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学习啦在线学习网   我们需要梦想We need dreams

学习啦在线学习网   We all want to believe that we are capable of great feats, of reaching our fullest potential. We need dreams. They give us a vision of a better future. They nourish our spirit。


  They represent possibility even then we are dragged down by reality. They keep us going. Most successful people are dreamers Dreamers are not content with being merely mediocre, because no one ever dreams of going halfway.

学习啦在线学习网   梦想代表一种可能性,尽管它会受现实的羁绊。梦想让我们勇往直前。多数成功人士都是梦想家。梦想家不满足于平庸,因为谁也不希望半途而废。

  When we were little kids, we didn’t dream of a life of struggle and frustration. We dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant. We dreamed big.

学习啦在线学习网   孩提时,我们不曾梦想过自立而充满挫折的生活,却梦想做一些轰轰烈烈而又意义的大事。我们梦想成为伟人。

学习啦在线学习网   We know now that we have to put in the effort to reach our dreams, but the tough part is that most of us don’t know where to start working. duanwenw.com We might have every intention of becoming Vice President in five years or running across the finish line in a marathon or completing the novel we started years ago. But often we have no idea how to translate these dreams into actions.


学习啦在线学习网   In order to make real steps toward fulfilling our ultimate, big, splashy dreams, we have to start with concrete objective. These are our goals.

学习啦在线学习网   为了真正付诸实施,实现我们终极、伟大而恢弘的梦想。我们一定要从具体的目标着手,这些就是我们的目标。


学习啦在线学习网   丘比特和绵羊 Jupiter and the Sheep

学习啦在线学习网   A Sheep was once forced to submit to much harm from the other animals. He therefore appeared before Jupiter, and begged him to lessen his misery. Jupiter appeared willing, and said to the Sheep, "I see plainly, my pious creature, that I have created you too defenseless . Now choose how I had best remedy this fault. Shall I arm your jaws with terrible fangs and your feet with claws?"

学习啦在线学习网   绵羊曾经一度被迫忍受别的动物对它造成的诸多伤害。终于,它来见丘比特,恳求他为自己减轻痛苦。丘比特看上去乐意帮忙,他对绵羊说:“我和清楚,我虔诚的小东西,我创造的你太没有防御能力了。现在你可以选择让我怎样来弥补自己的过失。我让你的上下颚长上尖牙,脚上长出利爪,好吗?”

  "O, no! " exclaimed the Sheep, " I will have nothing in common with the beasts of prey."

学习啦在线学习网   “噢,不!”绵羊惊叫道,“我不愿意和掠食的野兽有任何相同之处。”

  "Or," said Jupiter, " Shall I make your bite poisonous?"

学习啦在线学习网   “要不然,”丘比特说,“让你被咬的动物中毒?

  "Alas!" replied the Sheep, " the poisonous snakes are so sadly detested."

学习啦在线学习网   “哎呀!”绵羊回答说,“毒蛇可是让人深恶痛绝的。”

  "Well, what shall I do ? Shall I plant horns on your forehead, and give strength to your neck?"


  "Nor that, gracious father; I should then butt like the goat."


  "At the same time you would be able to injure others, if I gave you the means of defending yourself."


  "Should I, indeed? "sighed the Sheep. "Oh! Then leave me, merciful father, as I am. For the power of injuring would, I am fearful, awake the desire of doing so; and it is better to suffer harm, than to inflict it."


  Jupiter blessed the pious Sheep, who ceased from that moment his complaints.

学习啦在线学习网   丘比特为这只虔诚的绵羊祝福,绵羊此后再也不抱怨了。


学习啦在线学习网   老马识途An old horse knows the way

  ne spring, Guan Zhong and xi peng followed Huan Gong, King of the State of Qi, in an expedition against the State of Gu back. They lost their way, Guan Zhong said:


  “Old horses are wise animals who know their way. Let them duanwenw.com lead the way for us!”

学习啦在线学习网   “老马说一种智慧的动物,能认路,让老马来给我们带路吧!”

  Thereupon, they let several old horses lead in front and the army followed behind. Finally they found their way home.


学习啦在线学习网   When the army entered the hills, they ran out of water. Then Xi Peng said:” In duanwenw.com winter, the ants stay on the south side of a hill, and in summer, on the north side. There is sure to be water source under their nest. ”

学习啦在线学习网   军队走近山里,水没有了。这时xi朋说:“蚂蚁冬天住在向阳坡,夏天住在背阴坡,蚂蚁窝的下面一定有水源。”

学习啦在线学习网   Thereupon, the soldiers exerted strenuous efforts to dig the ground. Sure enough, they found water under the ants’ nest.

学习啦在线学习网   于是,士兵们奋力挖土,果然在蚂蚁窝的下面挖到了水。

  Men of great learning like Guan Zhong and Xi Peng, when duanwenw.com coming across difficulties, would also seek help from horses and ants of lower intelligence than human beings to find a way out.









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