学习啦在线学习网 工作与家庭是人生中最重要的两大领域。但是随着经济的发展、生活节奏的加快以及社会观念的变迁,现代人想要达成工作与家庭之间的协调与平衡越来越困难。下面是学习啦小编带来的关于工作方面的英语美文,欢迎阅读!
出乎意料 创业者十大不同寻常的信念
Most people agree that entrepreneurs have to think differently and take risks to have much chance of building a successful business. Yet I have found that serious entrepreneurs usually go way beyond these platitudes in their actions and thinking, and often won’t volunteer their real views, for fear of alienating “regular” people, and being branded a fanatic.
In his new book “The Entrepreneur Mind,” by serial entrepreneur Kevin D. Johnson, he outlines 100 essential beliefs, insights, and habits of serious entrepreneurs. Most of these are predictable, like think big and create new markets, but I found a few, like the ten below, that will likely raise the hackles of many people outside this lifestyle, and many “wannabe” entrepreneurs.
在连续创业者Kevin D.Johnson的新书《创业思维》中,他概括了100条为连续创业者们所坚持的理念,见解和习惯。多数都在预料之中,如从大局思考以及开创新的市场,然而我也找出了一小部分,比如下面说的这十条,这些可能会触怒那些不以这种生活方式生活的人,以及许多“有抱负”的创业者。
学习啦在线学习网 1.All risk isn’t risky. Entrepreneurs surely understand the high probability of failure, but they don’t necessarily like to gamble. Instead, they take calculated risks, stacking the deck in their favor. They must have enough confidence in themselves, supplemented by expert knowledge, solid relationships, or personal wealth, to see the risk as near zero.
学习啦在线学习网 1.并非所有风险都具有危险性。创业者显然知道失败的巨大可能性,然而他并不必然愿意去赌一把。相反,他们愿意承担一些经过计算的风险,依他们的兴趣摆布局势。他们必须对自己具有足够的信心,同时又拥有专业知识,稳固的社交关系,或者巨大的个人财富,他们才会把失败的风险视为接近为0。
学习啦在线学习网 2.Business comes first, family second. This view isn’t a selfish one, but a recognition by serious entrepreneurs that family well-being is dependent on the success of the business, not the other way around. This is why airlines ask you to put on your oxygen mask first. Should you forego closing a million dollar deal to attend a ball game with your son?
学习啦在线学习网 2.生意至上,家人次之。这并非是一种自私的观点,相反,那些连续创业者们公认,家人的幸福取决于生意的成功,而不是相反。这就是为什么航空公司要求你首先带上氧气面罩。你是否应该为了和你儿子一起去打球而拒绝一个价值100万美元的合同?
3.Following your passion is bogus. Look for a good business model first. Your passion may be for a good cause, like curing world hunger, but it may not be a good business. In any young business, you inevitably find things that are not enjoyable, but need to be done, like cold calls or firing unproductive employees. Just doing fun things is a myth.
学习啦在线学习网 4.It’s not about being your own boss. Great entrepreneurs aren’t interested in being bosses at all. People who crave the freedom to do what they want when they want generally make terrible entrepreneurs. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, discipline is a must, and accept your new bosses as investors, partners, and customers.
学习啦在线学习网 5.Fire your worst customers. We have all had customers who take advantage of us, to the detriment of other good customers. The best entrepreneurs are quick to make the tough decisions to bypass bad customers, with proper respect, to minimize frustration, resource drain, and reputation loss. You can’t please everyone all the time.
6.Ignorance can be bliss. It’s great to be highly familiar with the industry in which you plan to compete, but many times people see too many challenges, and never start. In other cases, entrepreneurs are opening up new business areas, so no one yet knows the challenges. Serious entrepreneurs trust their ability to beat a new path to the opportunity.
学习啦在线学习网 6.无知有时是福。非常熟悉你将要奋战的行业自然是件好事,但很多时候人们看到了太多的挑战,却从未跨出第一步。此外,创业者所开辟的常常是新的商业领域,没人知道挑战究竟在哪儿。真正的创业者相信他们能够披荆斩棘,开辟出通往机会的新道路。
7.You’re in no rush to get an MBA. If you are already an entrepreneur, more education, including an MBA, will only slow you down. Consider it a waste of time. If you plan to become an entrepreneur, and already have business experience or an undergraduate business degree, skip the two-year delay and cost of the MBA.
学习啦在线学习网 8.You are odd, and it’s OK. Entrepreneurs, especially those in technology, usually don’t start out as well-rounded, well-adjusted leaders. In fact, being odd is quite the norm. According to other studies, attention-deficit disorder (ADD) is common, as well as host of other personality disorders. It’s actually cool to be a geek in this lifestyle.
9.A check in hand means nothing. Every entrepreneur remembers their naïve days when that first customer check bounced. When you receive a new purchase order, a check, a verbal agreement, or even a written agreement, don’t get too happy and excited. Save the celebration until you have cold cash in hand, or the funds are verified.
学习啦在线学习网 9.未经兑现的空头支票毫无意义。每个创业者都记得他们收到客户寄来的第一张支票时那副手舞足蹈的天真模样。当你收到一张新的订单、一张支票、一个口头协议、或者一份书面协议时,不要兴奋过度。等你手中拿到真金白银的时候再庆祝吧。
10.There’s no such thing as a cold call. If you are an elite entrepreneur, you don’t go into anything cold. With the Internet and a plethora of other resources, you can warm up any call quickly, and not waste your time or theirs. Doing your homework first is one of the best ways to get an advantage over your competition.
Do you constantly say that you have too much to do and too little time? This seems to bea common sentiment in today's world. Everyone has too much on their list and too manyobligations to keep up with.
你总是说要做的事太多,但时间太少? 这似乎是当今这个世界每个人的同感。每个人要做的事很多,要履行的义务也很多。
Have you stopped to consider why your load is so big? How did you end up under so manyobligations in the first place? What is all of this weight holding you back?
学习啦在线学习网 你有没有停下来想过为什么你有这么多的负担呢?要从这么多的责任中解脱出来,首先你要怎么做? 在这些负担里是什么阻碍了你?
A better question may be…where did all this weight come from? If you are trulyoverloaded,how did you get there? Over time you have taken on more than you can handle. Itdid not happen instantly or overnight.
学习啦在线学习网 Often,this is self-inflicted time management. You have been practicing habits and behaviorsthat have lead to this situation. You have been creating your own stress and life friction. Howcan we limit this load that prevents us from being productive and enjoying our day?
There are many habits that can lead to task overload. Here are six behaviors to help avoidpersonal overload:
学习啦在线学习网 1. Be Organized Enough to Know Your Load
1. 有序组织,明了工作量
This is an important first step. Do you even know how much you are carrying? When peoplesay,"I have too much to do,"I immediately ask to see their todo list and project board.Ironically,many of them do not have a single organized view of what they need to do. Multiplelists and scattered papers present a jumbled perspective. If you don't know how much is onyour plate,how can you hope to efficiently get it done?
这是重要的第一步。你知道你承载了多少吗?当人们说,“我有太多事情要做,” 我立即要求看一看他们的代办事项清单。很讽刺的是,他们中的许多人都没有条理性地组织好他们需要做些什么。多重清单和凌乱的纸条呈现的是乱七八糟的观念。如果你不知道你有多少,你怎么能希望有效地完成它呢?
学习啦在线学习网 2. Just Say No
2. 要会拒绝
Are you unable to tell others no? Do you constantly accept tasks and obligations fromothers? This can be a leading source of the extra weight that holds you back."Can you do thisfor me?""Can you help me with that?" Sometimes, the right answer is"No."
你不会拒绝别人?你总是接受别人给的任务和义务?这可能是产生阻碍你前进的额外负荷的一个主要来源。“你能帮我个忙吗?” “帮我一下?” 有时候,正确的回答是“No”。
3. Finish to Done
3. 做事要彻底
学习啦在线学习网 Another reason your load may be too big is that you do not ever fully complete things.Starting tasks is easy, but finishing them is hard. You start many tasks, but do not see themto completion. A few items completed is always more effective than many things begun.
学习啦在线学习网 4. Don't Do Everything Yourself
4. 不要任何事都亲力亲为
Busy people are often guilty of trying to do everything themselves. They don't delegate,either because they are too busy to do so, or they believe that someone else could not do it aswell as they can. Delegation, where appropriate, is a key skill to productivity. Ensure you arenot keeping tasks that would be better served by someone else.
学习啦在线学习网 5. Set Clear Expectations
5. 设定清晰的期望
Clear expectations are essential to efficient workflow. "Who is going to do that?" "When isit going to get done?" Have you ever found yourself working on something, only to find outthat someone else was also doing it? No one was clear about whose todo list it was on.
学习啦在线学习网 明确预期是有效的工作流程所必不可少的。“谁去做?” “什么时候完成?” 你有没有发现当自己在忙的时候,却发现别人也在做同样的事?没人清楚自己的代办事项清单中要做的事。
6. Defend Your Time
6. 捍卫你的时间
Do you defend your time? If not, people will steal it. Why is it acceptable to let peopletake our time? We wouldn't let them steal our money, yet time seems to be free game. Youneed to be ruthless in protecting your most valuable resource: your time. Ensure that youhave first priority on your time and do not let others unnecessarily waste it. (A good methodfor this is to"Block Your Time.")
It is difficult to perform at your best when you are under too much weight from your tasksand obligations. Keeping yourself from getting in an overloaded status is important. Be awareof what you are carrying. Make choices on what you take on.And take charge of your time andtasks.
学习啦在线学习网 当你背负太多来自你的工作和义务的重量,你很难全力以赴。让自己远离超负荷状态是重要的,留意你承载了什么。对你的担当之事要做出选择,管理好你的时间和工作。
学习啦在线学习网 如何与难处之人共事
In a perfect world, we'd love our job and all our colleagues. However, the truth is, peoplecome from all walks of life, and you may not get along with everyone. Here are some starter tipsto dealing with the various difficult co-workers you may encounter at your job:
Micromanager: It's always better to overreport than to underreport with a micromanager.Keeping her in the loop may be tiring, but it'll go a long way to assuage her concerns and needfor control. It may also deepen the trust between the two of you, which may lead her torelinquish some of her micromanaging ways. Before starting on a project, talk out the nitty-gritty details and what the extent of her involvement will be.
Disorganized procrastinator: Do you feel like every time you send her an email it getssucked into a black vortex, never to be seen again? Or maybe you've given up hope on aproject that's years overdue. If your colleague lacks structure, you need to give it to herwhen you work with her. Set deadlines and schedules in your interactions and try to help her beaccountable for her actions.
Ultimate competitor: Any interaction with the ultimate competitor feels like a race to thefinish line, but try not to get caught up in it. Do your best to divide work equally, and makesure you give credit where it's due or she might feel threatened. Set boundaries and don't lether attitude affect you. If you're worried about her taking credit for your ideas, keep recordsof them and try to keep them to yourself until you're able to share it with a larger audience.
Chatty chipmunk: It's great to get to know a co-worker better, but sometimes hearingabout her kids when you have work to do really isn't an ideal situation. If you don't want to berude, one idea is to get up and continue the conversation while walking to her desk, which shewill naturally sit down at. Then continue pleasantries for a bit, before making your goodbyes andheading back.
Debbie Downer: Every other word coming out of her mouth might be a complaint, butdon't let it get you down. The worst thing to do in this situation is to commiserate with herbecause that will only encourage more bad-mouthing. If showering her with positivity doesn'twork, try to change the topic when it comes up.
学习啦在线学习网 抱怨狂:几乎每句从她嘴里说出来的话都是抱怨,但不要为此令自己心情不好。在这种情况下最差的方式就是对她表示同情,那只会使她变本加厉地口吐不满。假如你不能用积极的情绪感染她,那就在每次她挑起话茬的时候都想办法换个话题吧。
Backstabber: If your colleague doesn't hesitate to throw you under the bus, try not togive her anything she can work with. Limit your interactions with her and be careful with youractions and words around her. Give neutral responses and do your best to distance yourself.Pick your battles, and don't react to everything she does if they are just minor hindrances andannoyances. When you are dealing with her, try to include others or have records of yourconversations by sticking to emails.
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