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学习啦在线学习网   When you smile, I smile, that’s the deal.

学习啦在线学习网   I will not walk past you and not look you in the eyes and not acknowledge you.

  Instead we will pass each other and say hello.

  Not with our words, for they are not the same; but with our faces.

  I meet you and I see there is good in your eyes, there's passion in your heart and there's a friendly hello in your smile.

  And for the first time we can relate and appreciate each other.

  That’s all it takes, that’s where it starts.

学习啦在线学习网   Because I know that you will smile and I will smile and the rest is easy.



学习啦在线学习网   当你微笑,我也微笑,我们一言为定。


学习啦在线学习网   相反,我们互相走过时会对对方说:“你好”。







  Why Failure Can Be Your FriendI believe it is important to separate good failures from bad failures. Good failures happen when, even though you made the correct decision, you still lost. Bad failures happen because you made bad decisions, or worse, didn’t make a decision at all. Although the two feel the same, they have a completely different long-term impact.

  I’m a novice poker player. One of the first things I learned was that there were good wins and bad wins. Good wins were because you had a sound strategy of betting where the odds were in your favor. Bad wins happened when you just got lucky. Going all-in on a 2-7 off-suit might win the hand. But it doesn’t mean you’re a good poker player.

  Good Failures

  Mentally separating good failures from bad failures takes work. Poker is a simple game where the laws of probability are cleanly defined. Real life is a lot messier. It takes more effort to decide which failures were because of a bad decision and which were just the unintended side-effects of the best choice available.

  Although it can be difficult to separate the two, there are benefits to making two piles instead of just one. By separating the two types of failures, it is easier to persevere through good failures. It may hurt to have your Business proposal shut down for the fifteenth time, but it isn’t necessarily a bad failure.

  By separating the two, you can also avoid more bad failures. If you fail because of laziness, indecision or poor planning, you can quickly correct those in the future. Knowing the difference between good and bad failures keeps you from repeating stupid mistakes.

  Types of Good Failures

学习啦在线学习网   I’ve found that there are several categories of good failures. These are the kinds of failures you might actually seek out. Since they come from good, not bad, decisions, they are the best way to fail.

  1. High Upside, Low Downside

  There are many areas of life where the upside is far greater than the downside. When I write an article, it takes about 90 minutes of work. If nobody comments or responds to that post, then I’ve just wasted 90 minutes.

  However, if the article becomes popular, it can bring in thousands of visitors to my website. Those thousands of visitors translate into new readers who can get value from the website. In addition, the extra traffic often results in a higher monthly income for me.

  Writing blog entries is an example where failure is cheap and winning can be huge. I’d gladly take a dozen or two dozen failures for a big hit. A post that doesn’t get attention is a good failure.

  2. Breaking Through Your Limits

  The only way you can know your limits are to go past them. Occasionally I’ve committed myself to more work than I can handle. The result is stress and, in extreme cases, complete burnout. Doing more than you can handle on a regular basis is a recipe for a nervous breakdown.

  However, if you don’t test those limits and occasionally go past them, you can never improve. You’ll always go slightly below your capacity, never reaching your possible potential. I don’t enjoy an exhausting schedule, but occasionally facing one ensures my productivity muscles stay strong.

学习啦在线学习网   3. Embarrassment and Smart Risk-Taking

  There are some situations where failures and successes can’t be separated. There is no action that will guarantee you only get success. In these cases, it can be useful to ignore the losses since the wins will make up for it.

  Public Speaking is a great example. Any chance you get to speak in public runs you the risk of embarrassment. You might say something stupid. The audience might not like your speech. But if you don’t face those failures, it’s impossible to deliver a fantastic speech.

  4. Staying Inside Your Comfort Zone

学习啦在线学习网   The only way to have a bad failure is to stay put. If you are constantly experimenting and pushing beyond your daily routine, any result is a good result. Avoiding the things that scare you doesn’t make you safe, it makes you weaker.

学习啦在线学习网   Over a year ago I took dance classes. For a self-proclaimed geek, this was definitely a step outside my comfort zone. I loved the class. Even though it was outside of my comfort zone, I had a great time and learned something valuable. This wasn’t a failure, but it just as easily could have been. It’s better to discourage laziness than occasionally stumbling.

  5. Taking on Too Big a Challenge

学习啦在线学习网   More than a few times I’ve set goals that were nearly impossible to accomplish. I didn’t have enough time to reach the deadline and I had no idea what I was doing. Although setting extremely difficult challenges results in a lot of failures, it keeps you sharp.

  The ideal challenge level is where success is possible, but only if you work incredibly hard. Unfortunately, finding this sweet spot means you’ll end up making some goals too hard and others too easy. If you never fail at a big challenge it probably means most of your goals have been set too easy.

  Just as there are good and bad failures, there are good and bad wins. I’d rather have a good failure than a bad win. A bad win might feel nice in the short term, but it is damaging over the big picture.

  Do you have a personal example of a good failure? Please share it in the comments below.


学习啦在线学习网   I Love You, Mom

学习啦在线学习网   I Love You, Mom

  ... and I Want You to Know Why

  I Feel So Proud to Be Your Daughter

  You are a remarkable woman

  who accomplishes so much as a

  strong woman

学习啦在线学习网   in a man's world

学习啦在线学习网   You are strong but soft

  You are strong but caring

学习啦在线学习网   You are strong but compassionate

  You are a remarkable woman

  who accomplishes so much as a

学习啦在线学习网   giving woman

  in a selfish world

  You give to your friends

学习啦在线学习网   You give to your family

  You give to everyone

学习啦在线学习网   You are a remarkable woman

学习啦在线学习网   who is also a remarkable mother

  And you are loved by so many people

  whose lives you have touched -

学习啦在线学习网   especially me


学习啦在线学习网   我爱你,妈妈,并且想让您知道我为什么以做您的女儿而自豪!



学习啦在线学习网   您是一位不平凡的女人,也是一个不平凡的母亲。您被许多人(特别是我)热爱着,您影响了他们的生活。








随着英语的国际化越来越广泛,我国的英语学习者也逐年激增,各大英语学习网站也推出英语美文的赏析和阅读。下面是学习啦小编带来的中学经典英语美文,欢迎阅读! 中学经典英语美文篇一 Smile When you smile, I smile, thats the deal. I w