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  高速路上的交通堵塞 The Traffic Jams In the Highway

  According to Chinese holiday plan, on the seventh day of the New Year, people need to go to work, so on the sixth day, it means a lot of people will go back to the place they work. As Chinese economy develops so fast, more and more people own private cars, they like to drive home. What’s more, the highway is free in the certain time, which means there will be more people choose to drive their cars. The truth is that traffic jams happened, my sister witnessed it, she drove home yesterday, it took her almost a day to reach her working city. How terrible it is, she said she would never drove home on the holiday.

学习啦在线学习网   根据中国的节假日安排,在新年的第七天,人们需要上班,因此在第六天,这意味着很多人会返回到他们工作的地方。随着中国经济的快速发展,越来越多的人拥有私家车,人们喜欢开车回家。而且,在一定的时间内,高速路是免费的,这意味着会有更多的人选择开车回家。事实上,交通堵塞真的发生了,我的姐姐就目睹了这一切,她昨天开车回家,花费了几乎一天的时间才回到她上班的地方。真是恐怖啊,她说她在节假日再也不开车回家了。


学习啦在线学习网   过路费居高不下,中国高速公路仍亏损严重

学习啦在线学习网   China is losing more than billion a year from its expressways, state media reported onWednesday, despite levying hefty tolls on the world's largest highway network.China spent431 billion yuan ( billion) on building, maintaining and operating highways in 2013, but onlytook in 365 billion yuan from tolls, the China Daily reported, citing the Ministry of Transport.Foryears the building of roads, high-speed rail lines and other infrastructure projects helped Chinahit double-digit gross domestic product (GDP) growth.But with the economy slowing andauthorities working to fight graft, the government is increasing scrutiny on spending.Layingone kilometre of highway cost about 91 million yuan in 2013, an 80 percent increase from 2011,according to the Ministry of Transport's annual report.

学习啦在线学习网   国营媒体周三报道称,尽管对世界上最大规模的高速公路网络收取了高昂的过路费,中国每年在高速公路上仍亏损超过100亿美元。中国日报引用了交通运输部的数据称,中国在2013年花费了4310亿元(690亿美元)用于修建、保养及运营高速公路,而过路费仅收回3650亿元。多年来建造公路、高速铁路和其他基础设施项目帮助中国取得了两位数的GDP增长。然而在经济放缓、当局打击腐败之下,政府对开支监督越来越严格。据交通运输部的年度报告称,建造1公里高速公路的费用自2011年到2013年增加了80%,达到9100万元。

学习啦在线学习网   Under current regulations, local transport bureaux can collect tolls for 15 years to recoup thecost of building highways. But many have also applied for extensions for what they say aremaintenance costs, the China Daily reported.Experts said the move was really a loopholedesigned to fill local coffers rather than improve roads, and construction costs are ofteninflated in order to ensure continued toll collection, the newspaper said.China has the longesthighway network in the world with 156,500 kilometres (97,000 miles) of expressways,including more than 100,000 kilometres of toll roads.It began collecting highway tolls in 1984and nearly all roads built since hen have been funded by those fees, according to the Ministry ofTransport report.Many drivers bemoan the unubiquitous tolls fees, which can make drivingbetween two cities or taking road trips prohibitively expensive.

学习啦在线学习网   根据现行的规定,当地的交通局可以收费15年以偿还债务。不过据中国日报报道,经常会以维护费用的名义被延期。据中国日报报道,专家称这是一个漏洞,其实是用于本地的小金库而非改善公路,而建造费用常常被夸大以达到延期收费的目的。中国拥有世界上最大规模的高速公路网络,总里程达到156500公里(97000英里),其中收费公路超过100000公里。交通运输部报告称高速公路征收过路费始于1984年,从此以后几乎所有的高速公路建设都是这个模式。许多驾车人抱怨无所不在的高速通行费,使得两地之间的公路通行成本过于高昂。



  One helpful way is to think of the national information infrastructure as a network of highways,much like the INTERSTATES of the 1950s.


学习啦在线学习网   These are highways carrying information rather than people or goods.

学习啦在线学习网   只不过这种高速公路运载的是信息而不是人或货物。

  Some highways will be made of fiber optics,others of coaxial cables,others will be wireless.


  But this is a key point:they must and will be two-way highways.


  So that each person will be able to send information in video form as well as just words,as well as receiving information.


  These new information highways will be wider than today's technology permits.


  That's because of television program contains so many more bytes of information than a telephone conversation.

学习啦在线学习网   这是因为电视节目比电话通话所包含的信息字节多得多。

  And because new uses of video and voice and computers will consist of even more information moving at even faster speeds.


学习啦在线学习网   This new information market place based on these highways include four major components.

学习啦在线学习网   这种基于高速公路的新信息市场包括四个主要部分:

  First,the owners of the highways,because unlike the interstates,the information highways will be built,paid for and funded principally by the private sector.

学习啦在线学习网   首先是高速公路的拥有者,与州际高速公路不同的是,信息高速公路将主要由私人投资建设。

学习啦在线学习网   Second,the makers of information appliances,like telephones,televisions and computers,and the new products of the future that will combine aspects of all three.


  Third information providers;local broadcasters,digital libraries,information service providers and millions of individuals who will want to share or sell information.


  And most important,fourth,information customers,who will justly demand privacy?Afford ability and choice.


  At some time in the next two decades,we will think about the information market place in terms of these four components.

学习啦在线学习网   今后二十年的某个时候,我们将从四个方面去考虑信息市场。

  We will not talk about cable,or telephones,or cellular,or wireless,because there will be free and open competition between everyone who provides and delivers information.

学习啦在线学习网   我们不会讨论电缆,电话或蜂窝式电话或者无线电话,因为在任何信息提供和发送信息者之间的竞争是自由的,公开的。

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