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  There’s a lot to take in when you’re thinking about starting a website. HTML. CSS. Templates. Metadata and analytics. Luckily, you don’t need to know how all that stuff works to get started.

  All you need to know right now is the foundation of how to start a website. We can talk about fancy design tweaks and traffic boosting ideas another time, right? Maybe after you actually have a website to discuss?

学习啦在线学习网   当你想构建一个网站的时候你需要添加很多东西。超文本标记语言。计算机系统模拟。模板。元数据和分析。幸运的是,您不需要知道所有这些东西是如何开始工作的。

学习啦在线学习网   现在所有你需要知道的是如何开始构建一个网站的基础。我们下一次可以谈论花哨的设计调整和交通促进思想,对吗?也许以后你可以拥有一个网站讨论?

学习啦在线学习网   These 5 straightforward steps will walk you through how to start a website without getting overloaded by all the extra options:

学习啦在线学习网   这5个简单的步骤将指导您完成如何开始不超载的一个网站通过这些额外选项:

学习啦在线学习网   Step 1: Get a Domain Name


学习啦在线学习网   Your domain name is like the online address for your website, for example Lifehack.org, BeAFreelanceBlogger.com or Example.com. A domain name (including the part after the dot) has to be unique, so you might need to come up with a few different ideas if your favourites have already been registered for another website. Once you’ve found a unique domain name that suits you, register it for an appropriate length of time and it’s yours until the registration expires.

学习啦在线学习网   你的域名就像您网站的在线地址,例如Lifehack.org,BeAFreelanceBlogger.com或Example.com。域名(包括小数点后的部分)必须是独一无二的,所以你可能需要拿出一些不同的想法如果你的最爱已经注册了另一个网站。一旦你找到一个独一无二的适合你的域名,在一个适当的时间注册了,它是你的,直到注册到期。

学习啦在线学习网   What should you choose for your domain name? That’s up to you. The most important thing to ask yourself is, “Is it memorable?”

学习啦在线学习网   你应该怎样选择你的域名?这是取决于你。最重要的事情要问问自己,“这是令人难忘的吗?”

  If nobody can remember your domain name, then people aren’t likely to recommend your site by word of mouth or to find their way back to you after their first visit. So make your domain name clear, meaningful and easy to spell!


学习啦在线学习网   Step 2: Get Web Hosting


学习啦在线学习网   If a domain name is like the address of your website, then a web host is like a landlord who rents you the space at that address. The only difference is that you get to choose your web host independently of your domain name. Traditionally, you can’t choose an apartment and then choose your landlord, but with domain names and web hosts that’s exactly how it works.


  There are a lot of different web hosts to choose from, so do a little bit of due diligence to choose a reputable host with a package that’s a good match to your needs. Follow their instructions to update the domain name system to your new nameservers.

学习啦在线学习网   有很多不同的网站主可以选择,那么做一点尽职调查,选择一个有信誉的可以很好的匹配你的需求网站主。按照他们的指示来更新你的新域名服务器的域名系统。

  Step 3: Build an Empty Site


  WordPress is one of the most popular solutions for building your own website without having to learn a lot of code. You can install it on your website pretty easily and if you want to make it even easier, choose a web host that gives you a “one-click installation” tool for WordPress.

学习啦在线学习网   WordPress是一个最流行的构建您的网站不需要学习大量的代码的解决方案构。你可以相当容易地在你的网站上安装它,如果你想让它更容易,选择一个网络主机,给你一个WordPress的“一键安装”工具。

  Once that’s installed, you can choose a theme to set the design foundations of your website, and customise elements of the theme to change specific features of your web design. This is when you have to start making choices about how you want your site to look: is it image focused or more based on writing? Is it colourful or monochrome?


  Step 4: Add Content


  You can add almost anything to your website, with as many or as few pages as you want. What’s going to work best to get your message across: text, images, audio, video? You might want to look into WordPress plugins and widgets that help you display everything just the way you want it.


  Step 5: Test Everything


  Once you’ve published your content, go back over it and check every page, every post and every hyperlink for screw-ups. Tidy up anything that isn’t working right and then do it all over again using a different web browser. Repeat these steps until you’re pretty sure you caught any major problems.


学习啦在线学习网   That’s it, you’re done. Your website is live on the internet, and it works!
