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学习啦在线学习网   摘录:摆脱数码奴隶,回归简单生活

学习啦在线学习网   In the past few months, I started noticing that I’ve become a slave. I’m a slave to the internet, and I’m a slave to my phone. I tried remembering how many times I haven’t used my phone for more than an hour in the last few years, but I couldn’t.

学习啦在线学习网   Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of the internet. I hear the old-schoolers talk about how the internet is killing everything, how we humans are deteriorating because of it. I hear them say that bloggers are not journalists and that social connections are not relationships, but I think they are wrong.

学习啦在线学习网   在过去的几个月里,我开始察觉自己俨然成了一个奴隶。一个被英特网和手机驱使的奴隶。我试图回想在前几年里究竟有多少次远离手机超一小时,但我无能为力。


  Technology, including in large part the internet, alongside human relationships, is one of the connections that moves our society forward. The innovation that appears in all aspects of our daily lives allows us to be smarter, faster, better. So every time I hear the old-schoolers talk about how the internet is a bad thing, I wonder why they wouldn’t want to be better.

  The BIG problem with the internet is that it makes us dependent. Quite often, I see people (and I’m one of them) that actually look and act like junkies. They can’t stop playing with their phone, iPod, PC, or tablet. They can’t disconnect themselves from the non-stop stream of information that the internet provides us. Like everything in life, when you find yourself dependent on something, it might be the right time to start thinking about whether you need to stop and restart yourself.

学习啦在线学习网   人类关系和科技,也包含广泛应用的网络,相辅相成,它们共同推进社会进步。日常中各领域的革新,促使我们的生活更智能,更迅捷,更美好。所以每当我听见守旧派讨论网络是个坏东西的时候,我就好奇难道他们不想过得更好么?


  Here are a few tips to help you take a break from your digital addiction:

学习啦在线学习网   这里的小贴士可以帮你戒掉数码瘾:

  1. Put your phone face-down.把手机面朝下放

  I recently had the good fortune of discovering a fantastic project called undigitize.me. This project is a creation of a young entrepreneur who had enough. He wanted to focus on the things that mattered the most, mainly the people he encountered and his thoughts. One day he realized that the phone was his biggest obstacle.

学习啦在线学习网   最近我很幸运地发现了一个叫做“摆脱数码”的项目。这个项目是由一个曾经历许多的年轻企业家创办。他希望将精力集中在重要的事情,还有平时遇见的人物和思考上面。某天他意识到手机是他最大的障碍。

  So what does it mean to put your phone face-down? It means that you are preventing your mobile device from capturing your attention every time you receive an email, message, or any other stream of information. It’s not just a statement; it’s a way of life. Keeping your phone face-down means that you are trying to normalize the way you think and act, it means that once again you are in control of your time and focus and will not let any app or service control you.


学习啦在线学习网   2. Go back to sleep.继续睡眠

  Since moving to New York (while my team remains in Tel Aviv), I have been suffering from severe jet lag. This basically causes me to wake up at least three times throughout the night.


  The big problem with waking up in the middle of the night, is that while its 3:30 AM in New York it’s also 10:30 AM in Tel Aviv. This means that in the middle of the night, I wake up to at least thirty emails, messages, and push notifications. For some reason, I can’t help but check each one of those notifications until I’m so awake that sleep has become impossible. One thing leads to another, and I suddenly find myself answering emails and going on Facebook and Twitter, all because I picked up my phone instead of going back to sleep.


  3. Walk everywhere.到处走动

  I’m a big fan of walking, and I try to take a walk whenever possible. Besides the fact that it’s so healthy for your body and your mind, walking allows me to focus on the world around me instead of looking at my phone. One of the reasons I like walking is that it’s the only time I have to myself. I put some music on, and just walk. I can’t text or send emails because not only is it not comfortable, but it’s impossible to think properly while on the move. Walking allows me to concentrate on my thoughts and relax.


学习啦在线学习网   4. Meditate.冥想

学习啦在线学习网   There is much to say about the effect meditation has on your body and soul. Sitting quietly and slowly breathing in and out gives you time to focus on your inner self. Taking just a bit of time from your daily schedule to perform mediation will allow you to stop everything at once and focus on yourself with no other distractions. Dedicating even 5 minutes a day to meditate can provide you with quiet relief from all the distractions out there such as your phone and computer.

学习啦在线学习网   冥想对你的身体和灵魂有太多的帮助。静坐下来,慢慢地呼吸吐纳,此时你就可以专注于内在的修炼。从日常行程中抽一丁点时间做个冥想,这能帮你瞬间停止忙碌,一心一意地专注在自我身上。每天花5分钟冥想可以让你从各种琐事中解脱出来,比如电话和电脑。

  5. Turn off (most of) your push notifications.关掉推送消息

学习啦在线学习网   The good thing about push notifications is that they ensure that you won’t miss anything happening right now. The downside is that you can never know when the next distraction is coming. To be fair, I understand the importance of enabling push notifications from your email client, so let’s focus on other apps. Do you really need instant notification about every ‘like’ you get on Instagram, or every time someone invites you to an event on Facebook?

学习啦在线学习网   推送消息的优势在于它可以确保你不会错过任何新鲜实事。劣势就是你永远无法知道下一条新闻什么时候跳出来。客观来讲,我理解推送报告对邮件用户的重要性,所以我们可以尝试其他的应用软件。对于Instagram上每件你喜欢的事物,还有Facebook上的别人的邀请,你真就那么需要及时通知吗?

  Think about how much you can reduce the noise and distraction if you turned off the push notifications in most of your news/social apps. As I said, push notifications can help us to not miss important things that come into our phone, but too many push notifications from less important sources and apps can prevent us to see the real things that we will came across in our real life.

学习啦在线学习网   想想一旦你关掉了大多数的新闻/社交软件,就会减少多少噪音和干扰。如我所说,推送报告可以帮助我们获得电话能接受到的重要信息,但有太多的报告来自无关痛痒的资源和鸡肋般的应用软件,它们只会妨碍我们看见真实生活中的真实事物。

学习啦在线学习网   Technology, sometimes we can’t live with it but we certainly can’t live without it. but once we know how to find the balance between our constant need to be fed with information to the human need of interacting with others—we will stop being digital slaves.
