学习啦在线学习网 爱情是人类道德生活的一个重要领地,也是每个人人生道路上必然要经历的重要内容,它不仅关系到每个人现实生活的幸福,而且也反映人类社会文明进步的程度,社会道德发展的水平。下面是学习啦小编带来的关于写爱情的英语美文,欢迎阅读!
学习啦在线学习网 I traveled through time last week.
Okay, all I really did was clean out a closet. But what I found took me back nearly three decades, to a day I never could quite explain.
学习啦在线学习网 The envelope was worn and the letter dog-eared and cnimpled. It was written in pencil by a passionate young soldier who looked like Richard Gere. It was written to me.
学习啦在线学习网 信封已磨破,信纸也是皱巴巴的那是一位热情似火的年轻士兵用铅笔写的,他长得像理查德·基尔,信是写给我的.
学习啦在线学习网 Mark was on an airplane when he wrote it, leaving Oregon for his Army post on the eastern seaboard. In simple, transparent words, he put his heart on paper, and mailed it off to me.
学习啦在线学习网 马克是在飞机上写的,他正离开俄勒冈州到东海岸担仟军职简单坦诚的文字,他把自己的心付诸纸上,然后寄给我。
He planned to talk with my dad and come to an "understanding". Mark was an optimist. It would've taken a diplomat to resolve their difference. Mark and my father were
both soldiers. Neither was a diplomat.
As I read the letter, I closed my eyes and began to journey back.
学习啦在线学习网 当我重读那封信时,我闭上双眼,开始回J顽往事
学习啦在线学习网 And then, quietly, it was that day once more:
学习啦在线学习网 然后,静静地,又回到那一天:
学习啦在线学习网 Several weeks had passed since I'd received the letter from Mark. I was at work at a small accounting firm. At midday, I climbed into my car to drive home for lunch. I backed out of the long lane, which ran past the parking lot for a local cocktail lounge. Suddenly, my breath caught in my throat. There Mark sat, on his beloved motorcycle.
But it couldn't be Mark, he'd left on a plane. So I didn't stop, because I knew I had to be seeing things, but still, I couldn't keep myself from looking back.
All logic shouted no. it was an incredible imitation-right down to the resolute jaw, the smoldering look in his eyes, the exact color of his hair, and, of course, the motorcycle.
学习啦在线学习网 所有的理智都在大声地否定。那是不可思议的相似—绝对果敢的下颗,热切的眼神,他的发色,当然,还有那辆摩托车。
It couldn't be him. But my stare was locked, and I saw Mark looking so intently at me, so strangely sad.
学习啦在线学习网 I looked out the window all through lunch, expecting a motorcycle to boil into the drive with a furious Mark abroad. I expected a tongue-lashing for not even stopping to talk. Even as I expected all that, my practical mind dutifully reminded me that it could not have been my young wild-hearted love.
学习啦在线学习网 When I drove back to work, the young man and his motorcycle were gone. After work, I hurried home, thinking there might be a message from him. It didn't make sense, but I still expected it.
学习啦在线学习网 当我开车回去上班,那个年轻人和摩托车已不复存在。下班后,我匆忙回家,想象着会有他的消息。这纯属胡思乱想,但我仍旧盼着。
My father met me at the door with three words. "Mark is dead." I felt my legs go weak and my head began to spin.
学习啦在线学习网 "He was killed in a traffic accident." It happened that day, he said, in south Carolina.
学习啦在线学习网 My heart broke, and my tears fell like rain on the hard concrete of the driveway.
Because I had lost him.
学习啦在线学习网 Because I had seen him.
学习啦在线学习网 Because I had passed him by.
学习啦在线学习网 Although Mark and my father never did reach their understanding, I now visit them in the same Cemetery in Portland-a very honorable place for two soldiers to be.
Even rugged soldiers need flowers sometimes. So I bring them. And I remember.
学习啦在线学习网 即使是粗狂的军人,有时也需要鲜花,因此我记得给他们带来了。
学习啦在线学习网 On the next day the businessman, as always, threw out "the otter is still waiting, Miss!"
Sitting in front of him, Reny asked: "how much?"in a business manner.
学习啦在线学习网 瑞妮在他面前坐下,用一种谈生意的口吻说:“多少钱?”
学习啦在线学习网 The man turned red. He hadn't expected her question, but still he managed to utter coolly:"1000 dollars!’
学习啦在线学习网 他的脸红’她这样问有点出乎意料,但是他还是镇静地回答道:1000美元”
学习啦在线学习网 She had never seen so much money at one time Why ever not'' Still, she decided to take a risk;"2000"
学习啦在线学习网 瑞妮从来没有见过那么多钱,为什么不答应呢,但她还决定再赌一把:"2000羌元”
学习啦在线学习网 “Agreed”He nodded after a brief thinking and asked when.
学习啦在线学习网 “成交、”他想了一下就点头了,然后又问:“什么时候?”
"Tonight. After work. I finish at 12," she whispered and bowed down her head.
学习啦在线学习网 瑞妮低下头小声说:“今晚,我下班后,我12点下班”
"My chauffer will wait for you outside, ok?"
She nodded and stood up, made for the har, her legs shaking with agitation. She grasped the plot with both hands and closed her eyes。
学习啦在线学习网 她点点头,站起来,匆匆朝吧台走去,双腿因为激动而颤抖不已。她闭上眼睛,双手紧握着,仿佛要握紧这个秘密
"Did that guy insult you, sweetie?'" the barman whispered and fingered the bathe always kept by his side, placed in the corner.
No she answered. avoiding his eyes.
学习啦在线学习网 When, in the evening she had completed the polishing of the tables, she glanced at the clock on the wall--15 minutes had passed after midnight. She nodded goodbye to the barman and left.
晚上收拾完桌子,瑞妮膘了一眼墙上的钟—已经午夜12 : 15了,她和男招待员道别后就走了.
学习啦在线学习网 The white Mercedes waited her before the entrance. The chauffeur, standing by the Car, immediately opened the rear door for her. With Before turning the ignition switch, he turned back the speed of lightning, he sat behind the wheel and handed her a big envelope.
学习啦在线学习网 白色的奔驰车在大门口等着她司机站在车旁,看见她走过来,立即为她打开后车们,然后匕快地坐到方向盘后面他没有马上发动车子,而是转过身,递给瑞妮一个大信封.
"For you”
学习啦在线学习网 “给你的”
Surprised, Reny took Lhe envelope. ller fingers felt it impatiently. Banknotes, a lot of banknotes!
学习啦在线学习网 瑞妮吃了一惊,还是接过了信封。她感到她的手已经迫不及待地摸着信封,钞票,好多啊。
She didn't realize when the car had driven off. or when it stopped. She sat on the back seat, pressing theTrembling, envelope to her breast. The chauffeur quickly sprang out of the car and opened hershe climbed out and looked around--but, for some reason, the car had parked in door. front of her own block, she screwed up her eyes in surprise, and turned towards the chauffeur, her brow’s rising questioningly.
学习啦在线学习网 她不知道车什么时候发动了,也不知道什么时候停下来了她坐在后座上,把信封紧紧地抱在胸前司机飞快地下车,为她打开车门_、她颤抖着走出来,四处看了看,但是,不知什么原因,车竟然停在她家楼下她惊讶的眯着眼睛,转向司机,满脸疑惑住。
"Shall I accompany you'.'" he asked politely, nodding towards the stinky dark entrance.
But she uttered in astonishment.
The chauffeur kept smiling, the same mystic way, remaining silent
学习啦在线学习网 "No, thank you! I'll be all right!" the girl whispered and rushed for the door. She started running up the dark slippery stairs, because the elevator was out of order for months now, they had cut it off because of unpaid bills.She had reached the second 11oor when the light on the staircase blazed up.She gave a start. Frozen for a second- then she remembered. The chauffeur downstairs must have switched it on.
瑞妮低声说:“谢谢,不用了,我能行!”她说充就冲进门因为没有交费,电梯已经被停好几个月! .她开始上又黑又滑的楼梯的时候,楼道的灯又亮了。她吃了一惊,呆住但是她马上又反应过来,一定是司机在楼下替她打开了开关。
At home, Reny, out of breath, long time counted the banknotes. They always came out 2000dollars. At last, disgusted, she gathered them and carried them to the kitchen table.
学习啦在线学习网 瑞妮气喘吁叮地进r家门,把信封的钱数好久,怎么数都是2000最后,她又厌恶的把那些钱收起来,放到餐桌。
学习啦在线学习网 She went back to her room and couldn't sleep all night-she was trying to work out what exactly had happened. Little as she felt like going to work, she still went. For the first time, she was late, but the barman only smiled to her understandingly, he obviously had seen the white Mercedes that had waited for her last night.
All was like usual-men followed her with eyes greedy and burning with desire, and the barman snarled around and saw to it that their advances didn't get close to anything but dreams and intentions.
学习啦在线学习网 一切都还像往常一样—那些男人为着她转,眼睛里充满着贪婪,燃烧着欲望,那个酒吧男招待员到处呵斥,以保证那些挑逗只是幻想而已。
学习啦在线学习网 As always, exactly at 12 o'clock came the businessman, too. While she was serving him his whisky, he said between his teeth, "If you hadn't accepted the money, I would have married you!"
He hurled a big banknote on the table and stood up, without even touching his drink.
学习啦在线学习网 他猛地丢下一张大钞在桌上,没有碰一下他的酒就走了。
As she was watching his broad back disappear behind the door. Reny understood that the moment she had started to love this man, she had lost him.
学习啦在线学习网 Every day I anxiously wait for you to gel to class. I and say good morning. Some days, when you arrive only can't wait for us to smile at each other incredibly and listen impatient. Instead of reading the Daily Calendar, seconds before the lecture begins, I'm I anticipate your footsteps from behind for your voice. Today is one of your late days. But I don't mind, because after a month of desperately desiring to ask you out, today I am going to一Encourage me, because letting you know like you seems as risky to me as skydiving into the sea.
学习啦在线学习网 I know that dating has changed dramatically in the past few years, and for many women asking men out isn't at all daring. But 1 was raised in a traditional European household’where simply the thought of my asking you out spells-naughty. Growing up, I learned that men call, ask and pay for the date. During my 3 years at Berkeley, I have learned othcnvise. Many Berkeley women have brightened their social lives by taking the initiative、with men. My girlfriends insist it's essential for women to participate snore in the dating process. "I can't sit around and wait any more,"my former roommate once blurted out.‘Hard as it is, I have to ask guys oW if I want to date at all!"
学习啦在线学习网 我知道最近几年,男女约会已经与以前大不样〕对许多女士而言,邀请男人出去根本算不上什么大胆的举动了。可我在一个传统的欧洲家庭长大,在那样的家教下,就连脑海中闪过约你出去的念头都觉得不妥,从小我知道的都是男士打电话约女士,男士掏腰包但在伯克利的3年当中,我看到的却完全不同〔二许多伯克利女士为了交际更广一此,往往与男士交往时采取主动我的女性朋友们坚持,女士在约会中更积极主动是非常必要的“我再不能坐在这里干等了,”我曾经的室友有次大喊道。“尽管很难,但是我必须主动约男孩了—如果我还想约会的话!”
Wonderful, more women are inviting men out, and men say they are delighted, often relieved, that dating no longer solely depends on their willingness and courage to take the first step. Then why am I digging my nails into my hand trying to muster up courage'?
I keep telling myself to relax since dating is less stereotypical and more casual today. A college date means anything from studying together to sex. Most of my peers prefer casual dating anyway because it`s cheaper and more comfortable. Students have fewer anxiety attacks when they ask somebody to play tennis than when they plan a formal dinner date. They enjoy last minute let's make dinner together“dates because they not only avoid hassling with attire and transportation but also dun't have time to agonize.
Casual dating also encourages people to form healthy friendship prior to starting relationships My roommate and he;r boyfriend were friends for four months before their chemistries clicked,they went to movies and meals and often rot together with mutual friends, they alternated paying the dinner check."He was like a girlfriend "my roommate once laughed-blushing". Mcn and women relax and get to know each other more easily through such friendships. Another friend of mine believes that casual dating is improving people's social lives. When she wants to Iw a guy know she is interested. she will say, "Hey, let's go pct a yoghurt"
学习啦在线学习网 Who payfor it? My past tlatrs have taught me some things. You don't know if I'll get the wrong idea if you treat me for dinner,and I don't know if paying for myself. John whipped out his wallet on our first flute betore I could suggest we go Dutch.
During our full dinner stroll he told me he wa; interested in dating me on steady basis. After I explained I was more interested in a friendship. he told me he would have understood have I paid for my dinner. "I have practically ;topped treating women on dates.'"He said defensively. "It is safer and more comtbrtable when we each pay for ourselves." John has assumed that because I graciously accepted his treat, I was in love. He was mad at Himself for treating me,and I regretted allowing him to.
Larry. on the other hand. blushed when I otfercd to pay fur my meal on our first date. I unzipped my purse and Hung out my wallet, and he looked at me as if I had addressed him in a foreign language. Hesitant. I asked politely, "How much do I owe you''" Larry muttered, "uh, uh, you really don"t owe me anything, but if you insist..."
Insist. I thought. I only offered. To Larry, my gesture was a suggestion of rejection.
Sliding into his desk, he taps my shoulde and says "Hi, Laura, what's up'?"
学习啦在线学习网 "Good morning”I answered with nervous chills Hey, how would you like to have lunch after class on Friday"
学习啦在线学习网 "You meant attcr the tnidtenn'?" he says encouragingly I'd love to go to lunch with you.
学习啦在线学习网 “你的意思是期中考试以后?”他的口气令人鼓舞“十分乐意和你共进午餐”
"We have a date"I smile.
