乐,看看新闻。这一刻,你渴望你的感觉消弭,然而一切只徒增了你的压力。在放纵之后,你可能感到一丝丝释放,但实际上,那些不愉快的感觉只是暂时的压制。你就像那有压阀的高压锅,耗费巨大的精力才能压住盖子里沸腾的渴望。狂欢之后,你回到了家里,爱人和孩子想和你谈谈当天的见闻,但你实在累到无暇顾及。你极力装出一副和颜悦色的样子,可是一些琐事就能拆穿你的伪装,为了一些鸡毛蒜皮而突然大发雷霆。最后,一家人只能盘踞在电视前静静的看电视,然后用一声晚安结束这一天。
学习啦在线学习网 And the next morning we get up and start the whole scenario over again.
学习啦在线学习网 明日又继续重复着昨日的故事。